Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 84 Hurricane Rescue is released [Please order first for this big chapter! 】

The movie continues, the hurricane rescue at the beginning is a bit bland, it's all foreshadowing!

After the old father lost his family and daughter, he was quickly greeted by his friends, drank wine and chatted, discussed some family and life, and then accepted a new life and new job as a bodyguard for the female singer Guan Jiahui.

Guan Jiahui appeared at the concert, in front of and behind the scenes. The old father learned that his daughter liked the singer Jiahui and wanted to ask for an autograph. After getting it, he was as excited as a 300-pound child. He even asked regardless of work principles. His daughter wanted to What should I do if I become a singer? Do the big singers have any advice?

Then the concert ended and the aisle door was not closed, causing fans to riot.

A riot escort showed the competence, professionalism and professionalism of the protagonist and the circle of friends!

Of course, the Hong Kong version is all Chinese-led. Like the Hollywood version, the actresses and supporting actors warmly hug and thank the protagonist at all times. There are no kisses on the cheeks or the like. They just shake hands and express their emotions such as joy and happiness.

As the film continues, daughter Aying and her best friend He Qing are going to travel alone in Wanwan without the company of their adult parents.

The old father expressed concern, but his daughter was dissatisfied, unhappy... and insisted on going.

Hu Huizhong also expressed dissatisfaction in the early stage, feeling that Uncle Ying had been treating his daughter like a child and did not know how to be a father.

In this drama, the male protagonists are named Uncle Ying and A-ying, the daughter is named A-ying, the best friend is named A-qing, the female singer is named Jia Hui, and Hu Huizhong, who plays the role of an old man, is also named A-hui.

Basically all are real names.

When the heroine and her best friend arrived at Wanwan and met Leslie Cheung pretending to be an airport taxi driver, the film had already started for 20 minutes.

It's all literary drama, very literary.

Sitting in the middle row, Mars, who had taken off his mask because the lights were off, was extremely speechless, "Isn't it? It's been so long? It hasn't started yet?"

Cheng Long was also in disbelief, "What are you doing? It's not an action movie?"

It's been 20 minutes since this started, and I'm still talking about the relationship between father and daughter. I'm talking about an old father who is so busy and important at work that the father and daughter are not close to each other, and they are all concerned and worried about his daughter traveling alone?

Is this an action movie or an art film? ?

Hong Yinbao was equally speechless, "I feel like things are a bit strange, and these shots don't look like..."

It’s nothing like handheld photography that makes the lens language full of vitality, as if it can breathe.

It’s just that all the beauties on the big screen are so beautiful!

There are no famous scenes such as Marilyn Monroe covering her skirt, Zhang Min turning around, or Azhen holding a card in her mouth, but the beauty presented by the top-level picture quality is just a casual frown and smile, and everyone is too beautiful.

Several people were still discussing in low voices, confused, and the scene continued on the big screen. A young man in the front row suddenly turned around and said, "Shut up, don't disturb us from watching the beautiful girl!"

Cheng Long, "..."

Hong Yinbao, "..."

The four girls Hu Huizhong, Guan Jiahui, Lan Jieying and He Qing appeared one after another, each one more beautiful than the other. They were dressed in fashionable and gorgeous clothes as if they were filming a fashion blockbuster. Several flowers with different temperaments and tastes, even if they were not shot together, had already made people feel Many viewers were very involved.

When Zhang Guorong appeared on the stage, it also caused some exclamations in the theater, and many viewers were discussing whether Zhang Guorong was more handsome or the four girls were more beautiful.

Let's put it this way, in the first 20 minutes, Lin Zhengying was not impressive at all, relying entirely on the looks of Ah Rong, Jia Hui, Ah Qing and others to support everything.

Cheng Long and others were speechless, and the painting style suddenly changed. Lan Jieying, who was dancing to the music in the hotel, received a call from her old father. During the conflict between father and daughter, the heroine saw He Qing's room opposite the window. Strange men broke in and kidnapped people.

Then I started to get anxious, scared, and panicked.

