Dumbledore just sat quietly at this time, his mind wandering like a lifeless statue.

After a long time, which seemed like an instant, the centenarian took off his half-moon glasses that were always on his nose, and gently wiped his already moist eyes with one hand.

"Thank you for your trust, Ian. President of the International Federation of Wizards, Chief Wizard of the Wizengamot, and current Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, I, Albus Percival Wulfric Bligh Well, Dumbledore, on behalf of Hogwarts, thank you for all this."

After saying that, the tall old man stood up and gave a deep British bow to Ian.

Ian watched the centenarian man salute to him and quickly stood up to return the salute.

Then he said softly: "Professor, you can really think of it as a deal. To tell you the truth, I also have my own troubles, but this is just my problem.

And you also know my situation. I lacked a lot of foundation in my previous life, so I am very eager to get your help. "

"And regarding the future, my suggestion is that it is best for only the two of us to know about all this, and not to interfere too much in its development. We can collect those Horcruxes in advance, but destroy them in no hurry.

Or before the Triwizard Tournament, we should let everything proceed according to the original track, because Harry is destined to die once. The stories and adventures in the past few years may be the indispensable experience for him to finally successfully fight against the mysterious man. "

"What you said happened to be what I wanted to say. 30 years ago, a Muggle philosopher in the United States came up with a very interesting term. Let me think about it... By the way, it is the 'butterfly effect', anything. There are fixed numbers and variables in the development of enterprises, and the 'butterfly effect' is a chaotic phenomenon.

Whether it is a prophecy or a time converter, they cannot change the fixed number, but the chaos phenomenon can affect the variables, thereby directly changing the fixed number. This is a terrible thing.

So prophecy is a very powerful power. I am very happy that you can use this power to do the right thing. If you are interested, I can take you to the prophecy hall of the Department of Mysteries in the future to feel the power of prophecy. As a prophet, Of you, I think this must be helpful to you. "

When Ian heard this, he couldn't help but roll his eyes inwardly. He knew his family's affairs, and he had no prophecy ability at all. He only had the memory of the original work.

But he didn't bother to explain. As he said before, a lie often requires countless lies to cover up. Instead of doing this, Qianqian being a false prophet is the best choice at the moment.

Ian was not surprised at all that Dumbledore could come up with the 'butterfly effect'. After all, he is one of the top wizards who truly understands and pays attention to the Muggle world and is knowledgeable.

Not to mention the butterfly effect, even if quantum entanglement pops up from Dumbledore's mouth one day, Ian will understand it.

"Professor, it seems that we can reach a consensus on this point, which is really great." Ian also said happily.

Dumbledore looked at the young man in front of him who was incredibly mature and mentally mature. He thought of the one who had the same unparalleled handsome and exquisite appearance and the same prophetic ability. He was filled with emotion for a moment.

After a long time, Dumbledore said: "Ian, although I don't know what trouble you are talking about, I really have something to give you at the moment, which may be of some help to you."

After saying that, he turned around and went to the cabinet full of Honeydukes candies, and took out a square box with pink petals printed on it. After carefully opening the box, what came into view was a piece of thumb-sized, bright red axial crystal octahedron. Crystal gem, give it to Ian who is looking forward to it.

Looking at the somewhat surprised young man in front of him with a smile, Dumbledore continued: "As you said, you could have used the prophet's ability to gain too many benefits in the future, but you did not do so.

So I give it to you as a small compensation for my current situation. But you don’t need to have too many expectations for it. Nothing is eternal, not even the Philosopher’s Stone. Nico and Perenal relied on it to gain short-term immortality, but frequent use over the past 600 years has made It drained almost all the magic.

Even so, it does not mean that it is useless. As one of the most high-end products of the alchemy system, even if the magic power of the magic stone cannot make the elixir, it still has the ability to eternally transform and turn stones into gold.

According to my speculation, the magic contained in this stone can probably support you to use 5 to 7 times of gold conversion magic with a total amount of no more than 10 pounds each time, or 1 to 2 times of permanent transformation magic. Of course, now it's yours, and it's up to you how you use it. "

Only after 1995 did the UK switch to the metric system of measurement, and now 1 pound is equal to 16 ounces, and one ounce is approximately equal to 28.35 grams.

"A conversion of about 5KG of gold, ideally used 7 times, is a total of 35 kilograms of gold. Although the specific exchange ratio of Gringotts is not known yet, I think the Galleons exchanged for so much gold should not be too few. It is finally temporary. to achieve financial freedom.”

After thinking about it secretly, Ian breathed a sigh of relief and said, "If you hand over the magic stone to me now, what will happen to Quirrell next?"

"Haha, Tom thought he knew me, but he only knew me before. Indeed, if I had really put the Sorcerer's Stone in the Mirror of Erised before meeting you, waiting for him to get it, because a piece of A stone whose magic power has been exhausted is of no use anymore.

But now it obviously has other uses, and I can certainly put a Fluffy Tooth Mint or an Explosion Sandwich in the mirror. "

Dumbledore said jokingly, maybe he had already ingrained the idea of ​​handling Tom into his bones, and didn't care at all about the Dark Lord's mood after going through all the hardships and finally seeing a piece of jellybean.

"By the way, I almost forgot about your enrollment. I'll ask Fox to take you back to the Leaky Cauldron in a moment. I think you should be familiar with Fox.

You probably have all day tomorrow to see what else you need to buy. Then you can take the train to Hogwarts, which is a very interesting journey. "

After Dumbledore finished speaking, he lightly clicked his wand, and the admission notice and ticket flew into Ian's hands.

There was a crisp chirp, and orange-red light flashed, looking at Ian who left with Fox.

Dumbledore sighed deeply. His upright posture was now a little stooped. After all, he was also a centenarian.

New book, please collect it, please collect it, please collect it, thank you all readers ~ Thank you! grateful! grateful!

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