Micro-magic patterns, as the most basic means of using elemental power, are the cornerstone of most spell models and the soul of spells.

Because of the difficulty of observing and controlling micro-magic patterns, most mages now only have a superficial understanding of the study and research of micro-magic patterns. They are only satisfied with understanding and successfully constructing spell models, and are not willing to spend more energy on it.

But Yousef knew that learning and studying micro-magic patterns was the most correct way to truly master the power of elements and lead to the top of legend.

As a silver-level mage, Li Si has a very high level of mastery of micro-magic patterns.

Yousef can be sure that even Bernie, who has devoted himself to studying micro-magic patterns for a period of time, is far inferior to Li Si.

Moreover, even so, Li Si was quite humble in his communication with Yousef, without any thoughts of complacency at all.

Therefore, Yousef is so satisfied with Li Si's opinion now that he just drags Li Si to show off to his old friends.

Don't rush, don't rush, since Little Lis is still a student of the Magic Academy, let's clarify the relationship between Little Lis and himself first.

Li Si solemnly asked Youssef for some precautions in the mass production of enchanted products. After all, he, Mora and Bernie may have good experience in other aspects, but the enchanting products are indeed not as good as Youssef, the master.

Of course, Yousef would not refuse. He patiently explained everything to Li Si and promised that if he encounters trouble in other aspects later, he can come to him directly.

The promise of a magic pattern master is quite precious!

Li Si was also a little grateful. To be honest, although he really wanted to win Yousef's support before coming here, he really didn't expect Yousef to be so decisive and support so strong.

As a result, Li Si stayed in the Fifth Magic Workshop for almost a whole day, and did not leave until it was getting late.

When leaving, Bernie specially sent Li Si downstairs, which also caused the ordinary research students on the second floor to guess who it was that made their senior brother take such initiative.

After making an appointment with Bernie to come to his place to find Bernie the next day, Li Si left with brisk steps. He was still a little confused when he left, as if he felt he had forgotten something.

After a while, Li Si turned back and found Angela who had fallen asleep on the third floor. He put her on his shoulders and left peacefully.

The bodyguard forgot it!

I have gained a lot today. I don’t need to spend too much effort on improving the “self-charging” magic pattern!

With Yousef and Bernie helping me, I can focus on other aspects first.

If I go to see Mora tomorrow

It's okay for him, but he still needs the support of Baron Karl and Duke Harder, so that he can rely on the power of the Golden Vine Flower Chamber of Commerce and the Bright Light United Chamber of Commerce.

It’s not a simple thing either!

Li Si had a headache and had no choice. If he wanted to strive for more benefits, all this energy and time must be paid.

Is there such a thing as a pie in the sky?

When Li Si's thoughts were racing, he suddenly remembered the secret treasure he had on him [Arcadia's Good Luck Brooch].

If you use it when you are not in danger, will you really encounter good luck?

But when I think about the bad luck that I will face later, I might as well forget it and don’t commit suicide if nothing happens.

Li Si was thinking as he happened to pass by the academy's competition venue. This is a place specifically used for academy students to practice spells or compete with each other. There is a defensive magic circle, so there is no need to worry about accidentally injuring others.

Seeing that there are still a few people watching in the venue, it seems that someone is in the middle of a competition.

Li Si didn't care either, most of his mind was on thinking about what he was going to talk about tomorrow.

Just when Li Si left and was about to go back to the college gate by carriage.

Suddenly, his spiritual sense sounded a warning, and Li Si turned around suddenly.

The sound of bombardment and shattering rang in the ears, and the crowd watching in the field screamed in surprise.

For some unknown reason, the magic circle in the venue was directly shattered by the wind element slash attack cast by the students. The wind blade remained unabated and flew straight in the direction of Li Si.

Judging from this power, it should be about the power of a high-level bronze.

Li Si concentrated his mind, and the [Advanced Elemental Shield] glowing with a faint white light appeared next to Li Si.

Before the wind blade hit the shield, Angela, who was sleeping on Li Si's shoulder, opened her eyes slightly, and a bloody light appeared directly out of thin air, shattering the wind blade.

The scattered air flow blew the corners of Li Si's clothes, but the look on his face was a bit inexplicable.

"Sorry, this classmate is not injured."

The two people who were fighting in the field rushed over and couldn't help but apologize. Looking at their anxious looks, it seemed that they didn't think about how the defensive magic circle on the field failed.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm not hurt anyway."

Li Si said to the two of them with a smile, as if he didn't take this matter to heart.

The two apologized profusely, and after Li Si waved his hands, they left.


Li Si walked slowly and leisurely towards the entrance of the college, thinking in his mind.


Li Si never believed in such a coincidence.

There is only more than a month left before the Holy Festival. Are you unable to sit still?

I want to see what other coincidences are waiting for me! ——

Robert was in a secret stronghold in Bright City, waiting for a reply from his men.

Since the last time he received the mission from the Second Prince, Camus has not been found, and Li Si has gone to nowhere every day, and has been staying at home since he came back.

This made it impossible for Robert to complete the task of testing.

Today, he finally got the news that Li Si had gone to the Fifth Magic Workshop of Fes Royal Academy of Magic. He hurriedly hurriedly arranged for people to be on the road that Li Si must pass to test Li Si's details.

The defensive magic array on the field was specially manipulated. An "unexpected" wind blade would not attract anyone's attention, and the power of the high-level bronze was enough to test out the information Robert wanted.

Why haven't you come back yet? Has Li Si been in the workshop for so long?

Robert looked at the sky outside the window. The sunset, dyed blood red by the setting sun, looked charming and a little dangerous.


The door was pushed open from the outside, and the person who came seemed a little anxious.

Robert turned around and saw that the person coming was none other than his subordinate at the Magic Academy, the academy student who almost "accidentally injured" Li Si.

Robert walked to the seat and sat down. He picked up the wine glass and took a sip of wine. He slowly waited for his subordinates to report the situation to him.

This is Robert's experience. No matter what happens, you have to be steady. That's what you have to do when you are the boss. Otherwise, how will you control your subordinates?

"Sir Robert, we followed your instructions to test Li Si."

"I'm pretty sure that Li Si himself should be a silver-level mage!"


Robert completely forgot to maintain his demeanor, choked out all the wine he just drank, and looked at his men in disbelief.

What the hell!

Silver level?

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