It must be noted that in the original work, the heroine was holding a mobile phone. In this era, even Big Brother did not exist. She was holding a wired phone. The phone cord was long enough to hold conversations while walking.

The scene continues.

When the heroine hides under the bed, listens to her old father's instructions, uses a microphone to record the villain's voice, and at the moment of being caught, she quickly tells some of the villain's characteristics, such as height, age, skull tattoo on his neck, etc. .

The old father who was in Hong Kong held the tape recorder in one hand and said to the microphone with a blank expression, "I don't know who you are or what your purpose is."

As he spoke, he stood up and his tone began to become serious, "If you want a ransom, I can tell you that I have no money."

"But I still have some means, which I have acquired in my long career, that can make you fearful. If you let my daughter go now, this matter will end here, and I will not go to you or investigate you. "

"But if you don't let go, I will look for you."

"And I'm going to find you and kill you."

As he spoke more and more calmly and seriously, Lin Zhengying's expression remained cold, without any sense of impatience or panic. However, the hand-held camera shook slightly, like a heartbeat, showing that his emotions were far less calm than he appeared.

In the movie theater where everyone saw such dialogue scenes, some professionals couldn't help but have their eyes lit up!

On the big screen, a slightly mocking Vietnamese voice sounded from the other side of the phone, "Who do you think you are?"

The phone hangs up!

There was an uproar in the movie theater in Nuoda.

"Holy crap, uncle Ying's daughter was kidnapped? Why do I feel like Uncle Ying is the one who kidnapped her?"

"Fuck, awesome! The kidnapped victim showed the kidnapper's more ferocious temperament for the first time!"

"I'm laughing so hard. Is this the victim??"

"Did anyone notice that when Uncle Ying was talking just now, the screen was shaking a little? It was shaking very strangely. Is it because he was shaking, or was it because I was dazzled?"


Almost half of the audience was shocked by Uncle Ying's cold and threatening kidnapper side in the movie.

In everyone's perception, or in the movies and TV series we have seen before, when the family members of the victims or the kidnapped people receive a call from the kidnapper, who is not frightened, crying and begging for mercy?

But in the movie, Uncle Ying set a brand new example for everyone!

It turns out that the victims’ families can actually be more vicious and ruthless than the kidnappers.

The more seriously he threatens the kidnappers, his voice is not loud and his expression is dull, but the stronger the impact is...

Until Uncle Ying found his ex-wife's home and asked his friend and public employee computer expert Zhou Xingxing to help, Xingzi also used the computer to hack into Wanwan, found out the details of the Vietnamese gang, and told Uncle Ying about the ruthlessness of the Vietnamese gang.

A large number of spectators became silent and nervous.

96 hours. If you can’t find her within 96 hours, it basically means that you will lose contact forever, and you will never see her again for the rest of your life!

Lin Zhengying acted coldly, competently and purposefully throughout the whole process, as she did in her daily work, going to Wanwan and the hotel where her daughter was kidnapped and disappeared to search for clues, and found a film camera roll. After developing it, she discovered Zhang Guorong's figure.

During this process, the hand-held camera showed his special emotions under his cold face again and again. More professionals who watched it secretly exclaimed that it was amazing.

In the past, actors relied on movements, expressions, and eyes to express emotions and convey emotions. But here, the ups and downs and slight shaking of the camera reflect A Ying, which does not make the moviegoers feel dizzy or uncomfortable. , whether this will make the audience uncomfortable really depends on the photographer’s skills and stability.

Zhao Donghuai’s master-level handheld photography is stable enough!

On the contrary, from that feeling, many viewers can empathize with the emotional changes of the protagonist Uncle Ying!

By the time Lin Zhengying found Zhang Guorong, the club's exclusive son-in-law, beat him up, was attacked by Ah Wing's companions, and then chased him...more than half an hour had passed in the movie.

Until now, the biggest highlight in the film is the scene where Lin Zhengying threatens the kidnappers.

Then, it exploded!

