Lu Yuan nodded, Tony's suit was ready to be announced, it was time.

So Lu Yuan approached Tony and said bad words secretly from such a height: Tony, I need you to make an inferior Ark reactor. I want to give this to Obadiah. But I can't give it to him directly. Then you can follow the instructions Wherever I tell you to put it, and then when he comes to steal it, you can also copy his computer and system, which contains all of Obadiah’s criminal records.”

Tony looked at Lu Yuan: You mean it's time to close the net?

That's right..

25. Not only do I want his money, but I also want his life.

Obadiah would never have thought that Lu Yuan seemed to have betrayed Tony and stole Tony's most important things and gave them to him in exchange for money.

But in fact, Lu Yuan's vision was much better than his. Lu Yuan had discussed with Tony to trick him together.

Lu Yuan even got the blueprints from Tony, and now that he was about to close the net, he simply asked Tony to build a small Ark reactor.

Because Lu Yuan is useful, he wants to give it to Obadiah as a gift.

Don't forget to make an inferior version, preferably one with half the energy and the ability to blow up the furnace, Lu Yuan said with a sinister idea.

The full name of the Ark Reactor, as mentioned earlier, should be called a palladium arc reactor.

So why is palladium so important?

Because palladium can undergo nuclear fission.

To put it bluntly, this is a nuclear battery.

Why can such a small thing have so much energy? This is what we have been talking about as nuclear energy, this is nuclear battery.

Think about it, what would happen if this thing suddenly exploded?

Even if it's not as good as a nuclear bomb, it's almost there.

Even Tony is confused. Brother, this is a date in New York. Are you sure this is really feasible?

At least Tony didn't dare.

So what Lu Yuan said before was really right. Stark Industries was begging for food with a golden rice bowl. Howard had paved the way thirty years ago. It's a pity that Howard didn't live until now, otherwise what would Obadiah be? What Tony, can you stay away? You are blocking the path of genius.

Tony was a genius, but compared to his father, he still had to step aside.

However, there are no ifs in the world.

This can also reflect why Obadiah's group was unable to reproduce it. Now we understand that this is the nuclear reactor that Howard developed by the way when he was researching nuclear weapons.

How can this thing be so easy to reproduce, otherwise the whole world would be ruled by nuclear weapons.

But it won't work like this all the time. Lu Yuan has made it clear that what he needs is for Obadiah to jump out of the water, and he needs for Obadiah to take the initiative to break up.

So he did not hesitate to help Obadiah bring the blueprints and help him suggest the construction of Iron Overlord. Now there was only the final step left, and there was no need for an Ark reactor.

Just give it to him, Tony can make it anyway, and it's right in front of him.

Tony didn't know whether he should laugh or be angry, and felt even more sad. Obadiah would never have thought that every move he made was planned by Lu Yuan, and even what to do next, Lu Yuan was also planning it now. .

Won't he be suspicious? Tony asked, thinking that with Obadiah's IQ, he wouldn't be suspicious at all, right?

Then let him see how powerful he is. Lu Yuan was not worried at all. He tapped Tony's armor with his hand and said, Do you still remember the group of people who attacked you before? You don't want revenge at all?

Tony understood, it turned out that he had not escaped, he was also a pawn of Lu Yuan, and he was also plotted.

But Tony thought about it and realized that Lu Yuan seemed to be right. He had been attacked by a group of unknown people and almost died in that desert. How could he just let it go?

He also understood Lu Yuan's meaning and purpose. Since the group was probably instructed by Obadiah to ambush and attack him, it meant that they must have colluded.

And once he comes forward and defeats that group, he can indirectly show Obadiah the power and potential of this suit.

This will make Obadiah even more anxious and focus more on developing his armor.

However, Obadiah was unable to figure out how to reproduce the required Ark reactor. He went around and around, unable to get around this new energy source.

Without energy, everything is fake.

An Iron Overlord without energy is just a lump of iron.

Tony, who wanted to understand this, couldn't help but said: It seems that you are going to cheat again.

Lu Yuan smiled proudly: There is no way, I have to have money to survive, and I have to make ends meet. What's more, when Obadiah dies, won't all his shares be given to you? You are the biggest winner.


Tony was startled.

Lu Yuan nodded without hesitation: He must die, and the Iron Overlord's information must be destroyed before it is obtained by a certain country and other forces. Don't you know how huge changes this thing can lead to? Once your country gets it, the world will be over.

Even Lu Yuan, who had just arrived in this world, knew very well that a certain country was too weird.

Especially Tony. He went to that desert area to sell weapons. The weapons he sold were to the military bosses of a certain country, but that area was really not a certain country.

So they're breaking into other people's homes and causing chaos.

Lu Yuan doesn't want to say much about all this, and he can't say much in this book.

Tony is also a smart man, and he obviously knows how serious the consequences are, otherwise he would not have firmly grasped the technical secrets of the Iron Man suit and not turned it over.

Once the world turns into a war of steel armies, the scene and the consequences are simply unimaginable.

So he must die, Lu Yuan unilaterally announced Obadiah's end.

From the moment Obadiah got the drawings of the Mark Generation and started developing the Iron Overlord, he was doomed.

These things cannot be allowed to be obtained by people above, and it is absolutely not allowed.

Some people may naively think that it is enough to expose Obadiah’s criminal evidence and then arrest him.

Don't be silly, who was Dr. Zola? Not only is he the most capable subordinate of the Red Skull, he is also one of the top executives of Hydra, and even the leader of a certain country.

But wasn't he still recruited by SHIELD in the end?

Do you trust a certain country? Might as well trust a pig.

(Because country and place names cannot appear, and various things cannot appear, so I will just talk about it here.)

