The way Conno returned to the seaside building was to choose the knight's bus.

It was worthy of the bus of the wizarding world, but in a few moments, he was already standing on the path next to the small building by the sea.

This time he gained a lot in Diagon Alley, ordering a lot of items that could only stay in fantasy in his previous life.

Considering that he would need to report to Hogwarts in just over a month, he went to the Blotted Bookstore to make a big purchase.

Hogwarts needed to go from Year 1 to Year 7, and with the help of the two Aurors, he bought all the books he needed for those seven years.

After the wand drew Gang Qi out, he was full of curiosity about this new and unknown world, and reading books was one of the best ways to understand the world.

According to the two Aurors, Hogwarts offered a total of fifteen subjects during their study session.

Of these fifteen subjects, alchemy and apparition classes are only open to students from the sixth grade onwards.

The most important of these fifteen subjects are Transfiguration, Charms, Herbology, History of Magic, Astronomy, Potions, and Defence Against the Dark Arts.

Basically, as long as you can master the knowledge of these six disciplines and get an O.W.L. certificate, you can spend your life in the wizarding world in peace.

Therefore, Conno is also ready to focus on these six disciplines, and first understand these six disciplines, so that he can also have a general understanding of the wizarding world.

A week passed quickly, and he had read through the books.

The results were remarkable, and at least he did have a basic understanding of the wizarding world.

The two subjects of the history of magic and astronomy are simply the best gospel for insomniacs.

All they have to do is pick up one of the books and read it aloud in a whisper.

In less than ten minutes, these insomniacs are able to fall asleep.

The feeling that the two subjects gave Kong Nuo was similar to the class meeting class in the elementary school in his previous life, which belonged to the kind of sub-class that was a chicken rib and a waste of time.

Transfiguration is a much more interesting subject, where you can learn how to use magic to transform various things.

It is possible to change between living and dead things, like turning a chicken into a chair, a chair into a chicken, a chicken into a snake, or a chair into a table.

Of this subject, Conno was most interested in a high-level transfiguration magic called Animagus.

This kind of transformation magic has a slight taste of seventy-two changes, and of course Animagus is not as good as Sun Wukong's supernatural powers.

Generally speaking, after successfully cultivating Animagus, a wizard can only turn into an animal.

Charmology can be seen as the gospel of the lazy. Using various spells, you can make the enchanted item "do something".

For example, the levitation spell to be learned in the first grade, which is, to put it bluntly, a command to float an object.

Through the spell "Wingardium leviosa", the wizard continuously outputs magical power, and the enchanted item floats up and down according to the wizard's wishes.

There are also a series of life spells in the spell, similar to the magic that makes various pieces of furniture do their job, which can be found in life spells.

Herbology and Potions are two complementary subjects.

In the process of making potions, a variety of herbs are used. To identify and cultivate these herbs, you need to learn about them in a herbalism class.

Among these compulsory subjects is Defence Against the Dark Arts, which is the most formal combat subject of all subjects.

This course will introduce you to how to resist dark magic including dark magic creatures, curses, poison curses, and evil spells, as well as learn how to duel.

Despite its name, Defence Against the Dark Arts class, in Conno's opinion, this course teaches you how to fight.

When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you.

If you want to learn to resist all kinds of black magic, you need to know all kinds of black magic. Usually after learning how to defend against the dark arts, those black arts are also able to master the seven, seven, eight, eight.

It's less than a week before you get to Hogwarts.

Holding a straight wand in his hand, Conno spat out a somewhat awkward incantation: "Wingardium leviosa!" He

could feel the internal force in his body split into small wisps, which were attached to the boulder in front of him through his wand.

Newt, who was standing aside to learn how to absorb the essence of the sun, finished his meditation and saw the boulder in front of Conno, which was at least two meters high, and couldn't help but persuade:

"Ahem...... Mr. Conno, the average wizard wouldn't use a basic levitation charm to carry something of this size. You can use the transformation magic to turn it into a small object before moving it. "

Conno understood Newt's good intentions, but he was only trying to test the difference between magic spells and martial arts.

"Don't worry, maybe this spell isn't quite suitable, let me try my own spell.

Newt was stunned for a moment, "Are there any other spells in the Floating Charm?" similar to the Super Floating Charm?"

"Dragon Capture Gong!" According to his own wishes, the internal force in his body flowed from the dantian to the hand Sanyang Sutra on his arm, and finally released it through his wand.


The wand in his hand erupted in a flash of light, and a dragon made of golden mist burst out of it.

The golden dragon made a whirring sound, and its body coiled around the boulder, slowly lifting the boulder.

Kong Nuo felt that the internal force in his body was passing rapidly, and after the boulder was three meters above the ground, he put down the boulder to gather his breath.

"How's that spell?"

Newt's gaze was a little glazed, which made Conno a little unbearable.

After all, Newt was a ninety-four-year-old man, and during the time he spent with him, the old man trusted him and took care of him.

"Shouldn't I give him so much stimulation......" Conno thought to himself.

"Amazing! Amazing!" Newt regained his spirit and began to clap his hands, "It's the first time I've seen such a terrifying levitation spell with a druid heritage." "

Huh?" Conno touched his chin, and he found that these wizards seemed to be more receptive to this kind of thing than he had imagined.

"Newt, let's change the stone, and I'll show you how to cast this dragon levitation charm.

Newt nodded hurriedly, "I'm very honored to learn the magic of the druids!"

"Correct! This is martial arts!

Although the name of the druid is a good place to start, it is also necessary to get the concept of martial arts into practice as soon as possible.

He was a martial arts master, not a druid walker who had disappeared into the Middle Ages.

He walked over to Newt and put his hand on Newt's shoulder, "I need to see your level now before deciding how big a rock to get."

"Understood!" Newt nodded hurriedly, "What do you want to know? What is my wand made of?, or can I do some magic for you?"

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