I can enter Hogwarts in the end of the world

Chapter 40 Chapter 40 The Forgotten Magic Stone

Fortunately, the Charms classroom was on the fourth floor of the castle. Not long after, Ian came to the door of the office. He knocked on the door and pushed the door open after getting permission. He came to this office for the second time.

"Good morning, Professor Flitwick!" Ian said with a slight bow.

"Good morning, Ian. To be honest, I have been waiting for you to come to me. Did something go wrong during the course?"

In more than a month of contact, Ian discovered that Professor Flitwick, who had a small role in the original work, really cared about the students of his college and was extremely protective of their shortcomings.

Faced with Professor Flitwick's inquiry, Ian replied calmly: "Professor, it's like this. I feel that I can't learn anything in the first-year spells class, so I want to apply to return to the school." Third grade class.”

"Ha, this is a good thing. It shows that you have great talent in magic. Even so, before that, we need a simple test to prove that you have indeed mastered the knowledge of first and second grade."

Not surprisingly, Professor Flitwick was also very happy when he heard this. After all, there is a genius in the Charms class in his own college, and no one is happier than the substitute teacher.

"Then let's test the first-grade content first. Let these apples line up and dance past this table. You need to make the formation as neat as possible and the dance steps as gorgeous as possible."

As Professor Flitwick spoke, he pulled out his wand, and five fresh and delicious apples appeared on the table.

This is also the content of the final practical examination of the first-year Charms class. It is the application of spell combinations. It involves many important contents in the first-year Charms class, but Professor Flitwick has omitted the theoretical examination.

Ian didn't panic when he heard this. This was indeed very simple for him who had already read the entire book "Standard Spells" by heart.

This simple test only lasted less than 20 minutes and ended after Ian successively used many magic spells from third grade and above.

Professor Flitwick was extremely excited about this.

"Very good, very good, a wonderful performance. I agree to your application. Starting next week, you will go back to the third grade. If Hogwarts does not allow skipping classes, I would even let you go directly. Fifth grade Charms class.”

Hearing this, Ian also breathed a sigh of relief. Although he had absolute confidence in his own strength, he could only feel relieved after hearing Professor Flitwick give a definite answer.

"Thank you for your recognition, Professor Flitwick."

When Ian walked out of the office, he suddenly realized that he seemed to have nothing to do, and his bloodline research had come to an endless stagnation.

Compared to the time when he first entered school, although he had a great sense of crisis, his life was also very fulfilling.

Once upon a time, he studied magic with all his strength every day, like a cracked sponge absorbing knowledge eagerly after encountering water.

He didn't know when he started to feel that he had lost this motivation.

It seems that after experiencing the second awakening of magic power, the rapid growth of magic power also indirectly increased his magic talent. The most intuitive manifestation is that most of the magic spells in "Standard Spells" can be easily released.

Although this brought him a complete sense of security, it also made him no longer willing to continue exploring on the path of magic.

It's like a life that was originally infinitely possible, but from the moment after getting married, you can see the future at a glance, that boring, unchanging life of daily necessities and daily necessities.

"I don't like this, I really don't like it. Magic is infinite possibilities, not a means of survival." Ian thought in his heart.

At this moment, Ian finally found his original feeling, his yearning for magic. Magic should not be a means of survival, but rather his lifelong pursuit and interest.

"Interest is the best teacher. All previous actions were indeed too purposeful."

Know your shortcomings and forge ahead, look at the distant mountains and move forward.

After thinking about it, Ian felt relaxed. This time he did not go to the library to read or find an abandoned classroom to practice magic. Instead, he slowly walked outside the castle.

A person walked quietly by the Black Lake, sorting out all the previous harvests while walking.

"...I feel like I've overlooked something. During this time, the plot has almost progressed to the Harry trio searching for information about the Sorcerer's Stone....The Sorcerer's Stone?"

Ian's mind was like a flash of lightning, illuminating the fog in an instant. At this moment, he finally remembered the thing that he had always ignored, the magic stone, one of the highest products of the alchemy system.

"As expected, I don't care if I get it. If I don't study such a treasure, it would be a waste..."

After finding his goal, Ian was full of energy for the next few weeks. Not only did he go to Snape's place twice a week to learn about potions, but he also read almost all the basic books on alchemy.

Hogwarts was extremely peaceful on Saturday morning. Even the energetic little Gryffindor wizards would not choose to cause trouble on Saturday morning.

Ian closed the book in his hand at this moment, "The Legend of Nicoléme", which is obviously a biography book.

I glanced at the countdown in my mind for my next time travel: 45 hours, 33 minutes and 16 seconds.

"It's time to relax for a while. After all, I've been in Hogwarts for so long and I haven't even been to the prestigious Hogsmeade. I really deserve the title of time traveler."

Thinking of this, Ian felt a little moved. On the one hand, he still yearned for this village composed entirely of wizards.

On the other hand, he also wanted to go shopping in Hogsmeade. Although there was no shortage of basic supplies such as food and water in the apocalypse, there were still big gaps in some daily necessities.

Just do it, and after making up your mind, Ian quickly walked out of the common room, not forgetting to put on his infinitely extendable backpack, and walked leisurely to the castle gate.

Although there was no one in the castle in the early morning, the conscientious Filch had been waiting here early, with a fierce expression on his face, waiting to check whether every student had the signature of the guardian.

But Ian was also prepared. When he wanted to go to Hogsmeade to buy supplies, he had already obtained the signature.

Because he was in a special situation and had no guardian, he got the signature of Dean Flitwick.

After Filch saw Ian, who was wearing sky blue shading, his expression softened slightly. After repeatedly confirming the signature in his hand, he quickly let him pass.

Filch was quite friendly to the Ravenclaw students. After all, the eaglets would not cause trouble for his work. So correspondingly, he doesn't target Ravenclaw very much. If it were Gryffindor, it would be a different matter.

Even so, Filch said aloud as Ian passed by: "Don't try to bring any prohibited items back. Once I find out, there will be absolutely no good results."

"Of course, sir. I'm not a trouble-seeker."

Ian replied calmly.

He turned a deaf ear to Filch's words. He had known this man in his previous life. He was a squib but chose to live in Hogwarts. All he could say was that hateful people must have pity.

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