In the light screen of the question and answer space, somewhere in the living area of ​​the Valkyrie on the Destiny Floating Island, Cheng Lixue was sitting in the room playing the guzheng.

How can I say that I have no clothes? Tongze with Zi.

The king raised his army and repaired my spear and halberd.

Work together with your son.

In the light screen, feathers suddenly appeared in the room, and with the appearance of crimson feathers, Cheng Lixue, who was playing the piano in the room, paused.

Cheng Lixue stood up and walked to the door and opened the door. Fu Hua's figure appeared in front of everyone. At this time, Fu Hua was staring blankly at a painting on the wall.

Cheng Lixue looked at Fu Hua in front of her and said happily:"Master...You came"!

"this painting...I followed the painting in the old house when I was a child..."Painted".

I saw two petite bodies on the painting. Two colors, one red and one basket, blended into the painting. Although the two people in the painting were a bit blurry, they could still be seen as two pairs of sisters. At the same time , I saw the two couplets"Forget the Jiji and end the world. Hold the simplicity and return to the true essence" hanging next to the painting.

Kiana:"Well, Cheng Lixue, who is the person in this painting? How do I see it? Monitor Fu Hua seems to be a little excited."

Mei:"Kiana is right. Are there any differences among the 19 paintings in the picture?"

Bronya:"Bronya is also a little curious. , Cheng Lixue, do you know?"

Cheng Lixue:"This...this...I'm actually not very clear about this. The master never told me that this painting was based on the painting of the place where I lived with my master when I was a child."

"Maybe the two people in the painting are people the master once knew."

Kiana:"Well, that's it, but who are the two people in the picture?"

Hearing Kiana say this, the talisman on the side Hua was silent for a while and said:"The two of them are pioneers from the pre-civilization era like me, and they are a pair of twin sisters."

"Their names are Cangxuan and Danzhu respectively. Cangxuan is the elder sister and Danzhu is the younger sister."

"Cang Xuan is the older sister, so she looks more stable, but she looks a bit fragile in daily life. Her hobby is collecting shells and coins."

"Danzhu's personality is the opposite of Cangxuan's. He is lively and active, and he also likes clay figures and comic novels created by people."

"And the most interesting thing is that although Cangxuan is the elder sister of the twins, she is always taken care of by Danzhu in her daily life."

"Moreover, Cang Xuan was not aware of all this, and regarded this as his sister's"unreserved love" for him.

As he spoke, a smile appeared on Fu Hua's face, as if he was recalling the days when he lived with Cang Xuan Danzhu and the others.

Theresa:"Hey, Fu Hua, since the two sisters named Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu are also the forerunners of the pre-civilization era, where are they now? Why haven't I seen them?"

Hearing what Theresa said, Fu Hua was silent for a while and then said:"Cangxuan and Danzhu died a long, long time ago. Because of the implementation of the Fire Plan at that time, the Judgment-level people were born on the mainland of China. Honkai Impact Beast Chiyou"

"The Judgment-level Honkai Beast Chi You spawned by the Fire Project swallowed an entire continent of China in one bite. In order to prevent Chi You, Cang Xuan and Danzhu sealed Chi You together with Ji Lin, the leader of the Shenzhou Continent at the time."

"When I got the news at that time, I wanted to rush back to support them immediately after hearing the news about Chi You, but Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu told me not to worry, they would take care of Chi You's matter."

"I listened to what Cang Xuan and Danzhu said, so I stopped and continued to deal with the Honkai beast somewhere. However, when I rushed back after handling the matter, the judgment-level Honkai beast Chi You had been sealed."

"However, along with the news that Chi You was sealed, the news that followed was the news that Cang Xuan, Dan Zhu and Ji Lin had died together."

"In order to seal the Judgment-level Honkai Beast Chi You, they used the power of soul steel to penetrate deep into Chi You's body and then tried their best to seal Chi You."

Kiana:"This...this...Fu Hua...Monitor, I'm sorry, I didn't know that Cang Xuan, Dan Zhu and the sister named Ji Lin had already died."

Fu Hua:"No need to apologize. After all, even if Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu hadn't been alive because of Chi You, they wouldn't be alive now. Although Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu are also the forerunners of pre-civilization, they do not have the same long lifespan as us."

Hearing what Fu Hua said, Bronya on the side said with some confusion:"But, Fu Squad leader Hua, aren’t Cangxuan and Danzhu also fusion warriors?"

Mei:"Yes, Bronya is right. Since Cangxuan and Danzhu are also forerunners of pre-civilization, they should also be in line with Fu. Hua, you also have a long life."

Fu Hua heard what Bronya and Mei said, shook his head gently and said:"No, Bronya, Mei, you said it wrong."

"Although Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu are also people from the pre-civilization era, they are just ordinary people, not fusion warriors like us, so they do not have the concept of"immortality". And after Fu Hua's words fell, only Seeing the Herrscher of Knowledge on the side, he smiled and said,"Hey, why are you so sad? You must know that even Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu are very powerful."

"You don’t know, right? Just like Old Antique and her name as Red Kite Immortal on the Chinese continent, Cangxuan and Danzhu are also very famous gods on the Chinese continent."

As he spoke, the Herrscher of Only Wisdom looked at the people in front of him. He continued:"Hmph, and Cang Xuan is the"god who knows all things" in the legend of the Chinese mainland, and Danzhu is the legendary"god who creates all things".

Kiana:"Wow 670, Herrscher of Knowledge sounds so powerful when you say it, but what are the"god who understands all things" and the"god who creates all things"?"

Lawyer of Knowledge:".....Uh, I do."

Kiana:"And although what you said is very powerful, Herrscher of Knowledge, what does this have to do with what I said?" The

Herrscher of Knowledge looked at Kiana in front of her and said helplessly. Said:"Hey, forget it, in short, what I mean is that you don't have to be so sad. Isn't there a space for questions and answers?"?

"You know, even the dead Li Xue was resurrected. Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu will definitely be resurrected one day, right?"

Kiana:"Wow, that's right, why didn't I think of that just now?"?

Mebius:"Oh my, that's really interesting. I didn't expect that Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu would also follow Hua to the next civilization era."

"I didn't expect that two people who were clumsy in the laboratory would actually have such powerful titles in the next era of civilization. It's really amazing."

"You know, they made a lot of trouble for me in the laboratory with Klein at that time."

Alicia:"Oh, my dear Mebius, how can you say that? You know Cang Xuan and Danzhu are very cute girls.

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