Ji Yazhun ran away, Sakuda Kei became anxious, and the audience was confused.

Sakuda Hui immediately ran out and chased after Ji Yajun, shouting to him: "Ji Yajun, don't go!"

She didn't know what happened to Ji Yaquan...but the coma, bruises, mental breakdown, and fragile appearance made Sakuda Kei's heart twitch.

Sakuda Kei felt sad and pitiful for Hime Yajun like this, but she couldn't keep him by her side and live a stable life.

Hearing Sakuda Kei's call, Ji Yazhun's vision was a little blurry, and memories of the past swept in like a tide.

I still remember... that time, Sera also called Hime Yajun's name just like Sakuda Kei did.

Then, everything was destroyed in the flames of war.

Ji Yaquan had a complicated expression and slowly turned his head.

He looked at Hui Sakuda, took a deep breath, lowered his head and said, "I'm sorry..."

Sorry, I failed you.

After saying that, Ji Yazhun turned around and ran forward, rushing to the direction where the alien beast appeared.

Sakuda Hui wanted to continue to catch up, but she was still unable to take heavy steps. She knew that she could not stop Ji Ya's forward progress, and she should not hinder his determination.

"Are you worried about him?"

Along with the gloomy words, Mizoroki's figure came into Sakuda Kei's eyes.

Even if it was just their first meeting, Sakuda Kei could still detect an uncomfortable feeling in Mizorogi, and thought that this guy... could never be a good person.

On the other side, Ji Yazhun followed the instructions of the evolution truster and ran all the way to the mining land on the outskirts of the city.

Countless hideous and ugly tentacles attacked, binding the miners above the ground tightly and sending them towards the space vortex floating in the air, like predators.

Ji Yaquan held the evolution truster tightly, but the words of the prophet echoed in his ears.

'If you transform and fight again, you might really die! '

Ji Yazhun pulled out the Evolved Truster without hesitation, unsheathed the silver-white dagger, and let the dazzling blue light wrap around his body, transforming into a silver-white Ultra Warrior.

Nexus arrived in the dazzling light, cutting the tentacles with sharp light waves, saving the miners from fire and water.


A look of horror appeared on the miner's face, and he looked up at the hero who saved him—that is, the silver-white giant.

Nexus stood up straight, and the golden cutting light knives flew out from his arms, cutting off the tentacles swinging from the sky, forcing him to put down the remaining miners.

The alien beasts hiding in the 'phase space' also saw their true enemies.

The ugly and ferocious tentacles came and struck Nexus' body with a fierce momentum. They were extremely flexible and very fast, like flexible whips.

Nexus tried to fight back, but was always at a disadvantage.

Ji Yajun's physical condition was very bad, which prevented Nexus from using much strength in the battle. He was defeated continuously when fighting the alien beasts, and was even tightly bound by several tentacles in the end.

Nexus tried to struggle, but was unable to break free from the tentacles.

"Ding dong!" "Ding dong!" "Ding dong!"

A crisp sound came, and the bright red core on Nexus' chest kept flashing, indicating that the Ultra Warrior's energy was no longer enough.

Fortunately, the Night Strike team's fighters arrived in time and launched an attack to save Nexus.

The silver-white giant gasped repeatedly, and then released an extremely sharp cutting beam, temporarily repelling the constant attacks of the alien beasts.

Then, Nexus half-knelt on the ground, and his tall body turned into light and dissipated... He could no longer hold on, and he no longer had the strength to continue fighting.

After a while, Ikki Gumon found the unconscious Ji Yajun in the woods surrounding the battlefield.

Ikki Gumon wanted to check Ji Yazhun's physical condition, but the other person opened his eyes, stood up and walked forward, seemingly unwilling to stay here any longer.

It's not that I don't want to, but I don't dare...

Ji Yaquan supported his broken body. Every step he took was accompanied by huge physical exertion, and his heavy breathing was worrying.

"I still have things I must do!"

Ikki Gumon wanted to persuade Hime to come to the TLT base for treatment, but the other party was still unwilling to say anything more. Nagi Saijo also appeared in the woods and patted his teammate on the shoulder with an expressionless face.

"Let him be, the memory police are almost here."

Ji Yajun looked at Gumon Ikki and Saijo Nagi, smiled bitterly and said: "I'm sorry..."

After saying that, Ji Yazhun got on the Wings of Stone and disappeared from the sight of the two of them.

The Book of Revelation gives mankind new information.

The Night Raid team used Kimatoria's rewriting method to obtain the correct answer from the information given by the Book of Revelation - when the seventh seal is unlocked, at zero o'clock in the night, the path to the end will be opened. The Dark Portal.

The so-called 'final place' is also the end of everything.

Five years ago, a terrifying battle broke out between the Giant of Light and the Alien Beasts, and this 'Land of End' was used as a battlefield by both sides... Its name is Shinjuku.

If the Night Raid Team hadn't said anything, the audience would have thought that a Digimon had arrived in Shinjuku.

At the same time, Nerai Jinzo also deduced the secret of the Apocalypse. The first night raid team arrived at the location of the "End of the World", but accidentally touched the alien space where the alien beasts existed.