Using hand-held photography and fast editing, Ah Ying is like the most sophisticated agent and super soldier, chasing to death the young man played by Leslie Cheung to a dilapidated construction site for prostitution.

When inside the construction site, rows of men in slovenly and shabby clothes lined up to pay money, they walked into a row of mobile houses. Inside, there were people hiding behind curtains, covered with pinholes and with numb expressions, like walking zombies. , waiting for the man to lift the curtain and walk in and out of the woman.

Every time A Ying lifts a curtain, the camera shows a close-up of a woman... and when she lifts another curtain, it's another close-up of a woman being controlled and kidnapped.

The theater was really a blast!

"Put him on Eminem, so miserable?!"

"Diaomao, these Wanwan guys deserve to be damned. They don't treat people as human beings, right?"

"Oh my god, this is too scary, those inhuman bastards, demons!"


Currently in Hong Kong Island, many people know that there are indeed many women who have been coerced by social groups and pushed into the pit of fire. However, there are very few such dark scenes in film and television works.

The large number of male viewers who watched the scene shuddered and cursed.

Especially Lan Jieying and He Qing were so fairy-like, pure and moving when they were shown on the big screen at the beginning. Now that we have seen the current situation of a large number of victims, the contrast becomes even stronger, which has scared some timid people. I dare not look at it.

After all, there are still some female fans here who were summoned by Zhang Guorong.

At this moment, A Ying was discovered by the Vietnamese gang in the portable mobile house, in the corridor outside the prostitution rooms separated by curtains.

Needless to say, the Vietnamese sidekick just rushed up with a sullen face, but Ah Ying simply swung her body and hit her with her knees.

A-ying's martial arts moves are quite beautiful to begin with. The new fast editing and hand-held camera shooting show that one blow breaks the vital point, and he coldly opens the opponent's face and throws it to the ground, continuing to move forward.

When two more vietnamese gang thugs appeared, more people were alerted from other directions, and thugs No. 10 and 20 showed up to watch the scene.

The big boss, Ho Ka Kui, has short hair and holds a short gun in his hand. He just appeared on the screen and scared many people with his fierce look.

Those who are timid will be scared to death by Jiaju!

Aying's movements are still fast and accurate. If she can kill with one hit, she will never use a second move. Her moves are deadly, sharp and efficient, and so cool.

It will be even more exciting when he grabs the gun.

He shows strong military qualities while walking quickly. He can listen to all directions and predict in advance while walking like a dragon or a tiger. He can prepare a shot to hit the enemy's vital point through two layers of curtains.

If you can kill with one shot, you will definitely not waste the second shot.

One person stirred up a club, and at the same time, a large number of women who were controlled by the Vietnamese gang, injected with powder, and sold their bodies in a daze also fled, including female ticket holders.

In the chaos of the scene, He Jiaju also brought two henchmen, holding guns in both hands and quickly running through the scene, using the Mozambican shooting method like Tom Cruise in "Borrowed Knife". Not only is the look ugly and the movements smooth, but the lethality is also amazing.

A Ying relies on her stronger military skills to dodge and fight back, while the group headed by He Jiaju is bang bang bang.

Amidst the random explosions of gunfire, the pistols began to fire like automatic rifles, and the female ticket holders who were hit in the chest and then shot between the eyebrows fell to the ground one after another.

Many people in the large theater where I watched it held their breath and stared at the screen for fear of missing such a wonderful battle.

As for A Ying... he is certainly more ruthless and fierce than He Jiaju and others.

Stooping forward to make a tactical advance, emptying a magazine of bullets and touching corpses to resupply, changing magazines with one hand, all movements are dazzlingly cool, and inexplicably feel too high-end.

As he moved, one Vietnamese boy after another helped the younger brother to attack the street. Even the younger brother beside He Jiaju was quickly killed.

Whenever a bad guy attacks the street and refuses to rest in silence, the theater will burst into applause or applause!

Then everyone watched even more intently!

