On a black velvet night, the moon glowed dimly and eerily in the misty clouds.

Malachor Meguya, the leader of the Tiger Party, was walking alone in the silent camp. He looked at the blue and white cross-tailed flags fluttering in the wind and felt quite upset for no reason.

He looked back towards the distant direction of Volantis, where everything melted into the black horizon. That was the hometown he protected, the place where all comfort and peace of mind were.

The Golden Company may just arrive in time at the next sunset. After the two parties sign the contract, he can lead his troops back to Volantis to eliminate the rebellion and participate in the consul election with peace of mind.

Thinking of this, Malachor shook his head. Since the defeat of the Tiger Party in the Bloody Century, the successors have become worse than the previous ones. The young people are as quiet and well-behaved as toothless tigers, and they don't even dare to participate in all his secret plans. .

The breeze blew through the cracks in the camp, and the night was getting colder. Malachor shuddered and walked quickly towards the commander's tent.

At this time, all he could think about was the scene after Volantis rose again, and he once again believed that he was leading it on the right path, even though this road was very difficult and rugged.

In the camp, Malachor lay quietly on the bed, fell asleep, and dreamed of a terrible scene that he had never seen in his life, or even imagined: he was trapped in the towering clouds, with a bottomless abyss of darkness beneath his feet, surrounded by It was late at night, and when he peeked into the night, what he saw was that the legendary Archon Belicio died tragically at the hands of a giant and was eaten by the giant.

As soon as he dreamed of this, Malachor woke up immediately, and his whole body became soaked. In a trance, he seemed to be able to hear the triumphant and terrifying laughter of the giant in the dark. He huddled in the blanket in shock, worrying whether this dream would be a nightmare. will come true.

The campfire glowed red in the quiet night, illuminating a small area with deep darkness in the distance.

"How many soldiers are here, and in which camp is Malachor hiding?"

Mongo pulled the rope around the mercenary's neck, made him kneel in front of him, and asked in Valyrian, which he was not very proficient in.

This slant-eyed mercenary from Myr, named Lendou Bazi, was the commander of the group of Windblown mercenaries he encountered on the road. He was good at using crossbows. In the entire battle, he was the only one who left a trail for him. Scar is also his only prisoner.

"The Wind Blowing Regiment has two thousand cavalry and infantry, and the slave soldiers of Volantis are all stationed in the town of Velonthes. The consul lives in the largest commander's camp." After explaining everything, Bazi said miserably to Meng Ge begged: "I am willing to obey your orders, please forgive me!"

"Forgive you, I think you must be up to something! You must be hiding important secrets from me!" Meng Ge turned behind the mercenary and raised the scimitar in his hands. ׺°”˜˜`”°º×

"No, no, I have told you all the information I know, the Tattered Prince, Meris, Frog..." Buzzi was lying on the ground, counting the various characters in the Fengchui Group one by one, begging for the last chance to survive.

"Well, I understand. You are a bandit, an oathbreaker, and a murderer. I personally witnessed you robbing and killing thirteen traveling merchants and farmers. Now, I sentence you to death."

Meng Ge confirmed that the information was accurate and did not listen to the mercenary's meaningless excuses. He chopped off the opponent's head with a knife.

Next, he tied his horse in the woods, picked up a bag of weapons and walked straight towards the camp.

In the dark night, it seemed as if endless thick ink was heavily smeared on the sky.

Just as Bazi said, due to the dim stars and moon tonight, more soldiers from the Fengchui Regiment were patrolling the night. They lined up in two rows and walked back and forth in the camp with neat steps.

Taking advantage of the darkness, Meng Ge sneaked in quietly. The firelight flashed, and the two daggers emitted a faint light. They pierced the throats of the two sentries from behind. They trembled and fell helplessly.

However, there would be sentries on guard in the gaps between every two tents. The soldiers in the nearby tents soon discovered Meng Ge's unconcealable figure. They screamed and ran away in the cold light of the dagger.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!" A shrill voice echoed in the camp.

"I really don't have the talent of a snitch."

Meng Ge thought to himself that he threw away the dagger in his hand, pulled out the scimitar tied to his back, and ran as far as possible to the commander's camp before the enemy figured out what was going on.

He grabbed whatever was burning and threw it at the canvas tent, setting fires all over the road, sending thick plumes of smoke into the night sky.

The mercenaries also poured out of the tents with weapons in hand, and the whole camp began to commotion. They stumbled over each other and staggered on the ground. The scene was like putting thousands of horses on a fire.

"Fight the fire, go put out the fire!"

"Hurry up, hurry up! Where is the enemy?"

In panic, when the mercenaries discovered that there was only one enemy, they quickly became sober. They yelled and scolded in hoarse voices like ironstone, mocked and let out horrifying laughter, and quickly formed an attack in tacit understanding. The front line rushed straight towards Meng Ge.

Soon, the mercenaries at the front swung their swords, but were surprised to find that their swords could not cut through the enemy's skin. The opponent was as indestructible as a warrior covered in steel armor.

The scimitar emitted a cold light in the darkness. They had no choice but to abandon their weapons in panic and tried their best to bypass the blade. They only had time to scream in agony before they died.

Meng Ge ran rampant in the melee, the color of blood blurred in front of his eyes. As long as he swung his knife, several people immediately died on the ground.

The mercenaries who followed behind and surrounded them noticed something unusual. They heard the sound of iron objects hitting each other and saw the tragic scene of people falling down in front of them.

All the mercenaries gritted their teeth, banged their shields, and stepped on the ground uniformly, forming a tight formation and slowly advancing forward.

"Crossbowmen prepare." A mercenary with flaxen white hair in the team shouted: "The others will stab his eyes when he gets close."

As soon as Meng Ge heard the cry, he immediately roared violently, knocked away the enemies still surrounding him, and rushed towards the white-haired mercenary.

He knew in his heart that the crossbow posed a great threat to him, and now only crowded places could guarantee safety, and the entire camp must be thrown into chaos as soon as possible.

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