So from the beginning, when Lu Yuan was planning to invite the turtle into the urn, he had already planned that Obadiah would be tricked to death by him.

Not only was it money, Lu Yuan was also prepared to take his life.

Tony fell silent. After all, Obadiah was his father's friend. He was also the best person to him after his parents died, and he was a mentor and friend.

After all these years, I was suddenly told that the mole next to me was actually Obadiah? Did he want to kill himself?

For a moment Tony couldn't accept it.

I knew it, Lu Yuan said with a genuine expression: I knew you would be like this, so I didn't want to tell you from the beginning. How about this, you just do what I told you, and don't worry about the rest. . I know you will definitely be intolerant, so just wait until he takes the initiative to attack you, and then you can fight back.

If Obadiah doesn't seek death, no one will kill him. It's up to him.

Tony nodded, that was all he could do.

26. Lu Yuan’s plan is to trick Obadiah

In fact, Lu Yuan knew that Tony was a very emotional person, and it would be difficult to suddenly want him to be murderous towards Obadiah.

But he knew better that Obadiah was definitely a disaster.

Although Obadiah can sell weapons to enemies of a certain country for money, the enemies of a certain country are not good people either. At least the people Obadiah contacted were members of the Ten Rings Gang.

The Ten Commandments Gang are not kind people, but are even more ruthless.

The enemy of your enemy may not always be your friend.

The Ten Rings Gang is similar to Hydra. They both want to conquer the world and are absolute villains and bad guys.

During the era and period of World War II, Hydra supported or took refuge in the Grand Head of State, who was that person.

Later, Hydra went underground and launched a secret service operation to compete with S.H.I.E.L.D.

The Ten Commandments Gang is still causing trouble all over the world, constantly provoking wars and expanding its power.

All in all it's not a good thing.

Speaking of which, Lu Yuan has a bigger opinion on the Ten Rings Gang. The reason is that the Ten Rings Gang can be said to be evidence of Marvel's blackening of the East.

Especially the presence of the Mandarin.

This can no longer be mentioned, it is a taboo.

But after all, it is a villain, so it is understandable. As long as it is not deliberately darkened, it is still acceptable.

And there are no superheroes with Eastern faces in the Marvel world.

Let’s not mention this yet.

Obadiah has secret dealings and collusions with the Ten Rings, and sooner or later he will be a danger.

What's more, Lu Yuan didn't even intend to let him go, but seeing Tony's hesitation, Lu Yuan could only retreat and do the next best thing.

Arrange the plan first, and wait for Obadiah to take the bait voluntarily. When things get out of control, Tony has to do it even if he doesn't want to.

As for why Lu Yuan insisted on killing Obadiah.

Isn't the answer obvious? Lu Yuan is worried that Obadiah will defect to a certain country and worry that he will hand over too many things to a certain country. Once a certain country becomes strong, the whole world will be unrest.

Sometimes Lu Yuan really wants to say that if he is a hero, he will overthrow a certain country.

A certain country is the public enemy of the whole world.

It's a pity that he can't say that.

In this way, Lu Yuan and Tony reached an agreement between them.

After Tony completed the first test flight to his satisfaction, the two of them returned to the downstairs of the villa through the entrance of the underground garage under the escort of Lu Yuan.

Tony had already promised Lu Yuan, so he had to build another small Ark reactor for him overnight.

Look, this is the difference between genius and mortal.

Even if Obadiah and the others were guarding the large palladium arc reactor, they would not be able to reproduce it perfectly in the end.

As for Tony, he hammered it out all by himself and built it in less than half a night.

Moreover, according to Lu Yuan's evil request, an inferior product was specially produced.

Be careful. Seeing Lu Yuan take it in his hand, Tony warned worriedly: You know what this thing is, and according to your request, it is a low-quality product and itself is unstable. Be careful to put us together. Explode to the sky.”

This thing is an unstable small bomb, or a nuclear bomb with nuclear elements, which can definitely level this place to the ground.

But Lu Yuan didn't care at all: Don't worry, as long as I'm here, no one can hurt you. Even if a real nuclear bomb explodes, it won't be a big deal.

Tony looked surprised at Lu Yuan's confidence, but then felt relieved. After all, he was an alien.

At the same time, he has also seen Lu Yuan's true face and believes that it is far from Lu Yuan's true strength.

On Lu Yuan's side, he held the dangerous little thing in his hand, looked at it carefully, and asked: If it is installed on your Mark II (again, although it is the code name of the second generation, its performance is actually that of the third generation). ), how long can it be used if driven at full power?

Tony pondered and made some calculations, then gave a rough figure: Thirty minutes, if it exceeds this time, the energy will be exhausted, and there will also be the risk of self-explosion.

Lu Yuan nodded to show that he understood, and suddenly threw it to Tony and said, From today on, you take this one with you and hide the good one.

What do you mean? Tony was shocked. He already said that this inferior product was in danger of self-explosion.

Lu Yuan showed a wicked smile: Even if you don't carry it with you, it still needs to be placed in an important position. Otherwise, how can people believe that this is your proud work?

Tony understood.

Lu Yuan is very bad. He is deliberately luring Obadiah himself to steal this inferior version of the Ark Reactor.

If it was delivered by Lu Yuan himself, Obadiah might still be suspicious.

But if Obadiah is lured into believing that this is Tony's masterpiece, Obadiah won't doubt it.

Another point.

Lu Yuan had roughly stated his plan before. He would guide Obadiah to steal the Ark reactor, and at the same time steal Obadiah's information and evidence.

Kill several birds with one stone.

Tony shook his head, feeling sad for Obadiah.

That guy was very ambitious, but he didn't know that he was all plotted by Lu Yuan.

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