In the first twenty or thirty minutes, Lan Jieying and He Qing were so beautiful and perfect, so intoxicating and likeable, when the tragic conditions of women who were controlled and forced to sell their bodies were revealed and presented on the big screen.

How intense is the audience's anger, rage, collapse and destruction!

Lin Zhengying's action of destroying the society is as clean and neat as the audience's pleasure and release emotions are.

From the first fight at this large construction site, Aying's action style can be described in one word: cool, so cool that she has no friends, killing people is like mowing grass.

Under the rapid editing and handheld photography, many viewers blushed.

The fight scenes, gunfight scenes and even the final racing scene at the dilapidated construction site gradually passed, and there were cheers and applause from time to time from the left and right, as well as many people gnashing their teeth and yelling.

Hong Qianbao and Cheng Long looked at each other, and both brothers felt...

The Taibao suddenly looked away from the screen and shouted, "Fuck, you're on the street, how did you shoot those scenes before? Those villains' fists and kicks hitting Uncle Ying, I felt like they were hitting the screen, hitting me!"

"And that pervert, so ferocious. He looks so ferocious. He is also ferocious in killing people. Every time he shoots the person twice in the chest. The body of the person he hits is stiff and motionless, and then he shoots the person in the head to make up for it. Damn it, it's so cruel. Got it!"

"It made me want to hide several times, but Uncle Ying's movements were more handsome, so cool!"

"One punch, one kick, one kick. Although I don't talk about martial arts, I can even use the fist to annihilate one's descendants, but it's really enjoyable!"

Under the Taibao's repeated words, Cheng Long and Hong Yinbao looked at each other. He looked at him with a strange expression, touched his face and said, "What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?"

After various exciting action scenes such as fights, gun battles, and drag racing at a dilapidated construction site, Lin Zhengying contacted the senior police officers of Wanwan, an old friend of his from his former days as a member of the Flying Tigers, and the two sides worked together to solve crimes.

The picture of asking an old friend for help, then being betrayed by a high-ranking gangster friend, being ambushed and then cleverly avoiding it.

Most of this section is literary drama.

The Taibao was a little confused by the two elder brothers, so he didn't mind discussing the plot now.

Under his curious gaze, Cheng Long complained, "You used to be called A Ying!"

I used to call people A-Ying, but now I call them Uncle Ying before Uncle Ying and after Uncle Ying. Don’t you think it’s awkward? Outsiders don’t know, don’t you yourself know that you are already 34 years old? Two years older than Lin Zhengying? !

Why do you call me uncle when you are two years older than others? ? Don’t think that just because you shouted a few words in Plan A that these two guys are on point, it will make you smaller!

Taibao, "..."

He was speechless.

After the drama was released on the big screen, Lin Zhengying investigated alone and found the home of the Vietnamese gang. She first pretended to be a police officer to collect fees, then took out a note written in Vietnamese and asked the Vietnamese gang headed by Cheng Kui'an ,What does it mean.

When Cheng Kui'an said, "Who do you think you are?"

Lin Zhengying looked around, then stared at Cheng Kui'an under the strange gazes of everyone on the left and right, "Don't you remember me? We talked on the phone two days ago, and I told you that I would find you!"

When Cheng Kui'an sensed something was wrong and wanted to draw his gun, Lin Zhengying exploded, just like the super killer John Wick in John Wick, killing cleanly, efficiently and quickly.

Just like the previous construction site drama, no matter shooting action or hand-to-hand combat, one person kills through a gang lair!

His action scripts stand at the top of Hong Kong Island's film and television circles. When imitating the CIA and FBI, they traveled across the ocean to Israel to learn fighting techniques that originated from World War II.

Coupled with those breathing shots, almost every frame and every second exaggerates Lin Zhengying's powerful, cold, murderous ant-like rage, violence, and lethality.

When Lin Zhengying killed all the gang members and found the female victims in each house, she finally found He Qing...

The movie theaters were full of people criticizing the movie, and some people even cried while watching it.

Ah Qing is so miserable.

A large number of viewers began to scold Wanwan for being inhumane, saying that they all deserved to die, and that they all deserved to go to hell.

