I can enter Hogwarts in the end of the world

Chapter 37 Care of Magical Creatures Lesson

Outside Hogwarts Castle, in an open space on the edge of the Forbidden Forest, this is the venue for the Care of Magical Creatures class.

Looking at the unfamiliar faces, this was the first time for Ian to attend class with his classmates.

"Sure enough, Europe and the United States are developing very fast."

Compared to the immature first graders, the third grade wizards were already a little green. At a glance, he had already discovered many girls who were beginning to take shape.

At the same time, Ian suddenly felt two sneaky figures coming from behind. Thanks to the vigilance he had developed in the last days, he instantly stepped away when the other party approached.

When Ian turned around, he realized that it was his two roommates, spreading their hands and saying with a smile.

"Good afternoon! I'm sorry you two didn't scare me."

Andre looked at Ivey with some dissatisfaction: "It's all your fault. I said one person is fine, two people can be easily discovered."

After hearing this, Ivey just shrugged with an innocent expression on his face.

"Gentlemen, class time is almost here."

Just when Andre was about to say something, a voice next to him suddenly interrupted, and a boy with a helpless tone reminded him.

Ian looked at the other person. The blue shading robe was, as expected, a Ravenclaw, but he was not familiar with the third grade, so he couldn't name him at all.

"Hey, Scott, you're welcome. Even if Professor Kettleburn is here, he won't forbid us from talking. This is a Care of Magical Creatures class, not a Potions class."

After hearing this, Andre immediately counterattacked, shaking the copy of "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" in his hand while speaking to show the correctness of his words.

Before the other party could say anything else, Ivy next to him immediately signaled with his eyes and looked to the other side. It turned out that Professor Kettleburn, who was responsible for teaching this course, was already standing not far away.

The old professor had only one arm and half a leg left. So even though he had prosthetics installed, he had to rely on crutches to move around.

"Very good, you are all here!"

The old wizard has always been in good spirits and his voice is full of energy.

"Come and take a look. The lesson we are going to learn today is to get to know swallow-tailed dogs."

The Crup is a breed developed by wizards. It is very similar to the Jack Russell hound. The difference is that the Crup's tail is forked and scissor-shaped like a swift, so it is named Crup.

This dog is extremely loyal to wizards, but extremely ferocious to Muggles.

After the course began, Professor Kettleburn asked the students to work in groups of four to get to know a young swallow-tailed dog.

"Even though these little guys are small, they can eat almost any food equal to their own size."

Professor Kettleburn walked staggeringly among the students, bending down from time to time and lovingly touching the little guys' heads.

"Now, you can feed these little guys the food I prepared in advance and try to build a relationship with them."

Ian, his two roommates, and Scott were assigned to a group. Professor Kettleburn assigned them a light gray puppy.

At this time, they squatted on the ground and surrounded the little puppy.

It seemed a little uneasy at the moment, squealing in a milky voice, obviously wary of them. Only when Professor Kettleburn touches it will it shake its forked swallowtail happily.

"Oh, little one?"

Andre frowned and used a dry branch to pick out some cow offal from a small bucket nearby.

"Want to eat, little one?"

The light gray swallow-tailed dog came over, sniffed it, and immediately pounced on it to feast on it.

"Look, the little guy's tail is wagging, which means he recognizes me." Andre said proudly.

"I thought we all needed to get to know this little guy, so we took turns feeding him."

Coster on the side suggested, and after speaking, he also inserted the branches into the barrel in the same manner, but he stirred a little too much, which made the internal organs emit a pungent smell.

A fishy smell hit his nostrils, but Ian was okay and calm, because he had seen more exaggerated things than this in the apocalypse.

But when Aiwei was suffering, the other person immediately covered his nose and said with some disgust: "No, I won't use it!"

At this time, Professor Kettleburn asked the students loudly in the crowd:

"Can anyone tell me how I can get a license from the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures if I want to legally keep a swallow-tailed dog?"

It’s time for extra credit in class!

The moment Professor Kettleburn finished speaking, Ian noticed that the Ravenclaw students were obviously much more energetic. Almost as a conditioned reflex, they all raised their hands, in sharp contrast to the little badgers lying flat on their faces next to them.

"Sure enough, it's Ravenclaw where top students gather!"

Ian thought with some emotion, but he didn't care much about these scores and was very casual.

Of course, the premise is that he will not be deducted points. If points are deducted, he will still find a way to make up for it, based on the principle of no default and no debt.

"Then please...Miss Alsop answer this question."

Professor Kettleburn glanced at the students who raised their hands, and finally clicked on a Hufflepuff girl to answer the question. From Ian's point of view, this is indeed the professor taking care of Hufflepuff, which ranks at the bottom of the academy every year.

Miss Alsop, who was called, also stood up with a victorious smile and began to answer the questions according to the script.

"Any wizard who wishes to apply to keep a swallowtail dog must complete a simple test before receiving a license from the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures.

Moreover, under the requirements of the Secrecy Act, owners of swallow-tailed dogs must use a painless cutting spell to cut off their peculiar tails when the swallow-tailed dogs reach six to eight weeks old, so that the swallow-tailed dogs will not attract the attention of Muggles.

In addition, owners of swallow-tailed dogs must ensure that they do not allow them to breed freely in Muggle-controlled communities. "

"Very good, that's right." Professor Kettleburn gave the other party a thumbs up with his remaining hand.

"This answer is very standard. I have nothing to add. For this, I will give Hufflepuff 10 points."

This is also Professor Kettleburn's practice. He will ask a question in each class, and if a student answers correctly, he will use up the extra points for this class at once.

And these questions are not too difficult, most of them are some basic knowledge, the kind where you can find the answers just by flipping through a book.

This also makes everyone enthusiastically raise their hands in the Care of Magical Creatures class.

After adding the points, Professor Kettleburn continued the class.

"The swallow-tailed dogs you are getting to know now are all five-week-old little guys. In the next two weeks, I need you to get familiar with them as soon as possible.

Because in two weeks, it will be up to you to remove their peculiar tails yourself, using a painless cutting spell. "

While the students were in an uproar, Professor Kettleburn continued and said loudly:

"So in the next two weeks, you not only have to learn to raise these little guys, but you also have to practice magic in your spare time. You have to ensure that there will be no accidents after you release the painless cutting spell. "

"Poor little guy, your tail is almost gone."

Andre touched Coyotito's tail with some evil intentions.

Unfortunately, this cute dog had no idea what he would face next. After being petted, his little eyes still widened, and he rubbed the dog's head on Andre's trousers.

At the end of this class, Professor Kettleburn gave an assignment - about the history of wizards breeding swallow-tailed dogs.

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