I can enter Hogwarts in the end of the world

Chapter 7 Opportunities for Enrollment

After secretly saying sorry and bidding farewell to Mr. Ollivander, who was a little disappointed, Ian quietly left the wand shop and prepared to go to the planned second stop, Flourish and Blotts Bookstore.

This bookstore has a high attendance rate and popularity. The first impression given to Ian is that it is a special and magical store. Standing in front of the door, you will be attracted by an elegant and profound atmosphere, which makes people feel Walk in involuntarily.

The store has a fascinating oak smell, mixed with the unique light ink fragrance of books. The two barren magic ornamental plants on the shelf at the door only contribute the smell of moist soil, and the lights in the room are a bit dim.

The warm sunlight in the morning shines through the old wooden window lattice of the bookstore, jumping on the rows and rows of bookshelves. At the corner, the golden sunlight is broken and scattered on the bronze lampshade, with spots of mildew and a little rust. The traced lampshade seems to be telling the past of this bookstore.

Moreover, Flourish and Blott Bookstore also has its own Easter eggs. As long as you hang out here before school starts, you can basically encounter a Miss Beaver. If this time is placed in 1991, then there is a certain probability that the "capture" mechanism will be triggered.

"Welcome to Flourish and Blotts Bookstore. Do you need to buy Hogwarts textbooks? Grade 4? Grade 5? There is a complete set of packaged textbooks. Or do you need to buy a single book? All textbooks are here, and other textbooks are here. The books are on the bookshelf in the back."

The bookstore manager is a somewhat greasy and fat middle-aged man. His slightly sunken eyes show that he is not a native of England.

While introducing it to Ian, he pointed to the two rows of bookshelves in front of him. Perhaps because there was still one day left before the start of school, the textbooks were still placed in the most conspicuous place in the bookstore.

"Thank you sir, but I'll take a look first. I'll call you if I need anything."

The bookstore is like this. Ian can look around and search for the books he needs without caring at all.

Looking at the various books on the textbook bookshelf in front of me, "History of Magic", "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them", "Standard Spells. Elementary, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4...", "Thousands of Magical Herbs" and Mushrooms", "Magic Potions and Potions", "Dark Magic: A Guide to Self-Defense"...

After some rough reading and deep thinking, Ian only chose to buy two books, "Standard Spells. Elementary" and "Elementary Transfiguration Guide".

Although he was also very interested in "Magic Potions and Potions", he had to reluctantly give up after thinking about the living environment of the end of the world and the need for high-end items such as magic potions for the time being.

The book is not about being knowledgeable but about being precise. "Controlling input" is a habit that Ian has maintained for a long time in his previous life. Reducing the upstream information intake is the necessary method to have a clear mind.

Of course, he would not say that it was because he had to pay off Old Tom's debt and he really couldn't buy much with 15 Galleons that he chose these two books that could transform his current strength.

Even so, the two books also cost a huge sum of nearly 5 galleons. These are popular science books for beginners. If you want to learn knowledge in the wizarding world, you have to pay a price.

It wasn't that Ian hadn't considered second-hand books, but because he wasn't accompanied by a faculty member from Hogwarts to guide him, he didn't know whether some of the second-hand books were missing pages or words.

There are also some scribblings of notes on books. If he has a teacher, these notes can quickly connect to the analogy, but without a teacher, these notes may become an obstacle for him, because no one can judge whether the notes are correct.

In summary, for various reasons, Ian finally chose to buy new books. It was a little more expensive, but it was safer.

"Safety first, safety first, the physical pain is only a moment, but safety is a lifetime."

While comforting himself, he reluctantly took out 5 Galleons that were still warm to pay the bill.

After completing these two primary tasks, confirming the wand and purchasing books, Ian lost interest in other shopping, and immediately quickened his pace and returned to the Leaky Cauldron.

After pushing open the bar door, greeting Old Tom, and taking out 3 galleons to pay for the previous week's food and lodging, Ian wanted to return to the room in the attic.

After all, new books are bought for learning, not for decoration. So he didn't notice Old Tom who was hesitant to speak behind him.

Looking at the two books in Ian's hand, Old Tom hesitated for a moment, then suddenly spoke as if he had decided something.

"Ian, wait, I think we need to talk."

After hearing this, Ian turned around. He still respected Old Tom very much and was grateful for the other person's taking him in. So since he had spoken, he couldn't ignore him.

"Although I don't know what happened to you, and I don't know what you went through in your own country. However, I still want to say that at your current age, you should go to school instead of working odd jobs in Diagon Alley. …”

"Merlin's socks, I've wanted to say this for a long time. It's just that you looked a little scared when you came here. But when I saw the books you chose to buy after making money, I became more and more sure that it was time to talk about this. It's over. Regarding school matters, I will write to Professor McGonagall. Oh, she is the deputy principal of Hogwarts, a very kind lady. With any luck, I will get a reply this afternoon."

Old Tom seemed to have thought of something and added:

"As for tuition fees and books, you don't need to worry. Hogwarts will provide incompetent students with a long-term interest-free loan to help you complete your studies. You only need to pay it back within three years after graduation."

go to school? To be honest, Ian did consider it when he came here, but he didn't have any communication channels or connections when he first came here, so he gave up the idea first.

Most of them are still thinking about making money to buy supplies to bring back to the end of the world. Food is the most important thing for the people. Only when they are full can they do other things.

Moreover, on the one hand, there is no admission notice, and on the other hand, his obviously older body is also troublesome.

There is a high probability that he will not be able to go to the first grade, but he does not have any foundation. If he goes to the upper grade, there is a high probability that he will just listen to the scriptures and dawdle.

Instead of doing this, it is better to earn some money and save it first, and then buy enough survival supplies.

As for magic, in the future you can just spend money to ask others for advice. Most students who want to come to Hogwarts will not refuse this easy pocket money.

As the saying goes, if you are sleepy, you will be given a pillow. Since Old Tom is willing to help write letters, Ian is very happy to communicate with this upright and selfless vice-dean about admission issues.

When he was reading the original book, he liked Professor McGonagall very much. His strength, character, and temperament were all impeccable.

"Thank you very much! I had nothing before, so I never thought about studying. It would be great if I had a student loan."

Ian didn't say much, he just briefly explained his reasons based on the lack of money.

"Ha, what do I think it is? If this is the case, you should have told me a long time ago, but it is too late now. After all, it is only August 30th. There is still time. I will write a letter now. You can first Go and rest, I will call you when I get a reply."

Old Tom was also talking happily at this moment. After all, as an elder, it always makes people feel happy to see the desire of the new generation of children to learn, doesn't it?

After Ian returned to the room, he put the books he bought on the bed. He did not choose to read immediately. Instead, he sat by the bed and thought deeply.

After all, this moment of study is not enough, but the next meeting with Professor McGonagall and even Dumbledore is a very important thing.

"Sometimes for one lie, you need countless lies to cover it up. It doesn't actually matter. The most important thing is my life style at Hogwarts. The plot will not follow at all, but how to use foresight I came here to seek welfare, but I need to think carefully..."

New book, please collect it, please collect it, please collect it, thank you all readers!

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