"Don't use it for the time being, when the morning sun film needs funds, let's consider the financing thing."

Kevin refused again.

Robinov clearly showed an unhappy look on his face.

However, Kevin pretended not to see it, and instead had other ideas in his mind.

Originally, he was going to shoot the speed and intensity series, but Warner's play made him suddenly have a hole in his heart.

As a director, Kevin definitely wants to start with the film aspect.

After thinking about it, a movie plan he had considered before suddenly appeared in his mind.

That's Batman, whom Warner treasures.

Batman has always been Warner's treasure, and since 1989, Warner has been filming Batman.

In 92, he filmed the sequel to Batman, Batman returned, and achieved more than $200 million at the box office.

However, in terms of the production cost of Batman's return of 80 million US dollars, it is actually not profitable, of course, the subsequent copyright income will definitely not make Warner lose money.

But obviously, I'm a little sorry for Batman, the most well-known IP of the American masses.

At the same time, the bad reputation also made Warner decide to suspend the Batman series directed by Tim Burton.

But Kevin knew they weren't dead.

In the original history, just next year, a Batman movie will be released again.

And in this movie, there are two actors who the Chinese masses know.

Tom Cruise's wife, Nicole Kidman's Batman-loving character, and Jim Carrey's Riddler.

It was also through this movie that Kevin thought in his heart that Jim Carrey was the only actor suitable for playing the Joker.

His control of the face, the transformation of his demeanor.

Every point is like the embodiment of a clown in the real world.

This reminds Kevin of Hong Kong's Stephen Chow, also a comedian, whose acting skills surpass those of actor actors.

Beyond the realm of ordinary people.

A great comedian must be the best actor.

But since Kevin is here, he must be on Batman's most classic Dark Knight trilogy.

Although this trilogy will make Warner a lot of money, it will also drag Warner's ideas about DC into the endless abyss.

Since Warner wanted to make a move on him, Kevin didn't have much to say.

Filming the trilogy ahead of time, completely dragged Warner's ideas about DC into the dark, and never got up again.

It just so happens that Kevin does not intend to completely follow Marvel's original program and take his time and destroy Warner's DC first.

In this way, his Marvel can grow excellence ahead of schedule.

Otherwise, it will not be good to be copied by Warner and give birth to a big enemy out of thin air.

"Robinoff, I want to shoot a different Batman!"

Kevin said bluntly.

"You want to shoot Batman?"

Faced with Kevin's sudden thoughts, Robinoff was very shocked.

Batman II, released two years ago, although it did not lose money, but it was obviously not very profitable, and it also caused a major blow to the Batman series because of its poor reputation.

Let Warner, put aside the idea of the Batman series for the time being.

However, if it is Steve Kevin, it is not impossible to consider.

You must know that Steve Kevin has sold four consecutive movies, and the Batman shot by him has a very high chance of selling.

The most important thing is that Batman's copyright is in their hands, just like the Pirates of the Caribbean held by Kevin.

Filmed, in addition to the simple box office, the income behind it, the bulk of it is still theirs.

The only problem is that Kevin is definitely not the kind of person who only receives salaries, and there is a high probability that he will bring funds into the group.

But compared to the benefits, it's not impossible.

"Yes, but you need to hand us a complete plan and after the consideration of Warner executives, we can shoot."

"Also, Batman allows you to bring up to 30% of the capital into the group, and you can only have one investor."

"As for the copyright revenue, Warner will give it to you, but like Pirates of the Caribbean, you can only enjoy part of the copyright revenue."

Given Kevin's brilliant record, Robinoff still gave him 30% of the investment, of course, the crucial copyright, licensing things, still in Warner's hands.

"Robinov, I have a special idea."

Robinoff frowned, waiting for Kevin to say something.

"We can shoot two or three films at once."

"The back used by Batman is the same, the actors are also shared, we can shoot a movie that is 300 minutes long, and then split it into two to release."

"In this way, it can also effectively curb the growth of actors' salaries."

"The only problem is that if the movie fails, we will lose a lot, but with me, Batman can't fail."

Kevin spoke to Robinoff about his thoughts, which simply meant to make two films at the same production cost.

In this way, it can reduce a lot of production costs that rise due to box office sales.

But the disadvantage is that once the box office fails, the loss is two.

If you are not very confident, no director will choose to do this.

The reason why Kevin chose this is that he doesn't like shooting sequels alone.

Also in the Dark Knight trilogy, he only likes the first two, and these two are enough to set the dark tone for DC.

Once Warner got on this dead end, Zack Schneider was also adopted by him, and Kevin really wanted to know how to turn over with Warner's brain-dead operation on DC in later generations.

A phrase that fans often say in later generations, Kevin deeply believes.

DC's biggest enemy is not Marvel, but Warner.

Robinov raised his head, muttered and said

, "In principle, I agree, but I hope you can come up with a plan."

Kevin nodded.

With his resume, Warner is unlikely to turn down his offer to collaborate.

And this cooperation with Warner is destined to drag DC into the endless abyss.

But Warner is unlikely to realize this, they will only feel that they have made a lot of money, completely unexpectedly, the hundreds of millions of dollars they earned from Batman will completely destroy a DC universe worth tens of billions and hundreds of billions.


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