Even now in the movie, the villain is not the Wanwan guy, but the Vietnamese gang.

The audience was so excited that they didn't care about so much. The biggest impression of all the audiences now is that Lan Jieying and He Qing had to go to Benbei for a trip with their parents and elders, and then they were played by Zhang Guorong as soon as the plane landed. The old man is waiting for a bunch of scum to target him.

When the retired Flying Tigers instructor, played by Lin Zhengying, electrocuted Cheng Kui'an while explaining how cruel and cruel he was when he cooperated with MI6 to electrocute countless people, once again a large number of viewers stared at the screen in shock.

Is electrocution so scary? Really? I do not believe.

But at this time, it is not the time for everyone to test this.

Another time, when A Ying ran to the house of Wanwan’s old friend, a senior police official, it seemed that she was having dinner, but in fact, she was ruthless, shot and wounded the wife of the criminal police official without blinking an eye, and even said, "Don't force me ,..."


The massive applause in the theater almost drowned out everything.

Any ordinary voice was lost in the fierce applause, let alone the audience who were fathers and mothers. After being emotionally involved, some people threatened to destroy their children. What can a father do for his children?

They are not fathers and mothers, who are not sons and daughters? ?

There is no one on this earth who is not a son or a daughter. Amei's weird gender... seems to be an exception?

But this is Hong Kong Island. When you assume the identity of a son and a daughter, who doesn’t like it and who isn’t excited about a violent old father like Lin Zhengying on the big screen? ?

Even if he is the leader of Amei's family, has he never been bullied or dissatisfied once in his life? That's impossible.

Any son or daughter will be excited to see a retired father like Lin Zhengying on the big screen!

Full range of emotions, without any hidden dangers or obstacles.

Gradually, there was no noise in the entire Mong Kok Cinema screening hall, and more than 90% of the audience were watching the movie attentively, until...

At the auction, groups of people in suits and ties were in charge of security. A protection team organized by a super society like the New World discovered A Ying and arrested her. When he tried to silence her again, he killed them all and the group was wiped out.

The rich man who bought Lan Jieying left under the protection of a bodyguard group headed by Xu Jinjiang and went to sea. Lin Zhengying drove wildly, abandoned the car and jumped off the bridge and landed on the yacht, continuing the massacre mode.

Each action scene stimulated the adrenaline of countless viewers and made them hooked.

They have never seen such a gorgeous, violent, and cool action blockbuster before. Most of Bruce Lee's and Brother Long's films are in the style of martial artists and martial artists, but here Lin Zhengying is in an absolutely new era background of well-dressed people in suits and ties.

Kill with every move, use unparalleled skills, kill people like mowing grass in the war and slaughter mode.

The nature of martial arts competition and war slaughter are completely different.

When the rich man's bodyguards were all wiped out, Lin Zhengying held a gun and pointed it at the rich man's buyer from a few meters away. The other party also grabbed a knife and put it on Lan Jieying's neck, threatening to kill A Ying. uncle.

When the audience was worried and worried that the protagonist would compromise, the rich man just said, "We can actually talk..."

Lin Zhengying killed the opponent with one shot, with a headshot between the eyebrows.

In the cinema, hundreds of spectators stood up and applauded!

In most movies and TV series, when victory is imminent, the villain captures an important hostage and threatens the protagonist. Who wouldn't hesitate to put down all advantages and let the villain impose conditions?

Some weirdos even let the villains kill them and were beaten half to death.

But Lin Zhengying on the big screen changed this weird routine and killed the opponent with one shot!

Are you threatening me? I'll kill you first, shoot you in the head, and then you can go to the underworld and cry.

Applause and cheers swept across the screen as Lan Jieying cried, and the whole theater was boiling.

Hong Yinbao also applauded, getting louder and louder.

With the snapping sound, the Taibao all laughed and said, "Brother Sanmao, Uncle Ying...fuck, this is so handsome, so cool, I have nothing to say!"

