Game of Thrones Overlord Conquest

Chapter 26 The long summer is about to pass

The scorching sun was like fire, scorching the skin. It looked like clouds but not clouds. The mist-like air floated low in the air. The river meandered forward like a stream of molten tin.

During this trip, Meng Ge did not lead his tribe back east through the Kohol Forest, but went south along the east bank of the flowing Rhoyne River.

Horses and sheep are the main meat of the Dothraki people, but these foods cannot meet the needs of the tribe for long-distance migration.

The Dothraki also used mare's milk and cheese as food. These two foods, together with plunder and capture, were enough to meet the nutritional needs of the tribe for long distances.

But relying solely on livestock output is naturally not enough to solve all problems, especially the large number of horses, sheep and other livestock, which require a huge amount of fodder and fresh water.

Therefore, tribal marches and migrations must rely on abundant pastures and water sources to support them. The migration and plundering routes of the Dothraki are surprisingly overlapping.

Starting from Dagger Lake, moving southward along the east bank of the Lorne River, and then turning eastward into the source of the Sehoru River, this was the route that the Dothraki often took for plundering.

After all, after crossing the Sehoru River, there are many towns and cities on both sides of the river, and further forward is the free city-state of Volantis.

Along this route, Mengge's tribe might encounter other tribes. Of course, this is what he hopes to encounter.

"As expected, we drove slowly along the way and were able to cheer for Aslan who stayed in the city of Qohor. He is now elected as the governor of Qohor.

In the highlands far away from the source of the Saihoru River, in the tribal camp, Mengge waved his Valyrian steel scimitar, and there were three large boxes of gold jewelry beside him.

Before the Dothraki left, they planted a forest of spears for the Qohor people, which frightened the surviving residents of the city.

They gave Aslan the famous title of "Savior of Qohor" and elected him as the first governor-general of Qohor City regardless of the cost. He was responsible for forming a governor's council with the participation of businessmen and property owners.

I hope that this hero, who once negotiated directly with the Dothraki tribe Khal and saved Qohor, can find a way to return the Dothraki east to the grassland as soon as possible.

Even if they plunder other city-states, there is no problem. As long as they can stay as far away from Qohor as possible, they can no longer afford to be frightened again.

As a result, an envoy sent by Aslan, the governor of Qohor, caught up with Mongo's tribe again, and sincerely presented Kaa with a Valyrian steel scimitar and three large boxes of treasure.

Meng Ge also cooperated appropriately with the performance, revealing some of the route to the envoy from Kohor, and the envoy left with satisfaction.

He was very satisfied with the Valyrian steel scimitar in his hand. This sword was based on the scimitar presented by Aslan and was forged from two other Valyrian steel weapons found in the inner city of Qohor. Cast.

The total length is 5.2 feet, and the weight and length are very consistent with Meng Ge's body shape. The texture of the keel handle is enlarged, making the grip more solid and stable. The blade is dark with a faint light, and there are ripples on it like black waves.

Bass Potter looked at Kaa's happy expression and couldn't help but take out the parchment and pen and ink, and spoke:

"Dear Kaa, you can now name the new sword. Although the original body of this scimitar has no name, it also has a legendary story with its previous owner.

Mengge knew nothing about naming. He was deep in thought and could only recall the year and model. He was exhausted and lacked words. Finally, he decided to listen to the legendary story of the original body and the previous owner.

Seeing that Kaa failed to give a resounding and glorious name, Bass Potter regretfully put down his pen and ink and silently narrated:

"The previous owner of this Valyrian steel scimitar was named Shadow Singleton. This man had his lips and tongue cut off and was unable to speak. He was black-skinned and black-haired. He was nearly seven feet tall. His face was covered with crisscrossing scars. He often had scars on his face. Wearing a black silk scarf and unable to read or write, he could play melancholy music using a unique string instrument. Legend has it that he won a hundred duels to the death in the Meereen Arena, tearing out his opponent's throat with his bare hands and sipping from it. Use the blood of the enemy to kill lions, bears, long-winged dragons and other beasts with the help of stones found in the sand.”

Bass Potter felt that this story might be too legendary, so he paused for a moment before continuing:

"No matter how powerful Shadow Dandorker is, it can't change the fact that he is a slave. Lysandro Rogar, the governor of Lys, bought him. When Prince Viserys returned from Lys with his wife, Lady Lara Rogar, When in Westeros, Dandorker went with him as a bodyguard. It was a gift from the lady's father, the great Lissandra Rogar. After the fall of the Rogar family, Aegon III and his younger brother Prince Viserys came to protect Rath. Ra Rogar hid in Maegor's Tower in the Red Keep. Amory Peake of the Kingsguard tried to force his way in. Shan Doke held the Nightwood Steel Shield and the Valyrian Scimitar to guard the tower drawbridge and killed the Royal Guardsman. Four people, including Sir Amory Lin, guarded the tower for eighteen days."

The Kingsguard is an elite guard created by Aegon the Conqueror of the Targaryen family to protect the king. It consists of seven of the most famous and powerful knights in the world.

People are also usually poetic and legendary, calling them "white knights" or "white-robed knights". They swear to serve for life until death, without fiefdom, wives, or children, and are only loyal to the monarch.

Of course, for the king, loyalty is more important than martial arts, but it is enough to prove the strength and virtue of Shadow Danduo Ke.

Mengge still failed to gain any inspiration from this story, but he was more interested in a question that suddenly came to his mind, so he asked:

"Maester, according to the Aegon calendar of Westeros, what year is it now?"

The Aegonian calendar is the calendar used by the maesters and nobles of Westeros. The year when history is recorded is based on the year Aegon Targaryen completed his coronation after the conquest. All events are recorded as BC (before the conquest). and AC (after the Conquest).

Although Bath Potter has been in Essos for nearly twenty years, he has always paid attention to Westeros on the other side of the Narrow Sea. He writes diaries in Common Language and Aegon's Calendar, and then he writes without thinking. He replied calmly:

"In 297 AC, perhaps people will experience the longest summer in memory."

The planet where this world is located may have a tilt of its axis of rotation, and its seasonal changes and climate are very unique.

To put it simply, although there are seasonal changes here, the length and frequency of the seasons are full of unknowns and unpredictability. A season can often last for many years. Some people think that this phenomenon may be closely related to magic.

Seasonal changes have a huge impact on the continent of Westeros and are closely related to people's lives.

The change of seasons has nothing to do with the dating method. The length of the year is not calculated based on the four seasons, but depends on the stars.

An important mission of the maesters in the city is to observe the astronomical phenomena, measure the length of each day, and then uniformly release information on seasonal changes to all of Westeros.

The days are longer in summer, and the summer that lasts for many years is called long summer. The weather will become hotter and hotter. At the end of long summer, there will be a phenomenon called weird summer, after which severe cold will come.

The dark nights in winter are longer, and if it continues, there may be the legendary terrible long night. One night can last for many years of winter, with endless darkness, famine and fear.

Since the continent of Essos does not have an ice cap connected to the land of eternal winter, it is located further south and is relatively less affected by the cold winter than Westeros.

"Maester, get ready, the long summer is coming to an end."

In 297 AC, according to Meng Ge's memory, Chang Xia is about to leave, and the world will undergo earth-shaking changes.

The author has a job, and writing the book is just a part-time job. He has been working overtime this week, and will take some time off next week. Moreover, this is the author's first time writing a book, and the coding speed is relatively slow. If he works overtime, he will guarantee one update, and if he does not work overtime, he will guarantee two updates. , I feel that my writing speed has become a little faster recently, and I will try my best to update twice every day.

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