Mongo quickly got on his horse and looked back to the south. The mouth of the Rhoyne River was shrouded in darkness. He could only vaguely distinguish the vague figure of Volantis through very weak light.

At this moment, when he looked carefully, he suddenly discovered that there were thousands of troops and horses attached to the city wall, climbing and fighting.

Those figures were as dark as the night, as sharp and cold as scimitars, but wilder than the flaming horses. They exuded the breath of death. They were not afraid of death, but they were almost killed by arrows, stones and bullets in the city.

"The Dothraki do not have the strength to capture Volantis. The city wall is really the greatest shaping of human civilization." Mongo murmured calmly: "But I will come back, and I will bring Volantis To create the weapon of fear, in order to break through the black wall, in addition to the terrifying human heart, a terrifying dragon is also needed.”


The anxious shouts fell, and Corsolo came running from the darkness. He just had an uneasy feeling, as if his fate was under the observation and control of the gods, palpitating and unable to breathe smoothly.

In his eyes, Kaa was riding on horseback. He stood there without moving for a while, like a lion about to bite people, and suddenly he seemed like a patient wolf king waiting there, waiting. Prey comes.

"Okay, I'm fine."

Although Corsolo's face was expressionless, his eyes showed concern. Mengge could guess what was going on in his mind. He waved his hand to indicate that he was okay, then lightly kicked the horse's belly with his heel and sped off slightly.

Under the rows of torches, the Dothraki roaring warriors walked slowly. When they saw Mongo galloping past, they made an extremely deafening noise, cheering and shouting Kaa's name.

The warriors' energetic looks, respectful and fanatical eyes, and puffed-up chests clearly showed that they had received a good rest. They followed the ancient traditions of the race and their unyielding spirit. They were willing to follow the brave Kaa to fight, even if there was no chance of winning. In the midst of darkness and danger, they were willing to follow Kaa through life and death.

After a routine inspection of the marching troops, Mengge returned to Corsolo on his war horse. He was anxious to give him one more instruction.

Even though the Dothraki's victory in Qohor seemed very brilliant, compared with the current crisis, it was reduced to an ordinary war process.

Mengge's serious eyes were fixed on Corsolo:

"This battle is not the same as what you have encountered before. Give up all the ancient traditions of the Dothraki. There is no need to exhaust your strength to fight with the enemy's large forces. You only need to stay after I cross the river. The trail will lead the enemy to the east. The destination is still the mountain valley as planned. If this is not possible, try to harass the enemy and do not let them cross the river. If the enemy returns the same way, just try to delay it. "

Corsolo sat up straight, grasped the handle of the knife at his waist, and listened silently and intently to Mengge's instructions. He nodded vigorously, as if to remind himself to remember everything he heard. Most of the time, he was heavy His eyes stayed on the ground, and occasionally he would look to the eastern sky, as if thinking about the future battle scenes he saw there.

As the language of the instructions became more complicated, time slowly passed, and the army gradually marched to the bank of the Valanna River in the north.

Mengge found that Corsolo's hand was holding the handle of the knife tightly, and his body was still shaking slightly. The joints of his hand looked pale and strained.

When he looked at the other person carefully again, he was surprised to find that Corsolo, who had always been calm and calm, was actually worried, even afraid, and the hot and humid air became particularly stagnant and heavy at this moment.

"Corsolo." Mengge roared, with glare flashing in his eyes: "Are you afraid? Is it the stupidest thing for me to give these people to your command? Put away your weakness, the enemy will never I'll give you some sympathy."

Corsolo was trembling all over, and his heart was trembling and struggling in confusion, worried that he would not be able to control his responsibility and the situation of the war.

Meng Ge had never felt such despair. If Corsoro did not have the confidence to contain the enemy's army, it would be enough to plunge this war into an irreversible situation. He lowered his head, disappointment showing on his resolute face.

"Korsolo, your heart is very determined, and your perseverance far exceeds that of other Dothraki. Now the time has come. What makes you so cowardly?"

Kaa's disappointment was far more unacceptable than his anger. Finally, Corsolo said uneasily:

"Kaa, I can dedicate everything to you, and I should not oppose your orders. However, there are many enemies. They may turn around and send people to entangle us. Then a bad battle will happen, and the enemies will approach your rear. You will face a huge crisis.”

Mengge sighed helplessly, rode his war horse close to Corsolo, leaned over and patted the opponent on the shoulder:

"War is inherently a gamble full of risks. As you just said, this is only a possibility. Of course, everything is possible. You can't think too little, but you can't worry too much. Fighting opportunities are fleeting. We can't attack until we're fully prepared, or even have the chance."

The bells of Volantis in the south rang again, and the deep muffled sound of peace and tranquility seemed particularly ironic in this endless darkness.

Meng Ge stopped his horse and listened carefully to the sound of the river running on the plain in the distance. His eyes stared at the white fish belly gradually appearing in the east, and he said firmly:

"Corsolo, mortals can only make the right choice at the time. We are warriors on horseback, and we must dare to take risks when necessary. I will not give up this opportunity easily. The key to victory lies in whether you have the courage to execute my plan. will.”

Hearing Kaa's words, Kosolo recovered from his fear. He raised his head and said:

"Kaa, I will never go against your will. The only thing I can be sure of today is that even if there is a glimmer of hope, I will try my best to lead the enemy to the east. Even if I risk losing everything, there will be nothing." The enemy army can cross the Varanna River, unless we are completely defeated and no one survives..."

Before Corsolo could finish his promise, he was interrupted by Mengge holding his shoulder:

"Even if the enemy pays double the number of casualties as ours, it is not worth it. The enemy can bear 20,000 casualties, but the sacrifice of 10,000 people is a heavy loss for us."

As the time approached morning, the light became brighter and brighter, and the long flames turned into rough black waves.

Mengge stared into Corsolo's eyes, lowered his voice, and continued sonorously:

"As long as you lead the troops to the south bank of the Valanna River, the enemy will not be able to cross the river with all their strength, nor can they return smoothly on the original route. Kosolo, don't despise your own life. Apart from this war, I have other reasons to need you. ”

As soon as he finished speaking, the horn sound of stopping the march came from the front of the team. In the morning, which was still shrouded in gloom, and before dawn, it kept echoing in the wilderness.

The Varanna River has arrived.

From now on, I will never drive home again during holidays, especially when I drive alone. The six-hour journey ended up taking more than ten hours.

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