With ultra-fast editing and handheld photography, he was dazzled by all the fight scenes from beginning to end, as if he had been opened to a new world!

Fortunately, this action drama also had a lot of drama to slowly build up his emotions, otherwise he would have started to wonder if he would be too excited.

The experience that handheld photography brings to moviegoers is like the experience of viewers who have always watched 2D and experienced 3D for the first time.

Every shot and picture seems to come alive, and A-ying's action scenes from beginning to end don't feel like acting, but like a real unparalleled killer and destroyer, destroying dark societies one after another.

Following the Taibao's words, Hong Yinbao was speechless and looked at Cheng Long, who had a troubled expression on his face, "I feel like A Ying is going to be a big hit. I was very excited watching this action scene, but I'm not too worried that he will impact my strength." .”

"I'm just afraid that director Zhao will act irrationally and use a group of beautiful women to trick me in the action film field. We have nothing to say."

A Ying is going to be popular, Aaron said so!

This is a very strange feeling. The shooting style of this Hurricane Rescue is completely different, and the visual achievements are so exciting. "Brother, in the second part of our Five Lucky Stars, will A Ying be the villain? I'm afraid that as Hurricane Rescue is on fire , with A Ying as the villain, the audience will inherently think that we brothers cannot defeat A Ying, and if we win, it will be because he is letting off steam!"

Hong Yinbao, "..."

The gods and brothers can't beat A Ying!

The three brothers even killed Luo Sanpao? Can you kill A Ying? ? That was Luo Sanpao in Plan A.

But Hong Qinbao felt the waves of applause and cheers from the audience? ? There were also flashbacks in his mind of the grass-cutting scenes from the previous movie.

A Ying in this drama is so powerful! This retired old man is ridiculously strong. Are the Hong Kong Flying Tigers really so sharp? ?

In order to allow A-ying to film Hurricane Rescue, he even postponed the expected third part of the human-ghost trilogy, in which A-ying pretends to be a heavenly master to scare ghosts. The movie was originally scheduled to be released on January 12, 1984. , A Ying’s second male protagonist.

It’s not even turned on yet!

Once "Hurricane Rescue" comes out, will the audience think that if Yingruo can't beat the ghost, it's too fake and it can't be filmed? ?

Lin Zhengying can't defeat ghosts, isn't it normal? !

While Hong Qianbao was in a trance, the Taibao suddenly touched him with his shoulder and said with a smile, "Brother Sanmao, I feel like the electrocution in the movie was a bit fake? How did a real agent use that method to extract a confession?"

"How much power can be produced by holding up a small light bulb? Why don't you go back and try it?"

"What do you think, Mars?"

When he touched Mars again, Mars touched the back of his head with a look of confusion and confusion on his face. Wasn't there enough power to support the light bulb? Um? ?

Hong Yinbao, "..."

Cheng Long, "???!!!"

This guy is really a talent.

Hong Qinbao and the others were still chatting. When the big screen went out and the lights in the screening room turned on, Zhao Donghuai just walked onto the stage with a group of creatives.

The large screening room with an attendance rate of more than 70% immediately erupted in excited cheers.

"Uncle Ying!!"

"I saw Uncle Ying alive, sharp!"

"Fuck, this Uncle Ying is so good at fighting. If he joins the club, why can't he kneel down easily with a double red stick?"


Amidst the various cheers and carnivals, even the crowds who originally came to see Zhang Guorong, a new star in the music industry, or to see beautiful girls, temporarily forgot the purpose of coming to the theater in the first place.

Everyone was staring at Lin Zhengying cheering and excited.

This is enough to prove the success of hurricane rescue!

This is the first time that Aying has received so much cheers and attention as an actor. He was so excited for a moment. Fortunately, he has been in the industry for more than ten years. Since he became a dragon and tiger martial artist in 1969, the midnight show has already ended. It's past 12 o'clock.

It is already January 1, 1984.

As the audience cheered, Zhao Donghuai thanked the crew on behalf of the crew. Then he looked at Lin Zhengying, Zhang Guorong and others surrounded by the audience. As a director, he was able to stand out with ease.

