When Zhu Kai heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched. There were some things he didn't know how to say to Mrs. Li. After all, this girl was about to give birth, so he might as well wait until she gave birth!

Only Zhu Kai knows that the money in the treasury seems to be getting more and more, but the funds to be invested in his next development plan will also be a terrifying astronomical figure!

Because after having a huge amount of funds, Zhu Kai was ready to start building a house!

In the words of later generations, Zhu Kai is preparing to enter the real estate industry! Needless to say, the investment in this industry goes without saying. Although the Ming Dynasty did not have the concept of real estate, Zhu Lai did!

At least in the northwest region, Zhu Kai has already begun to make arrangements and slowly begun to lay the foundation for subsequent real estate development! For example, the construction of cement roads is basically the route planned by Zhu Lai! For example, some densely populated towns and some areas with old houses in Ganzhou City will be demolished when the time comes, and then rebuilt, and then the people will be allowed to move back into the planned urban areas!

For example, the cement brick factory and red brick factory required for building houses have also been arranged and will soon enter mass production. Everything is preparing for the future entry into real estate! The money in the palace's treasury seems to be a lot at the moment, but compared with Zhu Kai's future plans, it is still a little less interesting! When the time comes, you will have to think of other ways to continue - making money!

For example, raising funds from some wealthy businessmen and large households, or cooperating with other vassals!

What's more important is that despite the large investment, the return cycle of funds is relatively long.

You have to wait until the house is sold before you can see the money back, which is very painful!

After all, a huge amount of money has been invested in land planning, house construction, etc.

from the very beginning!

Of course, as long as he gets through the first and most difficult stage, the next days will be easier, and his Zhu Mei's wealth will really start to grow at a terrifying figure and speed!

Real estate is definitely the most profitable project for future generations of countries, and it is also the stable fundamentals of a country!

Therefore, Zhu Kai must be cautious and plan well from the beginning!

If we tell Mrs.

Li now, the money may not be enough in the future.

Depending on this girl's temper, she may even cause fetal bleeding!

Naturally, Zhu Kai would not tell her this at this time.

Anyway, the next step of the plan will not be carried out until next year at the earliest!

"No need to worry now, it's time to take good care of the baby, right?"

"Just rest well in the next time and worry about these things after the baby is born!"

"After all, children are more important than anything else!".Zhu

Kai looked at Mr. Li's eyes full of light and reminded him in a dumbfounded way.

"Well, I listen to Your Highness!"

Mrs. Li touched her big belly and nodded with a smile.

This is her and Prince Su's first child, so she naturally attaches great importance to it!

Anyway, Mrs. Gu can still take care of the palace's accounts even without her. , she knows her position very well, and she will not think that she has helped Zhu Kai in this regard, and that she can make Zhu Kai happy and proud!

No one can shake Gu's status as the princess, and she will never do it. She has never thought about this, because in terms of comprehensive ability, Gu is much stronger than her!

For example, Gu can run many of Zhu Lai's factories. Even if Zhu Lai is not around, Gu can still control these factories. Stable operation!

And so far, Zhu Kai's three largest businesses, a salt factory, a sugar factory, and a briquette factory, are all run by Gu personally. Only the accounting aspects are left to her. That’s all!

Ms. Li still admires this eldest sister!


At this moment, Zhu Zhanfeng suddenly appeared in front of Zhu Mei, with a trace of eagerness on his face.

"What's up, Feng'er, what happened?"

Seeing him like this, Zhu Mei frowned.

"It's the mother. She suddenly retched and looked very ugly. The child is worried that she is sick. Father, please go and have a look!"

Zhu Zhanfeng hurriedly told Zhu Mei about Saijia Sutushan's physical condition and urged in a hurry.


Zhu Kai didn't dare to neglect after hearing this, and followed Zhu Zhanfeng directly to Saijia Sutushan's yard.

Seeing that Saijia Sutushan was not in any serious condition, Zhu Kai felt relieved and showed her again After checking his pulse, Zhu Mei suddenly laughed! It turned out that this woman was actually pregnant!

It seemed like a false alarm, which was a good thing!

"Did the father say that the mother was going to give birth to a younger brother or younger sister?"

·· ····Asking for flowers· ·······

Zhu Zhanfeng asked excitedly after hearing that Saijia Sutushan was pregnant.

Seeing Zhu Zhanfeng's excited look, Zhu Mei also burst into laughter.

Perhaps for his sons, Zhu Zhanfeng is the one who hopes most that he can have a biological brother or sister from the same mother! At least he won't be alone anymore!

This time, Zhu Kai did not calculate whether Saijia Sutushan was pregnant with a boy or a girl. Now that she had three sons, it didn’t matter whether she was a boy or a girl! Instead, Zhu Kai hoped that Saiga Sutushan could give him a daughter this time!

In addition, Mrs. Li is about to give birth to a boy, and she will have four sons by then!

So far, I don’t have any daughters! As soon as they heard that Saijia Sutushan was pregnant, Concubine Gao, Mrs. Gu and Mrs. Li quickly rushed over together. Concubine Gao, in particular, naturally hoped that her son would have as many heirs as possible!


Originally, Concubine Gao accepted this daughter-in-law who was married from the Zhungeer tribe for the sake of Zhu Zhanfeng, her grandson.

It’s not a matter of discrimination, it’s just that the Han people inherently don’t like the Tatars, not to mention the cultural customs are different! However, Saijia Sutushan was pregnant with Zhu Mei's child again, and Concubine Gao was still happy to see it happen!

On the contrary, Saijia Sutushan couldn't help but feel a little flattered by Concubine Gao's greetings.

On the contrary, Zhu Kai was happy to see such a scene. Saijia Sutushan, who was pregnant with his own flesh and blood again, could further improve her status in Prince Su's palace!

I hope it can also bring her a little confidence so that she won't feel so inferior, right?...

Beiping, Prince Yan's Mansion.

Zhu Di is not in a good mood lately! The main reason was that since the old man rejected his request last time, he felt that he had been tricked, and even other vassal princes blamed him for the court's failure to pay them this year! Although he didn't say it clearly, Zhu Di could clearly feel the alienation from his brothers!

Especially Zhu Fan, the third child from the same mother, has not had any correspondence with him in recent months! Privately, the brothers still had some business going on, but it was starting to fade a lot! If it wasn't because of that incident, Zhu Di himself wouldn't believe it! Is the old man beating himself up with that incident? Ji.

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