Hogwarts: Where the Pokémon Are

Chapter 23 Harry and Ron’s speculations

Xia Lin sent the four of them to the door of Gryffindor's dormitory and watched them go in from across a corridor. At this time, the fat lady who was hanging out had returned.

"Where have you been?" the fat lady asked immediately.

In the first year, and in the second week of school, he started going out at night, which was very shocking to Gryffindor as a whole.

"Just leave it alone! Pig nose, pig nose!" Harry was not in a good mood at the moment. Naturally, he would not explain to the fat lady, but directly gave the password and got in first.

Several people finally breathed a sigh of relief at this moment, lying on the seats in the common room as if they had lost their souls. No one spoke for a while.

Finally, it was Ron who spoke first:

"What on earth do they want to do? Lock up such a thing in the school! If there is any dog ​​that needs training, it's that one. If we didn't happen to meet Professor Gold, we would be dead!"

Hermione was breathing less, but her bad temper was back.

"I told you not to go! Now, we almost died. What's worse is that the professor will definitely deduct points for us! And we will also be put in solitary confinement!" She said angrily, "Besides, you guys What are the eyes for? Don’t you see what it’s standing on?”

"On the floor?" Harry guessed, "I didn't look at its feet, I just looked at its head."

"No, not on the floor. It's standing on a trap door. It's obviously guarding something. And the Professor flew up from under the trap door!"

She stood up and glared at them angrily.

"I hope you're proud of yourselves. We were all almost bitten to death - luckily Professor Gold promised not to fire us, otherwise I'd rather be bitten to death today. Well, if you don't object, I'm going to bed ”

Ron stared at her back, his mouth wide open in surprise.

"Go to sleep, we have no objection." He said, "What is this? It's as if we dragged her away. Besides, does she think being fired is more serious than losing her life? It's crazy!"

Harry didn't say anything. He felt sad when he thought about going to Xia Lin's office tomorrow afternoon to collect his punishment. But Ron was open-minded.

"Don't worry, it's okay even if the professor asks us to be put in solitary confinement. Didn't Hagrid say that if he was in school, he would go to Professor Gold's place for solitary confinement even on purpose? By the way, tomorrow is Friday, your Quidditch strange--"

"Quidditch is fine. I won't start training until next week. Wood and the others need to elect new members tomorrow." Harry said, "Okay, let's go to bed too."

However, Hermione's words caused Harry to fall into deep thought again after returning to bed.

That dog is guarding something...

What did Hagrid say? The reason why Dumbledore went to rescue the purebloods who were defeated by Professor Xia Lin was actually just to get something important from Professor Xia Lin.

The important thing - what could it be?

Early the next morning, Harry told Ron everything he had thought about last night. So they spent a lot of time guessing what it was that needed such strict guarding. Not only did he need a powerful wizard like Professor Xia Lin to escort him, but he also found such a big dog to guard him.

"It's either extremely valuable or extremely dangerous," Ron said.

"Or both," Harry said.

In the afternoon, the two of them, Hermione and Neville went to Xia Lin's office together. But no one was in the office. Harry and Ron couldn't help but think of what Hagrid said, and they both looked at the room.

An ordinary room, a desk, a few leather chairs, and a large bookshelf looked more like a manager's office than a traceless stretching spell.

Hermione hadn't spoken to Harry and Ron since last night's encounter. At this time, I saw them entering the professor's office and looking around, which made me even more angry.

"Can you stop looking around? What would the professor think if he saw you like this?"

"I just wanted to see the protected area that Hagrid mentioned." Harry replied dryly, as if thinking of the scene Hermione mentioned, he immediately became honest.

He didn't want to continue to leave a bad impression on Xia Lin.

Just as they were all thinking about where Xia Lin was, Xia Lin opened the inner door of the office and walked out.

"You're already here. Please take a seat. Have you all had lunch?"

"Already eaten." Harry and others immediately replied. They noticed that Xia Lin was not wearing a wizard's robe at this time, but was wearing something more simple and convenient, and there seemed to be a little dirt on his body.

"Then let's have some desserts." After Xia Lin asked them to sit down, he called the Breathing Pan Demon to bring some desserts. After a while, a suction-cup golem walked slowly over holding four plates in the air.

"Moo fresh milk and a little homemade blue and orange cake."

As Xia Lin finished speaking, four plates with snacks floated in front of Harry and others.

"This is - a levitating spell?" Ron said with surprise on his face. You know, they haven't tried using the levitating spell in class until now. Professor Flitwick had always thought they weren't ready.

"Of course it's not a levitation spell, it's a superpower! - Oh, thank you!" Hermione took the snack handed over by the suction cup golem, and did not forget to correct Ron's mistakes.

"Hermione is right. Suction cup golems are Pokémon with super and fairy attributes. Their strong mental power allows them to use telekinesis." Xia Lin praised.

But before Hermione could feel proud, he mentioned what happened last night.

"Okay, then please tell me why you are still lingering in the castle after the lights are turned off, and why you are still close to the corridor on the fourth floor that Principal Dumbledore is prohibited from approaching."

Hermione immediately picked up a kitten face.

In the end, it was Harry who took the initiative and said, "Sorry, Professor, we didn't mean it. It was Malfoy."

"Draco Malfoy?"

"Yes, it was Malfoy who said he wanted to have a wizard duel with Harry! I am Harry's assistant!" Ron immediately added, he seemed to feel quite proud. With the two of them starting, the rest of Hermione simply continued.

"But Malfoy lied to you, he didn't go at all!" Hermione said immediately, "I have warned you, but you still fell for it stupidly!"

"So, you wanted to stop them at first?" Xia Lin asked. In fact, Hermione did nothing wrong, but to immature children like Harry and Ron, it did seem like nosy.

Then Neville also talked about his situation. Compared to the three little ones, Neville seemed very innocent. Not only did he break his arm due to a fall during the day, but it was finally cured. Not only did he not know the password, but even the fat lady went out to visit him.

Being timid, he could only follow Harry and the others around the castle.

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