Hogwarts: Where the Pokémon Are

Chapter 98 Poor Tom, being manipulated

Compared with the all-round improvement of the Elder Wand, the Wand of Destruction does have a different kind of power in casting black magic.

Dumbledore may not be able to make wands, but he still has some knowledge.

The Wand of Destruction, like the iridescent wand before it, is an extraordinary wand.

What really surprised him was that although this wand was compatible with dark magic, it didn't give people an evil feeling.

It's like for this wand, power is just power. Unlike other black magic props, it will confuse other people's hearts.

"You always come up with such magical things." Dumbledore rubbed his eyes, as if he was a little tired.

Xia Lin took the wand he handed back.

"It's just Pokémon that are magical."

"Rather than this, I would like to tell you that I got Voldemort's Horcrux from Malfoy, which is the diary I mentioned to you before."

When it comes to Voldemort's Horcrux, Dumbledore is not tired.

"The diary, as expected, was the first Horcrux he made. For this reason, he also murdered Myrtle." Dumbledore still remembered this.

The headmaster of Hogwarts at that time was not Dumbledore.

Voldemort opened the Chamber of Secrets, murdered Golden Myrtle, and nearly closed the school.

In order to prevent the school from closing, Voldemort blamed Hagrid for the incident. Hagrid was expelled from school.

Before Xia Lin told Dumbledore the truth, Dumbledore couldn't believe that Voldemort had already started making Horcruxes when he was a student.

And he succeeded!

"Destroy it quickly," Dumbledore said immediately.

But Xia Lin shook his head.

"I chatted with him for a few words," Xia Lin said.

Dumbledore immediately cast his sharp gaze over.

He understood that the biggest difference between Xia Lin and Voldemort was that Xia Lin knew what "love" was, and he was an emotional person. And Voldemort is completely superstitious about his own power and power.

But people can be changed, especially changing for the worse is much easier than changing for the better.

It's like Quirrell has now become Voldemort's slave.

Although some of the bad things he did were done when he was controlled by Voldemort, at first he was really addicted to the power Voldemort promised him.

Dumbledore didn't care if Quirrell fell into the devil's path, it was just one more Death Eater. But if Xia Lin fell into the devil's path, he would become another Dark Lord in time!

Or even worse.

Xia Lin's magical talent also surprised Dumbledore. If he was given time, Dumbledore could not guarantee that he would always be able to overpower Xia Lin.

What's more, even if I can restrain Xia Lin like I restrained Voldemort, how many more years can I continue to live?

Even with the magic stone Nico gave him, his body would decay.

Not to mention, Xia Lin and those magical Pokémon.

Just one feather has extraordinary magical powers, even comparable to the wand made by the legendary Grim Reaper. This is enough to prove that the sources of materials for the rainbow wand and the wand of destruction are extraordinary. Maybe two very powerful Pokémon!

Therefore, Dumbledore was actually very afraid that Xia Lin would go astray.

Communicating with Voldemort is obviously the most dangerous thing.

"You're too worried. I'm not the kind of idiot who would be brainwashed by a fifth-grade student." Xia Lin said with a smile, "On the contrary, it's poor Tom who is being played by me."

Dumbledore: ...

"What's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing, I just told him that there is no magic in our time, only Pokémon, no wizards, only trainers. Dumbledore is the principal of Hogwarts Pokémon Academy.

"I also told him that he might come from another world, the reverse world! The two worlds may seem similar, but they are completely opposite."

"Looking at him, he seems to believe it." Xia Lin said happily.

"By the way, he also asked me if he had himself at this time, and some similar history, I made up some at random. I think I need a little help from you, and we can tease him. When I find the opportunity, I will I’ll take you to meet him. You can tell him that Tom in this world is a good person or something else.”

"He is so evil!" Phineas couldn't help but sigh.

Voldemort may not be a human, but you are a real dog!

"This is not a good idea." Dumbledore said helplessly.

He also can't stand Xia Lin's character that likes to tease people. But when I thought about it, I realized that the other person was actually only seventeen years old, still a child.

The most important thing is that the person being teased is Voldemort, which makes it difficult for people to sympathize.

"My goal is to make Tom completely believe that he has really come to another world." Xia Lin said.

This may not have any practical significance, but whatever, it’s interesting.

Xia Lin felt that the system should arrange a prank for himself.

Dumbledore looked at him hard, and Xia Lin returned the look with his big, watery eyes.

After a while, Dumbledore was a little defeated.

He is an old lion, how can he say that he is not interested in this matter at all?

If it had been anyone else, he might have been worried, but if it had been Xia Lin, he was actually relieved.

"Only this once." He held out his finger.

"No problem." Xia Lin agreed with a pat on the thigh, and then happily took the wand and prepared to leave.

There is never one time in this world, only zero and countless times.

Before walking to the door, he seemed to suddenly remember something.

"By the way, I told him that my name is Harry Potter."

Dumbledore:? ? ?

Harry:? ? ?

After Xia Lin left the principal's office, he returned to his office.

He was going to write a letter to Leonie, whom he had met before, and planned to invite Bubaston to watch the end-of-semester Pokémon event, the Hogwarts Cup.

Of course, he was planning to invite more than just one school in Beaubaston.

Other schools don't have a clear idea about Pokémon yet. For example, Bubbaston has heard that Hogwarts has opened a new class. But there is still no understanding of what Pokémon is and what Pokémon battles are.

Xia Lin's idea is to use this Pokémon Convention to open up a new world of Pokémon in other schools. Try to turn the Triwizard Tournament into a Pokémon contest before Harry's fourth year.

But in this case, naturally it cannot be called the Triwizard Tournament. And using the Goblet of Fire as a trophy is a bit shabby.

That’s right, it’s just shabby!

Unlike the movie, the real Goblet of Fire looks a bit unattractive. Most of its body is even made of wood, which looks a bit old.

The only strange thing is probably the blue flame in the cup.

But Xia Lin has something stronger!

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