But the itching is just the beginning.

Maybe it's because most of Chen Shu's deifications were completed naturally. There was not much pain in the whole process, and it was always completed inadvertently.

Even if he changed his eyes twice in a row, Chen Shu actually didn't feel any pain.

Only this time it was completely different.

The prophecy grass was like a powerful poison, corroding his body crazily!




The entire throat seemed to be burning with raging fire, and the burning pain was unbearable. The tongue and lips felt as if countless small needles were pricking them, causing even greater pain.

It even made him unable to make a sound!

When the mouth opens and closes, it can only make a huffing and wheezing sound, but other than that, it can no longer make any other sounds.

But in this great pain.

The throat, tongue, and lips, every part of it brings a more perfect deification!

The cells are tearing apart and reorganizing like crazy, and the spiritual thoughts between heaven and earth are like water in a pond that has found an outlet, constantly pouring into it, causing them to divide and reorganize even faster. What is even more mysterious is that in the endless place, it seems that there is a voice from the gods. The voice is erratic, but when it is spoken, it is like the only truth between heaven and earth!

Reasons seemed to appear out of thin air in his mind, and he kept telling him about the way of speaking and spirit. It contained thousands of ways, which were far more profound than any knowledge Chen Shu had come into contact with in the past. It's like the end of the road to truth that people in the world seek.

In a daze, time passed by like water.

Chen Shu seemed to hear those three words resounding in the spiritual sea like a violent and furious voice, and also like a solemn chanting voice. Sometimes it contained great joy, and thousands of people whispered in unison. Confession, thousands of emotions, thousands of words.

Chen Shu seemed to see himself suspended in mid-air. His left eye was shining with eyes as clear as spring water, but his right eye was dark and deep. His lips were tightly closed, but he was trembling slightly at this time. As if he wanted to say something.

But it was never sent out.

He didn't know how much time had passed, but Chen Shu felt as if ten thousand years had passed.

But he saw that mouth finally open, and words sounded in it.

"I am God."

The sound was extremely subtle at first, like mumbling to oneself, but soon after it was spoken, it sounded like thousands of thunders exploding out of thin air, deafening and deafening!

When it was far away, the sound gradually became softer, and finally disappeared slowly like a loud sound.

He just sat in this darkness, as if he understood something, but also as if he understood nothing.

next moment.

Chen Shu regained his composure, opened his eyes, and spit out something in his mouth. A dark-brown object with a black and red color condensed into one piece fell on the ground in front of him. He didn't know if it was a throat or half a tongue. After it fell to the ground, , the originally black and red thing seemed to have gone through hundreds of seasons of reincarnation in the blink of an eye. In just a few breaths, it was completely corroded like a puddle of rotten meat, leaving no trace.

at the same time.

An extremely huge energy of heaven and earth turned into a huge beam of light, like an erupting volcano, rushing into Chen Shu's body with great turbulence!

The blessings of heaven and earth after all things become gods!

Chen Shu has long been accustomed to this. Even if he is a personal god born from heaven and earth, he may not be able to enjoy the blessings of heaven and earth as many times as Chen Shu when he is in the realm of wandering gods!

The blessings of heaven and earth can be brought down by luck, and they can also be brought down by cause and effect.

And every blessing in the world is no less than a huge opportunity for the gods.

It was an all-round improvement in the body, more effective than any panacea. Chen Shu's physical fitness had gone through two blessings of heaven and earth, and it had reached a level close to that of a spiritual god.

If it hadn't been for two blessings from Fuze, Chen Shu would not have been able to survive the first blow from the lion-headed spirit god, and he could even have remained unharmed in the subsequent attacks.

Most of the spiritual thoughts between heaven and earth were finally integrated into Chen Shu's throat, tongue and lips.

But there is still some spiritual thought that eventually flows into the other organs.

Chen Shu only felt that the vision of his left eye began to increase again. The original vision of 29,000 meters was already the node of an intermediate wandering god. After a few minutes of changes.


As if something had been broken, the aura on Chen Shu's body shook, and he successfully reached the middle level of the wandering god.

With the help of this impact, his eyesight reached a distance of thirty-five thousand meters!

This kind of observation distance is completely unparalleled among the wandering gods of the far-sighted system!

Only among the spiritual gods can we find a few good ones.

"When I go back this time, the price must be increased!"

At the same time, as if causing a butterfly effect, the right eye also reached the intermediate level of the wandering god. Chen Shu could feel that many sources of fear that could not be summoned in the right eye were also at this time. It's a lot looser.

But at this time, Chen Shu couldn't care about it anymore.


The pure white leather between heaven and earth slowly disappeared, as if it disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The indoctrination is over.

There was a gleam in Chen Shu's eyes, and he felt as if he was in a mysterious and beautiful world. All life was rejoicing, and there was an endless stream of power coming from his body, as if the whole world was cheering for him.

This feeling was great.

It was completely different from the feeling when he became a god from afar before. At this time, he was like a darling between heaven and earth.

Although he felt that a very long time had passed, Chen Shu didn't know how long it had passed. It was just that it was dark outside the cave.

He looked at the fat cat next to him.

"How long has it been?"

When he spoke, Chen Shu was shocked.

The voice was like a clear window facing the sky, clear and pure, with the smell of the sky.

"It's been nine days."

The fat cat had watched the whole process, and was extremely helpless at this time: "I almost thought you were going to die."

She was also worried, and felt that she had been the most tired days of entering the kingdom of God with Chen Shu in all these years.

The butcher knife of the Wandering God rank said that the Spirit God chopped it, and the half-human, half-god guy was obviously weak, but he ate the divine grass that even the Yin God dared not eat - more importantly, both of them are still alive.

Fat Cat really doesn't understand!

The CPU is almost burned.

"I won't die."

Chen Shu smiled and nodded: "I feel very good."

"Very good, very good." Fat Cat wiped the non-existent sweat: "But these ten divine herbs are not used in this way, you are too dangerous this time"

"It is still very difficult to become the God of Word Spirit, take your time, take your time..."

"Those guys are all perverts."

Just at this moment, she heard a voice behind her, grand and mysterious, as if sitting on a high platform, making a voice of command, like words of governance, and like the truth of the universe.

"Let there be light."

In the night, in the closed cave, it seemed that the starry sky descended, as if countless jewels were scattered in the universe.

There was a faint light.

Slowly shining.

My father-in-law helped me decorate the house. My fiancée thought it was impolite for me not to treat her to dinner to express my gratitude when my father-in-law took me to pick tiles today. So she treated me to dinner. It was just a casual meal, so I won't mention it. Anyway, my father-in-law has a low alcohol tolerance. He drank two glasses and started writing when he came back. I will update tomorrow. I'm sorry, brothers. I will only update twice today. I really should apologize... It's really hard to type a word quietly.

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