And unlike ordinary Doomsdays, Lu Yuan was the first Doomsday born on Krypton 100,000 years ago. His power is the most powerful, and he can even destroy an army of 100,000 Doomsdays by himself.

Lu Yuan was the first Doomsday on Krypton. The subsequent 100,000 Doomsdays were all developed based on his successful experience, but none were as good as Lu Yuan.

The other Doomsday Suns are no more than three meters tall, and their strength is far behind Lu Yuan. Even a hundred thousand Doomsday Suns cannot defeat Lu Yuan.

And during that crazy battle, Lu Yuan evolved countless times, even the weakness of kryptonite was overcome, and even Darkseid's own omega rays were immune.

Also because he was besieged by 100,000 Destruction Suns, he was almost immune to punches, kicks and other injuries, because even he had been beaten to death in this way, but he was immune after being resurrected.

There are also heat rays and even all kinds of damage.

Such a terrifying monster, just standing there, already made Fury and the others terrified and speechless.

Natasha didn't care about anything else. She stood up subconsciously, raised her head, and stared blankly at Lu Yuan at this time.

Lu Yuan tilted his head. His head was already on the ceiling. He had to tilt his head, otherwise a big hole would be punched through the ceiling and expand directly to the upper floor.

How should I continue to show my power? Demolish this building? Or destroy the New York City? Lu Yuan asked, his voice was loud and scary because he transformed into Doomsday.

Fury quickly reached out to stop him: That's enough, that's enough.

In fact, he was also shocked.

Fury thinks he has seen a lot and has even dealt with aliens. Few people know that there have been alien visitors to the earth, such as the Skrulls and the Kree.

So when he learned that Lu Yuan was an alien, he didn't pay too much attention.

But now he found that he was wrong, very wrong.

The threat and feeling that Lu Yuan brought to him far exceeded any moment he had ever experienced before.

Even when facing the terrifying alien fleet coming from Ronan the Accuser, he never felt more powerless and panicked than this.

He believed that the monster in front of him could definitely do what he said.

Ruin that New York City? He cannot bear this responsibility.

Okay, please change back to your original appearance, Fury said.

Lu Yuan shrugged. Although he didn't want to admit it, in fact this was his true face now.

Well, he's already doomed.


In the blink of an eye, Lu Yuan turned into a human again.

Unlike other people's transformations, Lu Yuan can transform more freely, without losing control or going berserk.

He picked up his clothes and put them on quickly, but when he was tying his tie, he looked at Natasha with some distress.

Natasha was the only girl in the room, staring at Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan spread his hands: I can't tie a tie.

So you want me to tie your tie? Natasha almost shouted, her tone full of disbelief.

Fury nodded to Coulson.

Just when Colson was about to come over to help Lu Yuan, the latter sighed and quickly tied his tie reluctantly.

Natasha was so angry that her teeth started to itch.

As expected, he is someone who can get together with that guy Tony, this bastard.

Hawkeye looked thoughtful and was thinking about something.

The relationship between Hawkeye and Natasha is extraordinary, especially when Hawkeye was controlled by Loki with the mind scepter, she still firmly believed that Hawkeye did not betray.

But don't doubt that they are not a couple. Secretly, Hawkeye already has his own family, and his eldest daughter is about to be born.

And Natasha is one of the few people who knows Hawkeye's family and is an old friend of their family, like family.

Therefore, Hawkeye was not jealous, nor did he hate Lu Yuan because of it. Instead, he was thinking about something thoughtfully.

Because Hawkeye didn't have a high sense of presence, Lu Yuan didn't pay attention to him. He turned to ask Fury: I have cooperated with you so much, can I leave?

He was so cooperative because he wanted SHIELD to stop causing trouble. He didn't want to continue to deal with them again and again.

How could a human like Fury not know what he meant? He said with a half-smile, Do you think you can really get rid of us even if you don't join SHIELD?

Lu Yuan looked back at Fury and said with a serious expression: I'll beat you to death. I'm serious. It doesn't take any effort.

Fury was startled and quickly comforted him: Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to trouble you, but I hope you can help us when we are in trouble. By the way, I also have a plan for a hero team here. You ....

Not interested, Lu Yuan interrupted Fury directly. He knew that the plan was probably the Avengers, but he really had no interest.

At least not now.

I have shown enough sincerity and patience, I hope you can understand and don't push yourself too far, Lu Yuan stood at the door, with his back to Fury and the others, making words that were not a threat, but more than a threat, and then Open the door and leave.

He had done enough and cooperated enough in the hope that Fury and the others would understand and stop disturbing him.

But if they still press forward, Lu Yuan won't be so polite by then.

Inside the room, Fury and the others looked at each other, and found that each other's faces were covered with cold sweat without realizing it.

It went smoothly at first, but when Lu Yuan suddenly turned against him, it was terrible.

Boss, Natasha said to Fury, This is an uncontrollable monster. Listen to me and don't mess with it again.

Unless, Fury looked at Natasha and said incoherently: Someone can control it..

18. Natasha’s beauty trap?

After this contact with S.H.I.E.L.D., Lu Yuan understood that what he was facing was not just the few people in front of him, but what he was really facing was the earth's forces represented behind them.

There is no doubt that with Fury's methods and power, Lu Yuan can definitely become the public enemy of the earth.

Just like the dilemma the Hulk faces today.

Of course Lu Yuan is not afraid, he can blow up the earth with one punch now.

But what then?

He came to earth temporarily and wanted to relax on the earth of this world, not to kill, kill or cause destruction.

