The cold sea breeze roared in with a fishy smell, lifting everyone's hanging clothes, and deafening thunder and dazzling lightning flashed by from time to time in the heavy night.

Harry Strickland didn't seem to care about the sudden situation at all. He laughed and walked forward and shouted:

"Illyrio, old friend, we rushed here as soon as we received your letter."

No one else in the Golden Company looked happy, except for the intelligence officer Lansono Marr, who had known Illyrio for a long time, and his expression did not change at all.

He knew that the governor named Odro would probably die soon and would most likely be murdered at a banquet, and the secret employment contract between the Golden Company and Pentos would also be signed as usual.

At this time, Illyrio also walked out of the main gatehouse. He was smiling broadly, and his hands were placed on his abdomen along the smooth cloth pattern. Behind him were some young waiters, most of whom were holding lanterns in their hands, exuding The faint light that came out illuminated everyone.

"As expected, you have arrived as expected. A grand banquet to welcome the arrival of the Golden Group will be held soon. The king has ordered that gold silk embroidered with pearls be hung in his palace, and that gold silk from Qingting Island should be prepared. of golden wine, let us go in and prepare for the king’s banquet!”

Hearing the governor's proposal, everyone in the Golden Company showed expressions of surprise. At the same time, they couldn't help but feel a little ashamed because they laughed at Viserys' request for help in restoring the country at the last banquet, but the king had nothing before.

Now the situation is quietly changing, his sister is about to marry the Horse King, a hundred thousand Dothraki Roaring Warriors will join their side, and all the hopes of the Golden Company are pinned on that fool king.

Next, under the leadership of the governor himself, they passed through the main gatehouse without any hindrance and walked into the gorgeously decorated mansion. The respectful waiters came forward and led everyone to take a bath.

After a long time, as the smoke in the room burned out, Harry Strickland woke up. He found that he no longer felt tired or sleepy, but felt hungry and needed a lot of food and wine to replenish his strength.

He got out of bed, stretched his whole body, found a piece of luxurious clothes that fit very well, and immediately changed into it.

Harry walked to the mirror and found a mercenary who was much more energetic than before looking at him: he looked like the young warrior who had looked up to black fire and cold iron before, but his eyes looked firm and calm.

"Yes, you are much better than me before." He said to his reflection in the mirror: "Now it's time to have fun!"

Harry opened his arms, played a ridiculous tune, and walked out of the room.

He refused the waiter's help and walked alone through several long corridors and over many stairs until he came to the flowery garden in the backyard. He saw other members of the Golden Group chatting on the east-facing corridor.

The sound of strong wind and lightning was very noisy, but it could not disturb the house. The gurgling water seemed extremely peaceful. The night air was filled with the fragrance of trees and flowers, as if Illyrio's garden was still in the beautiful time of midsummer night.

At this time, Viserys walked out from behind the porch. He was dressed like a real king. The material of his clothes looked very noble. His frost-white collar was dotted with a gem. His long silver-white hair was just as long as his shoulders. He There was a ribbon hanging on his body, with a single three-headed fire-breathing dragon emblem in red on a black background. He looked at the eyes of the people in the Golden Group with lustful light.

"Long live Targaryen!" Tristan Rivers jumped out, knelt down and bowed exaggeratedly, and shouted loudly: "This is our noble king. Quickly salute the great Viserys III, the King of the Seven Kingdoms. king!"

"Praise the King!" Harry Strickland stood in the middle of the corridor and said respectfully.

The leader's outstanding performance in the negotiations between the Rhoyne River and the Horse King, and the generous reward after looting the town of Velonthes, convinced other senior officials to a certain extent.

Everyone present followed him and bowed deeply, and at the same time shouted in unison:

"Long live the King! Long live the Targaryens!"

When Viserys heard these praises, he immediately stood there as if struck by lightning, and his whole body felt as beautiful as sitting on the Iron Throne. It seemed that there was no more intoxicating sound in this world and in this life.

After a long period of time, he woke up, walked forward, and according to the king's etiquette, he aroused Tristan, and then shouted angrily to the maid beside him:

"You stupid little bitch, hurry up and prepare the banquet. The king and his loyal ministers are very hungry."

Seeing the maids bowing and retreating in fear, Viserys said to the Golden Company with satisfaction:

"You are all knights. Although you don't have a fiefdom, it doesn't matter. When I take back the Iron Throne, everyone will be richly rewarded."

"Seven gods above, the old woman will guide you here. You can all get to know me."

