Game of Thrones Overlord Conquest

Chapter 67 The Three Forks of the Lorne River

The next day, which was the second day after Meng Ge saw Ofer's messenger asking for help, they returned to the source of the Valanna River and began to move west along the north bank of the river. They moved forward openly, but still very cautiously.

Scouts on horseback will first explore the situation ahead. The intact warriors are evenly scattered on both sides, especially the northern flank, because that direction is the town of Sehoru in Volantis.

Of course, Mengge would not just sit back and watch the defeat of his men trapped in the ruins of Sa Mel, but no one knew what they would encounter before they reached their target. He could not blindly step into the enemy's trap with the 20,000 cavalry behind him.

His mood at this time was just like the current weather, very bad.

The wind was still raging, heavy rains were falling in a line, rain pillars were flying all over the sky, the dark sky seemed to collapse, and the Varanna River was also swollen.

In any case, as they marched in this windy and rainy mud, the morale of the entire army was gradually declining. As their bodies became more and more clammy, the situation became more and more serious.

Meng Ge had no choice but to order to rest on the spot. There was no tent to protect him from the wind and rain, and no dry fuel to build a bonfire. The soldiers drove the horses together, hid under the horses' bellies and hugged each other for warmth, chewing hard as hard as iron stone dried meat to recover. physical strength.

It was almost dawn the next day after leaving the Varanna River, when they encountered the enemy for the first time, a rather weak force composed of free knights and slave sailors.

In fact, these so-called free knights are mercenary swordsmen equipped with horses. Most of them serve as scouts or light cavalry in mercenary groups. They are a group of degenerate outlaws.

These people arduously paddled two rowing boats up the river, hoping to explore an unexpectedly discovered war remnant, and that place happened to be where Mongo attacked Bono's troops.

As soon as they docked, their whereabouts were discovered by Mongo's scouts. A group of Dothraki cavalry bypassed the mound and attacked from the enemy's flank. In order to survive, this weak army scrambled to escape. Back to the paddle boat.

Therefore, this exploration operation, which was very difficult in itself and which no one wanted to participate in, ended up being a farce. Some of the enemies were eliminated, and the rest surrendered. Even the two rowing boats and the slave sailors were captured together. , Unfortunately, this brief victory could not boost the morale of the entire army.

Mongo did not order the cavalry to massacre the captives and sacrifice the banner. Malachor Meguia, the governor of the Volantis Tiger Party, stationed his army in the town of Velonthes on the west bank of the Rhoyne River. If the enemy did not attack or retreat in time, many people would be killed. The Slak didn't have a warship to cross the river, which would make him feel helpless that he couldn't see or hit.

Now that he has these two rowing boats and slave sailors, although he doesn't know where they will be used in the future, at least he will no longer be unable to fight back. At the right time, he will give the enemy a heavy blow.

This arduous march continued. On the third day after leaving the source of the Valanna River, and the fourth day after setting off from the battlefield of Sleeping Land, they finally stepped on the muddy land and arrived at the Valanna River and the Lorne River. At the intersection of , several days of storms caused some of the troops to become ill and unable to even ride their horses.

Mengge looked at them. At this time, there was only guilt in his eyes, no anger. These people were brave Dothraki warriors. They should have followed him back to their hometown to enjoy the glory and wealth after victory. Now, But they must face this dangerous weather and fight to the death with the Volantis.

After a long time, the scattered mounted scouts slowly ran back. They surrounded Mengge and reported on the situation they had discovered.

"Kaa, the Valyrian road from Volantis to the ruins of Sar Mel is smooth and the road is in very good condition. The long bridge across the Valanna River has not been flooded by the river. There is no one there. Guard, it may be that the storm is too strong, and even the enemy fleet is not patrolling around. "

"Kaa, I saw that all the rowing warships were completely docked at the port of Velonthes Town and the ruins of Sa Mel. They should not be besieged by the enemy at this time."

A rowing warship is a type of warship that is larger and has a higher tonnage than a rowing ship. They are often equipped with siege weapons such as ballistae and trebuchets. If the enemy besieges Samer, these cannot be ignored. Serving as an aid, it just docked at the port as a display.

Could it be because of the storm? Meng Ge was very confused.

What confused him even more was why the Volantis didn't destroy or heavily guard the long bridge. It was like a sheep opening its fold, defenseless waiting to be devoured by wolves.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but think of the figures of the Free Knights. Volantis had hired more mercenary groups with sufficient strength. They had set up traps and were ready. They were still preparing to cross over like him. hit.

Mongo did not act rashly. He ordered the troops to gather and camp, avoiding the wind and rain as much as possible, and sent more scouts to investigate in the direction of Sar Mel and Volantis.

Bachelor Bas Potter once said that Malachor Meguia was worthy of the name of a tiger, and when the opponent took action, it was just a simple garrison, which hit his weak point. This sophisticated ability made him very alert, and he firmly believed that This tiger party governor is more difficult to deal with than the enemies encountered before.

Time passed slowly, and the scouts who went away to investigate never returned. However, the strong wind, which was peeping, galloping, and howling like a vicious wolf, stopped silently, and the heavy rain became smaller and smaller, and gradually disappeared. The air seemed to condense, and although the sky remained gray, the temperature rose.

Soon, the air began to flow again, but this time the wind came from the north, bringing a dry breath. The darkness of the sky seemed to be being cleaned by the breeze, slowly becoming clear and translucent, the wind and clouds changed, and dawn came.

The sound of horse hooves trampling on the mud sounded. Mengge mounted his horse and looked south. He witnessed every move of the scouting cavalry. They brought back a familiar Volantis man with a tall body and a dark face. It was Ma Qiluo, the red-robed monk, who went up.

Things are much better today. I went to work during the day and got home at six o'clock. I have been typing, but don't wait for me. I haven't eaten yet, so the delivery will be late.

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