Hogwarts: Where the Pokémon Are

Chapter 31 Harry VS Malfoy

Draco Malfoy first took a look at the Pokémon he had been assigned, and his face immediately showed a happy expression.

An Arbor snake!

After the Arbor snake evolved, it became an Arbor monster. Malfoy can still remember the majestic look of the big snake he saw in the Pokémon Master Class on the first day of school!

That look was perfect for him, a Slytherin wizard!

If anyone could be worthy of that big snake, in Malfoy's opinion, apart from Xia Lin, only Slytherin himself was alive. Of course, in the fantasy of his little mind, he must be even more majestic.

Now, he happened to become a temporary partner with an Arbor snake. Doesn't this mean that he and Arbor snake are destined?

It seems that the legendary successor of Slytherin is none other than himself!

Even if not, then at least he can at least get the title of "Snake Messenger" as a Pokémon trainer. Thinking of this, Malfoy became extremely excited. Before Snape could tell the game to start, he immediately reached out to grab the Poké Ball and threw it upwards with all his strength.

After a burst of red light, a two-meter-long purple snake-like Pokémon appeared in front of him.

Harry immediately looked at Snape. In the last round of battle just a few minutes ago, Neville also released the Pokémon in advance. Naturally, he was scolded by Snape for not respecting the rules. Now he wanted to see if Snape would blame Malfoy.

Obviously, he was thinking too much.

"Harry Potter, what are you waiting for if you don't release your Pokémon? Or are you intoxicated by enjoying everyone's gaze?" Snape sneered.

These words also fell into the ears of Quirrell who was not far away.

"Got it, Professor." Harry picked up the Poké Ball expressionlessly, but in his heart he was amused by his immature thoughts just now.

It was outrageous to expect Snape to scold Malfoy when he and Malfoy were present at the same time.

Harry, who was in a bad mood, immediately released the Pokémon, intending to use the Pokémon to teach Malfoy a lesson. The Pokémon he drew was the relatively rare Vulpix.

The race value of Vulpix is ​​slightly higher than that of Arbor Snake, but the difference is very small.

Hermione in the audience watched the game intently, and she breathed a sigh of relief when she noticed that Vulpix trembled immediately after entering the stage.

"Great. The characteristic of Malfoy's Arbor Snake should be intimidation, but it won't have much impact on Vulpix. If it sheds its skin, it would be much more troublesome."

"What, how did you find out?" Ron was stunned.

He was also watching the battle, but he didn't see anything. In fact, although there is content related to characteristics in the first-grade textbook, Xia Lin basically skips it.

It is already a big problem to expect these children to understand attributes. As for characteristics, that was originally reserved for senior grades. But even in the seventh grade, there are actually very few people who can actually take advantage of the characteristics.

The competition on the field for those in fifth grade and above is much more intense. Because the battle over there involves wizards and Pokémon playing at the same time.

Fifth-grade students already have certain practical combat abilities. As long as the armor is used well, some moves that are not very strong can be completely blocked. After all, the Pokémon Xia Lin picked were not of very high levels.

Of course, there is still danger, this is almost equivalent to another type of duel club. Therefore, Dumbledore, who is very powerful, Professor Flitwick, who is good at dueling, and Professor McGonagall, who is very good at transfiguration, serve as referees for these three grades.

This also greatly increased Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick's interest in Pokémon. After all, the Pokémon wizard's duel seems to be a test of the little wizard's learning of spells and transformation.

In fact, the duel club organized by Harlot in the original book also has the same effect, but Harlot knows everything, and few professors are willing to see him. Even Quirrell is much better than him.

At least Quirrell, apart from smelling a bit unpleasant, still has some real talent in him.

Back to Harry and Malfoy, the two were fighting each other, both wanting to teach each other a lesson. Snape said "go" lightly, and the two men issued instructions at the same time.

"Arbo Snake, use the poisonous needle!"

"Vulpix, use sparks!"

A small red flame was released and collided with the poisonous needle thrown out by the Arbor snake in mid-air. The poisonous needle was immediately burned by the flame, but the venom on the poisonous needle also reacted with the flame, causing the A ball of flame expanded in mid-air and exploded immediately.

Neither of them succeeded in this attack, and the unpleasant smell of burning venom floated in the air.

This smell is actually slightly toxic, but it has little effect on wizards and Pokémon, even less than pesticides.

When the two of them saw that their sneak attack failed, they immediately stared at each other angrily, as if they could stare each other to death.

Damn Po Te, he actually carried out a sneak attack and showed no martial ethics!

Damn Malfoy, come to cheat, come to sneak attack!

It can be said that in a sense, the tacit understanding between the two of them is no less than that of twins. Xia Lin can only say - if this is not considered love.

"Malfoy is too hot!" Ron always looked at the problem from Harry's perspective, not to mention that he also hated Malfoy.

"Arbosnake, use binding to entangle the Vulpix, and then use Bite!" Malfoy once again directed Arbors to attack, and his skills were pretty good. Not to mention how brilliant he was, at least he was clear and coherent.

Xia Lin also included Malfoy on the candidate list.

In fact, he didn't like Malfoy when he read the original novel in his previous life. The Malfoy in the novel was much more hateful than the one in the movie. But now that he is a teacher, he cannot be as partial to his students as a greasy-headed bat and an old bee.

After all, Draco Malfoy is still young, and Xia Lin thinks he can still be saved. It just lacks a good guidance. If you wait until after the third or fourth grade, it will be too late to start teaching.

Speaking of this aspect, Xia Lin really feels that Hogwarts needs to pay close attention to the ideological education of wizards. Especially in Slytherin House, many young wizards even think that it is cool to become a dark wizard and release curses and jinxes.

This is no different from those junior high school students in previous lives who admired the gangsters on the street.

At this time, the battle on the field is still continuing.

"Vulpix, dodge Abel Snake's attack, keep distance, and use sparks to interfere with it."

Harry was worried that Vulpix would be poisoned by the Arbor Snake's venom, so he was unwilling to let the Arbor Snake get close.

I have to say, this is a smart decision.

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