So everyone in the Golden Company came forward one by one and told their names, nicknames, and positions. Members of the exiled nobles from Westeros also reported their family coat of arms, mottos, names of fiefdoms, and their family history. Those Proof of Targaryen loyalty.

"Our king is indeed wise and brave, and the knights of the Golden Company are all great warriors, but everyone also needs to eat and rest. I am here to bring you joy."

Illyrio appeared at the right time, interrupting the recognition meeting of his hometown people. He pointed at the blond girls following behind him and spoke softly and pleasantly.

These girls were trained and sold here to please the king. Although Pentos did not allow slavery, it did not prevent some wealthy merchants from owning slaves. They were called "free slaves" and were legally free people. Of course, as long as they did not owe their masters debts, they had the right to refuse service. However, their labor income was often lower than what they needed for food and clothing, and they still lived under the eaves of their masters, so their debts grew day by day, and there was no place for them to turn over. They were no different from slaves except that they were not called slaves. Some of the girls were not yet adults, and some were slightly older. They all wore light yellow and pink flower crowns on their heads. They wore transparent silk long skirts and held large bunches of flowers in their hands, which were obviously just picked in the garden. With Illyrio's instructions, the corridor was immediately filled with fragrance. In an instant, everyone became lively and lively, with a happy expression on their faces, as if they were intoxicated by the beautiful night. Behind the girls, there was a group of waiters. Some of them were singers, most of them holding musical instruments in their hands, and some were holding exquisite wine jugs and food, serving guests with light music and delicious food. Captain Harry glanced meaningfully at the smiling Governor, walked quickly to Tristan Rivers and sat down, enjoying the girls' warm hospitality.

"Aislin! Aislin! Stand on the bench and sing a song you sang in Lys to make everyone happy."

The waiters heard Illyrio's words and brought a bench to the middle of the corridor. Two accompanists sat on both sides of the bench. A little girl who looked about twelve years old walked out from behind the Governor and stood on the bench.

She wore a small flower crown on her head, long light golden hair draped over her shoulders, a light blue dress decorated with colorful butterfly wings, and a pair of transparent crystal shoes on her feet. She was as beautiful as a figure in a painting from a temple.

"Sing, Aislin, sing!" The girls shouted happily.

She held the harp, raised her head like a bird that began to sing, closed her eyes, and sang like a silver bell.

Two accompanists played for her, and the people present were delighted and moved their heads back and forth. The singing was clear and beautiful, like the cry of a bird in a cage.

The commander of the Golden Group's archers, Hei Baqu, looked at the girl's graceful figure under the light. He felt as if he had seen her somewhere before, but he couldn't remember whether he had seen her in a dream or in the window of a temple.

So he touched the golden girls beside him and whispered:

"Such a girl is simply something that mortals have never seen."

"Everyone loves her beauty and singing." The girls answered in unison.

"Then she is the most beautiful girl in this house!"

"The king's sister!"

Before the conversation was over, the singing suddenly stopped, the bench lifted up, and Aislin staggered and stretched out a pair of small hands. Before she fell or jumped down, everyone stood up and wanted to hug her in their arms.

Finally, Aislin grabbed the performer beside her with one hand and stood firm on the bench. Although she had a frightened look on her face, she was still smiling.

The banquet became quiet. At this moment, the people present found that with the fluctuation, the tapestry behind the porch also fell down, revealing a chair, on which sat a girl whose beauty was even more amazing.

She looked so pure and clear, without any trace of frost, joy or sadness in her eyes. Her lavender eyes sparkled with dazzling stars, and her beautiful eyes were like a galaxy hanging upside down. Her face was even more flawless. A pure gem was worn on the silver-gold hair, which contrasted the purple light. There was no extra decoration on the white robe, but she still exuded the noble temperament of a Targaryen princess.

Harry Strickland was looking at Daenerys, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, she was indeed the most beautiful girl in the world, the stars and the bright moon in the night, enough to be the queen of the sun.

Hei Baqu originally thought that it was just the humility of the blonde girls in front of the nobles. Aislin was beautiful enough. He had never seen it before, and he had never thought that there would be such a beautiful creature in the world. He was flattered to meet such a beautiful and noble person. He couldn't help but move away, but he still felt very small and humble.

The knights of the Golden Group looked at this girl who was lucky enough to meet, and they all felt that the princess should have her own knights. If allowed, they were willing to swear to be loyal to her for life under any circumstances.

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