Celebrities have celebrity status, but the price of fame is not small. Every move is always under the spotlight, and even countless paparazzi follow and take pictures. In daily travel, they are either surrounded by large groups or they are disguised better.

It’s still easy to be a director.

With investors, producers, directors, and new newspaper owners all merging their identities together, the value of Director Zhao's identity as a director will skyrocket.

When he walked out of the theater and took a breath of fresh air on the roadside, he saw Hong Yinbao and Cheng Long wearing hats and masks walking hand in hand. After arriving, Hong Yinbao couldn't help but give a thumbs up, "Director Zhao, I didn't expect you. You can also create this new style in action movies, which is amazing!"

"From today on, action movie fans in Hong Kong and even Southeast Asia will be familiar with Director Zhao's name."

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "It's not that exaggerated, but thank you Sanmao for your kind words, and congratulations on your plan A's success."

This is another big wave of reputation. With reputation points, you can improve your Sims' abilities. Of course it is a good thing, but he should accumulate it slowly, and he is not in a hurry.

The time has entered 1984 in the Gregorian calendar, and Pan Disheng should be thinking about entering the market. It is estimated that Boss Hong has wanted to leave Jiahe and open another company more than once. Aying said last time that Brother Hong was negotiating with Jiahe.

After a few polite words, Hong Qianbao smiled again and said, "Director Zhao, I also plan to hire beautiful girls to support the show in the next part of my Five Lucky Stars. If I need to borrow someone from you, I will give you more help."

In the movie, asking for a vase is considered gay.

Hong Yinbao was originally the one who started to train Hu Huizhong vigorously after he signed with Jiahe, but now he was intercepted by Zhao Donghuai in advance... And Hong Yinbao didn't expect that a vase and several vases were put together to form a combination?

The effect seems a little different?

The power of the combination is much greater than one alone.

Zhao Donghuai still laughed, "As long as their schedules are OK, Brother Hong can recruit people as he pleases, but there is one thing. The girls in my company do not accept nude scenes or over-the-line scenes, and generally do not accept kissing scenes."

In the original third part of the Five Lucky Stars, 23-year-old Guan Jiahui was still giving out benefits. Now that she has joined the Zhao family, she must not be giving out benefits indiscriminately.

That's Director Zhao's Mogun Ya and the small airport.

As the power of girl group-style combinations continues to increase, there will be no room for random hair.

Hong Qinbao smiled and nodded. When he was about to say something else, a figure ran over and said to Zhao Donghuai, "Boss, the Newspaper Guys Alliance called and wanted to print 20,000 more copies of tomorrow's newspaper."

"If you print more, they will get it at the market price."

Zhao Donghuai waved his hand calmly, "If you don't print it, it will be 50,000. It will be distributed as planned and will not be officially sold until after the Spring Festival. You must understand hunger marketing and how to mobilize the general public's interest in collecting and make them invest more."

"When the newspaper is officially put on sale, the sales volume may be higher and stronger."

This person is the current editor-in-chief of the Kowloon Daily News, and he is also one of the midnight moviegoers. After all, the Kowloon Daily News is still fully cooperating with the new film's promotion plan.

When the editor-in-chief nodded to express his understanding, Zhao Donghuai thought for a while and said, "Put some gossip in tomorrow's newspaper page, saying that during the filming of our hurricane rescue, we witnessed the interesting accident news about Wanwan, a big brother in society, running away at the airport. .”

"He's a big shot, a big brother like Xinji, Hutchison and 14 Dui Shiren who ran away from the airport in broad daylight."

"But don't write it too clearly, just say it's a rumor. It's better to create a behind-the-scenes footage of our hurricane rescue shooting where there are real people running away."

"Talk to a lawyer in detail. Xu Dazhuang will help you avoid legal problems."

Chief Editor, "..."

The editor-in-chief nodded hurriedly, and then got to work. There were still several hours before the newspapers were distributed at dawn.

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