Game of Thrones Overlord Conquest

Chapter 23 History, Truth

The continent of Essos spans greatly from east to west. Its true area is unknown, and there are no maps that can depict the entire continent.

It is precisely because the continent is too large that the world uses the Skeleton Mountains on the east side of the Dothraki Sea as the boundary to divide the continent into Western Essos and Eastern Essos.

Among them, only Theossos is truly known to the world.

When talking about any history and culture of Theossos, the Valyrian Freehold can never be avoided.

It is the most advanced civilization currently known in the world, and its capital, Valyria, is the greatest city in the known world and the center of the civilized world.

The Freehold of Valyria is a slave city-state. Although it is sometimes called an empire for convenience, it is neither a kingdom nor an empire. Those who are born free and own land have a say in its governance.

In fact, the empire is ruled by forty dragon king families who are extremely wealthy, noble in birth, and have strong magical abilities and can control dragons.

Within the gleaming walls of the capital city of Valyria, forty rival families are engaged in an endless, vicious, cunning, bloody and cruel struggle for power and glory around the right to rule.

All glory must come to an end, and the rise and fall of great powers is a common and common historical phenomenon.

The empire of blood and fire ended in blood and fire.

The Doom of Valyria, a catastrophe with unknown causes.

In an instant, the proudest city in the world ceased to exist, and the dream empire it built collapsed.

The only group of dragon kings to successfully escape the apocalypse are the Targaryens.

Before the end of the world, they fled to the continent of Westeros on the other side of the Narrow Sea, where they lived for more than a century.

Until Aegon the Conqueror and his sisters rode dragons to conquer Westeros and started a dynasty that would rule for nearly three hundred years.

After the Doomsday, the empire collapsed, leaving a huge power vacuum, and its colonies and conquered lands gained independence.

Since then, the continent of West Essos has been experiencing social turmoil for nearly a century, falling into a melee of mutual attacks. History calls this period the Century of Bloodshed.

The nomadic tribes from the east, the Dothraki, invaded in large numbers and were invincible. The Kingdom of Salor and other countries, colonies, and city-states were conquered and destroyed one after another.

At this time, Volantis, the first colony established by the Valyrians, proclaimed itself the heir to the empire, determined to conquer the world and rebuild the Freehold Empire.

But before the conquest was even half over, this move immediately caused a huge backlash.

In the water battle of Dagger Lake, Novos and Qohor teamed up to defeat Volantis and destroy its power in the upper reaches of the Rhoyne River. Riots also broke out in the conquered areas to resist the rule.

The various forces took turns to intervene and entered the war forcefully, causing Volantis to return with a great defeat. This costly, long and failed military operation prompted an internal coup, and the great cause of conquest ended miserably.

All the way to the west, the Dothraki, who were invincible, also encountered the stubborn resistance of the Unsullied under the city of Qohor and suffered heavy losses.

With the defeat of Volantis and the first successful resistance of the Dothraki, the chaos of the bloody century gradually subsided, forming the current political situation in Theossos.

The mother of the Valyrian Empire left nine independent political systems in the Eastern Continent, namely the nine free city-states, eight of which are descendants of Valyrian colonists.

Unlike the other Free Cities, Braavos has never been part of the Valyrian Freehold.

It was a city-state founded by refugees escaping Valyrian enslavement when the Valyrian Empire still existed.

About eight hundred years ago, the rowing slaves in a Valyrian fleet launched an uprising. After they seized the fleet, they were unable to resist the rule of the empire, so they could only stay away from the influence of the Valyrian people and cross the narrow sea to the north. Fleeing, he finally came to the northwest corner of the Essos continent, an archipelago and saltwater lagoon that is often hidden by thick fog.

For a century after Braavos was founded, its existence was unknown until the owners of the runaway slaves were dead, and they sent ships to invite all nations to Braavos to celebrate the 111th anniversary of its founding.

At the same time, the city-state bank Iron Bank, as a representative, launched diplomacy with the Valyrian Free Fortress and offered huge compensation to the empire to cover the losses caused by taking away the fleet that year.

But Braavos refused to pay the price their ancestors were worth as slaves, and the city's builders paid with their lives for freedom, swearing that no one in Braavos would ever become a slave.

Opposing all forms of slavery is the first iron law of Braavos. For this reason, they have launched many wars with slave city-states and their allies.

It was these wars that created an invincible fleet that guarded their world-famous purple fleet. Eventually, Braavos became the mysterious, powerful and richest free city-state, and the wealth and influence of the Iron Bank were known to the world.

Late at night, under the firelight, the lake dock in the inner city of Kohol looks like daytime.

Dothraki cavalry and the Unsullied surrounded the place, because the merchant ships docked at the dock were full of the wealth of Qohor's high nobles.

"Dear Khal, please forgive me, you absolutely cannot accept the allegiance of the person in front of you. That is Braavos, the city of secrets, the illegitimate daughter of Valyria, the most special of the nine free trade city-states. The most powerful city-state."

The secret hidden behind the "truth" triggered a violent reaction from the clerk Ofer, who kept casting angry glances at Aslan.

Mungo turned a deaf ear to him, remained silent, and studied the Valyrian steel sword in his hand expressionlessly.

Any Valyrian steel weapon is hard to come by, and they almost all have their own names or legendary stories.

And the heirloom that Aslan presented to him, one of them is a Valyrian steel sword.


Its name is "The Truth".

Its story is not only the legend of a person, or the biography of a sword.

Behind the "truth" lies the historical rise and fall of a thousand-year-old family.

After a moment of silence, Mungo finally spoke.

"It's a really good sword, but it's too light and not suitable for me."

He waved the Valyrian steel sword in his hand and commented loudly.

The deafening voice resounded throughout the lake,

and constantly shocked and destroyed Aslan's confidence. Mungo had a faint smile on his face, and he silently observed the handsome and mature boy's face exposed loneliness, and the complex expression that changed repeatedly.

The lakeside fell into a silent silence.

After a long time, a vicissitudes of life and gentle voice suddenly came from the darkness.

"Great Mungo Khal, Bas Porter salutes you, and I am willing to offer my loyalty to you together with Aslan."

Hearing the blood wizard introduce himself, Mungo was slightly stunned. He did not expect that the person who had been hiding in the dark forest by the lake was Bas Porter.

In fact, in the entire city of Qohor, this person was the only one that made him most curious and expected to see. Before entering the city, he gave two orders to the loyal Kosoro, giving priority to protecting the craftsmen and books in the city and looking for the blood wizard Bas Porter.

Since they came to the lakeside dock and seized the merchant ship under the guidance of Aslan, this person had been hiding there, but he could not escape Mungo's extraordinary vision.

When Aslan presented the treasure ship and Valyrian steel weapons, the blood wizard also looked at Mungo intently. This scrutiny from behind once made him think that this person was an assassin.

As the officer Ofer stood up and strongly opposed Aslan's loyalty, this man's eyes kept lingering on Aslan, revealing his deep concern and regret. It was full of the deep affection between father and son, master and apprentice.

Monggo was also very curious about this person's identity because of his respect for Aslan. He just tentatively sprinkled the bait, but he didn't expect to catch a big fish.

This chapter sorts out the history, and there is another update.

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