Although he is Doomsday, he retains his own mind and does not lose control or go berserk.

So Lu Yuan is naturally not here to destroy the earth.

If possible, he didn't want to cause trouble, so he fully cooperated with Fury and expressed his goodwill and sincerity. However, he was not easy to mess with, so he made threats before leaving.

He has done enough, don't push yourself further, otherwise he will no longer be easy to talk to.

To put it simply, I will give you face this time, but don’t be shameless.

And don't forget that Lu Yuan's Kryptonian name is Lu Yuan Al. He is a member of the Al family. He was the representative of the Al family a hundred thousand years ago and became the commander of the strongest army on Krypton.

If placed on the current Krypton, even General Zod would be far worse than him. Even if he didn't have to kneel down, he would still be far from comparable to Lu Yuan.

General Zod is already one of the top generals of Krypton, but Lu Yuan is more like the supreme commander of all soldiers, and even the general is his subordinate.

As a member of the El family, at least he is not the kind of bad person who destroys other people's civilization for no reason.

What's more, Lu Yuan was a genuine Earthling in his previous life, so of course he has a lot to worry about.

I believe they won't push the envelope anymore, Lu Yuan said confidently.

He also deliberately showed his power as Doomsday. After seeing his true face, Fury and the others will also consider whether they can offend him.

If nothing else happens, this matter should come to an end.

Lu Yuan knew better that only by having such a contact with SHIELD could he officially establish a foothold on the earth.

This meeting will happen sooner or later. He is an alien and will definitely come to his door.

So Lu Yuan was also mentally prepared.

After all, being the most powerful person on the planet was nothing.

But after this experience, no one should bother him anymore. He also made ugly remarks in front of others. It was really unpleasant and everyone looked bad.

Okay, it's time to make extra money. Putting away these thoughts in his mind, Lu Yuan relaxed a lot and turned his thoughts back to Iron Man.

Again, after all, it was because of Lu Yuan's relationship that the plot changed. In addition, his relationship with Tony was not bad now. He was idle anyway, so he wanted to help Tony get back on track.

Among them, there is an important role that must be mentioned, that is the most important villain in the first Iron Man, Iron Overlord.

The Iron Overlord is Obadiah, and the previous attacks and traps that Tony encountered were also arranged by Obadiah with the purpose of killing Tony.

Unfortunately, Lu Yuan's intrusion disrupted all his plans.

But it doesn't matter, Lu Yuan has already sent the box to him.

But the box of blueprints alone was not enough. He also had to help Obadiah, or at least push him.

Otherwise, what's the price? Lu Yuan raised the corner of his mouth slightly, revealing an extremely sinister smile.

Therefore, he can be very sinister sometimes.

But after Lu Yuan made up his mind, he raised his head and realized: By the way, isn't the distance a little too far?

Coulson had dragged him around before, and he was getting farther and farther away from Stark Tower. He could fly, and he could travel faster than the speed of light, but he was just on the street, in Running around in broad daylight?

And that’s too lucrative, right?


At this moment, two car horns sounded behind him.

Lu Yuan turned around and his eyes lit up. A sports car slowly came behind him, especially the person in the driver's seat was a beautiful woman.

Beautiful women with beautiful cars are always eye-catching.

The only bad thing is that the beauty looked very reluctant. She glared at Lu Yuan and scolded: Get in the car, I'll take you back.

The person driving was Natasha, with a very ugly expression on her face, because it was Coulson who was supposed to see Lu Yuan off, but for some reason Fury wanted her to see him off.

As an elite agent, Natasha is not a novice. She already vaguely knows what Fury is planning. Isn't it just a beauty trap? She is a beauty herself, and it's not like she has never taken the initiative to use it.

It would be better to say that she is too familiar.

So Natasha's expression became even worse. What is Fury doing?

The honey trap is just a ruse, and the ultimate goal is to complete the task.

But Fury wanted to win over this alien monster. If he used this honey trap on him, it might not be lifted forever.

So Natasha was very resistant.

Lu Yuan was not polite, opened the passenger door and got in.

Fortunately, the sports car is open-top and the carport can be packed away, otherwise it would be very uncomfortable given his size.

This was done by Natasha after seeing his height in advance.

Thank you, Lu Yuan thanked politely and was about to turn his head to look at Natasha.

Natasha stepped on the accelerator, and the sports car roared and shot out instantly.

An ordinary person would definitely be frightened, but Lu Yuan didn't care at all. He once won first place in a spaceship competition, and even dared to race among meteorites. This was nothing.

The most important thing is that he is not afraid of death and cannot die, so seeking death is nothing.

Maybe Natasha wanted to get rid of Lu Yuan too much, so she drove all the way and drove him back to the door of Stark Tower as fast as possible. Then without even saying goodbye, she stepped on the accelerator and left quickly.

Lu Yuan shrugged. Although Natasha was indeed beautiful, he had not yet fallen in love at first sight. He just appreciated beautiful things.

He once personally led the colonization plan of Krypton, and he was also a high-level executive of Krypton. He had never seen such a beautiful woman.

So Lu Yuan turned around and entered the building without taking any notes.

As soon as he came in, Lu Yuan was immediately blocked by a person: Mr. Obadiah, please go to the office.

Lu Yuan smiled and came.

Following that person, Lu Yuan got into Tony's exclusive elevator and went straight to the upper floors.

Although it was Tony's exclusive elevator, Obadiah, as the board of directors and the veteran of the company, was certainly qualified to ride it.

At least Lu Yuan doesn't care about that.

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