Without any hesitation, Clay once again realized the absolute authority of this trident ring inlaid with blood-red gems in the White Sea Guards. It really only recognized the ring but not the person.

"Get up and go in and talk." Clay ordered. Although there was only the guard captain around, the school yard in the courtyard was not a good place for information exchange.

Standing up neatly, without saying a word, Anti River followed the strange commander he had never met before and entered the three-story attic filled with mermaid flags representing White Harbor.

He had long known that this was the Mandalay family's headquarters in the Twins City, so he wasn't too worried about his safety.

Walking straight to the deserted study, Clay sat down in his seat and winked at the guard captain who followed him. The latter nodded. After understanding what Master Clay meant, he bowed out of the room and closed the door. door.

Looking at Anti River, who was also very unfamiliar to Clay, Clay pointed to the chair in front of him and motioned for him to sit down and talk.

Clay summed up his first impression in one word: ordinary.

Yes, if he hadn't checked his identity, anyone who looked at him would have seen that Anti Hevin was just an ordinary merchant, wearing a shabby coat, his fingers were chapped, and his face was covered with weather. color.

There were serious wear marks on his two shoulders, which were the result of carrying heavy cargo for a long time. His skin was yellow and black, which had nothing to do with the white skin of a pampered aristocrat.

Clay admitted that this Anti River was a qualified member of the White Sea Guards. After all, the person who is least like a spy is a good spy, and it is obvious that Anti River, whose surname is the illegitimate son of the Riverlands, Wen, very well done.

"Want to drink? If you do, there isn't much good wine here, but there is plenty of ale to soothe your throat."

Anti Hewen was stunned at Clay's invitation, and then nodded. It was obvious that he was not a person who was good at expressing himself.

Clay selected a bottle of wine that seemed to be of good quality from the wine box. He flipped up two inverted glasses and skillfully opened the corks. The yellowish wine flowed along the mouth of the bottle and slowly filled the glasses. space inside.

After pouring the wine, Clay picked up a glass himself, and Anti River also stretched out his hand and gently pinched the long stem of the glass.

The opening session is over. Clay doesn't want to waste time here. It's not that he wants to drive Anti River away, but the longer he stays here, the greater the possibility of being targeted. This Twin River City is still There are many people watching him.

"You know who I am, so I won't stop talking nonsense. I believe that you have sorted out the information that Chief Hewen has given you, as well as other recent information, before you came here. Now, I need your report."

Anti River breathed a sigh of relief. Of course he knew who Clay was. What he was most worried about was that the young master of White Harbor was a flashy playboy. If he was talking around here or bossing around, that would be It was enough to give him a headache.

Now it seems that this Master Clay is an extremely neat and tidy person. He didn't say any nonsense to him and went straight to the topic. This is what he likes best. As spies, they hate these useless red tapes the most. .

He took out a small book that he had prepared a long time ago and placed it on the table. Clay looked over and saw the words on the cover telling him that this was a common book of the Seven Gods.

Without keeping his commander waiting, in front of Clay, Anti River opened the cover that contained a mystery and took out a neatly folded piece of paper.

"Sir Commander, these are the recent news from Twin River City and the information that Chief Hewen has passed on to you. I have summarized them here. Please take a look."

I am very satisfied with Anti Hewen's caution. Once this kind of important information is accidentally lost, the top priority is not to leak it as soon as possible, because if it cannot be retrieved, the members of the White Sea Guard will have enough time to evacuate the Twins City.

Unfolding the paper, Clay saw the first line:

"Eddard Stark's bastard son Jon Snow left Winterfell and went to the Wall with his uncle Benjen Stark and became a member of the Night's Watch."

Seeing this sentence, Clay knew that Jon had indeed persisted in his ideals and started his watch on the Great Wall of Despair made of ice and magic.

Then, Clay looked at the second line of text:

"Tyrion Lannister returned to Winterfell from the Great Wall. He has now gone south and is expected to pass through the Neck along the King's Road in the near future."

Clay had no idea about the little devil he had only met a few times and did not know each other, because Bran's fate was changed by him, so Caitlin did not encounter the assassination targeting Bran.

Because of this, she no longer had a reason to go south to King's Landing to tell her husband Eddard Stark the truth about the so-called Lannister assassination, let alone bump into Tyrion on the way back to the north.

And if Tyrion had not been captured, Duke Tywin would not have summoned his vassals to march to the Riverlands when there was no war in the Seven Kingdoms.

After struggling for a long time, apart from Bran's destiny being slightly changed by his own arrival, the one who benefited the most was actually Tyrion. This can really be regarded as a trick of fate.

After thinking about it, Clay moved his eyes to the third line, but when he saw this line of words, he subconsciously held his breath.

"It has been found that Hall Leeco does exist. He is a member of the Leeko family, a vassal noble of the royal family. He is the only son of Rufus Leeko. The former is the lord of the Leeko family. In addition, he is the lord of the Leeko family. It’s the Lake family from Mugu Town.”

The latter paragraph means little to Clay, but Hall Rico is still alive, which is beyond Clay's expectation, and Littlefinger did not attack him.

The brief information about Hall Li Ke was sorted out in the intelligence, and it was only found out that this person has a surly personality and is currently staying in the castle of his Li Ke family.

As for why he worked for Littlefinger, it was not mentioned in the intelligence. The White Sea Guards themselves did not know the news. Secondly, the White Sea Guards did not have enough strength in King's Landing, so it was normal that they could not find out.

But this news is enough. Since this Hall Leeko is still alive, Clay feels that when he goes south, he should meet him if he has the opportunity and send him the most sincere greetings of the Mandalay family.

It would be great if we could squeeze out some little clues about him, but that is actually dispensable. If Clay remembers correctly, when the head of the Lake family went on an expedition, the power of Mu Ancient Town was in his hands. The retainer was in the hands of the Li Ke family.

As the only son of Rufus Leeko, Clay felt that this former assassin, now the king's minor nobleman Hall Leeko, might be a useful card in his hand in the future. …

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