A whirlpool emerged, tentacles stretched out, and Genlai Jinzo was about to die here.


Gunshots rang out, the tentacles were broken, and Ji Yazhun saved his life at the critical moment.

"Mr. Genlai, it's dangerous here, go back to the ground quickly."

"What are you talking about?" Nelai Jinzo was very stubborn. He turned around and continued walking forward, saying to Ji Yazhun: "I am also a reporter after all, and of course I have to dig out the truth——"


Ji Ya accurately shot Nerai Jinzou at the foot, forcing him to stop speaking and walking, and turn around to look at him.

"Go back." Ji Yaquan stepped forward, came to the back of Nelai Jinzo, and said: "If you continue to do this, you will only die. I don't want to see anyone get hurt anymore."

Looking into Ji Ya's eyes, Nerai Jinzo noticed a complex emotion, and a sour feeling gradually grew in his heart.

"Ji Ya, what on earth are you fighting?"

"Something to fight me?"

Ji Yaquan lowered his eyes, scenes from the past flashed through his mind, and the answers to the questions also emerged.

"That is......"


A vortex emerged in the space, and ugly and ferocious tentacles poked out from it, lashing towards Ji Yajun and Nerai Jinzo with fierce momentum.

Ji Yaquan's eyes flashed, the danger was coming, and the only one who could protect his friends was himself.

Darkness is in front, and the world is behind...and I am the light between the two!


Ji Yaquan spoke the words of defying fate without hesitation, and then suddenly drew out the hilt of the sword of the Evolved Truster, ran separately in the light of thousands of feet, and transformed into light.

Nexus descended here and moved forward in the direction of the alien beast!

Chapter 71

Ultraman world, K76 planet King planet.

"it is good!"

Ultraman Leo said this, and his angular eyes flashed as he looked at the video screen.

After making some remarks about trying to resist fate, Ji Yazhun held the Evolutionary Truster in his hand and rushed towards the space vortex with the tentacles protruding. The light surrounding him turned him into the tall posture of a silver-white giant, and with him Fight with the tentacles of the alien beast.

As a flaming lion's eye, and a true Showa man, Leo's courage and courage are naturally self-evident.

If you were to pick one person who likes the 'Dimensional Editing System' the most in the Kingdom of Light, it would definitely be Ultraman Leo.

So far... every video played on this electronic screen has perfectly catered to Leo's preferences and tastes, making him very happy to follow them.

Ultraman loves the earth deeply.

Ultraman yearns for the earth and the stories of the people on earth.

Leo...has long regarded the earth as his second home. This passionate man's heart is also filled with love for the blue planet. That hot and sincere emotion will never be lost to anyone. .

Although, his life on earth was not comfortable.

But...the heart of enthusiasm cannot be annihilated, be considerate of the weak, help each other, and become good friends no matter which country you are with, even if this relationship has been betrayed thousands of times - Ultraman Ace What he said is surprisingly reasonable.

Although, I used Leo Flying Kick on him.

However, he almost threw the guillotine on himself and Astra!

Ahem, let's get back to the topic... The videos played by the 'Dimensional Editing System' are all stories that can be called heroic epics, which makes Leo very satisfied.

The first two 'famous scenes' were nothing, but the story of Nexus made him so high that he flew into the sky on the spot.

Especially, when he saw Nexus dragging his broken body and standing in front of Grugram, guarding the brightly lit city behind him, a touching emotion came from the bottom of Leo's heart. Spontaneously.

Once upon a time, I played the same role as Nexus.

Standing in the middle of the storm, fighting to the death against terrifying and powerful enemies, even at the cost of his life, just to protect this blue planet that he regards as his second home!

"Ji Yajun, you are a true Ultra Warrior!"

Leo's eyes were blazing as he looked at Nexus fighting the tentacles in the video, and his words could not hide his admiration.

If given the chance, Leo will teach his special skill - Leo Flying Kick to Ji Yajun, and do his best to help him improve his combat effectiveness, so that the opponent can avoid more damage in future battles. .

Astra smiled slightly, feeling helpless at his brother's reaction. He was equally pleased and appreciative of Ji Yajun.

After all... After the destruction of their hometown Leo L77 Nebula, Leo and Astra lived a difficult and difficult life on the earth, and their feelings for the people on earth were naturally not simple.

The ligers and tiger brothers cheered for Ji Yazhun in their hearts, while the King of Ultra stood on the highest mountain on the planet, his bright red eyes locked on the video screen, looking at the people in the picture. Nexus cast a thoughtful look.

Nexus in the video has plunged into the space vortex and disappeared in the underground tunnel.

King of Ultra, reminds me of someone...

Noah is really good at fishing.

Noah's fishing doesn't mean that Nexus can fish, and the video continues to play.

The camera switched and Sakuda Kei's pretty face appeared in the screen.

At this moment, she was in a dark space between heaven and earth... This place was lifeless, completely different from the normal world, and even the air carried a dull atmosphere.

The sky was dark, the sea was a dirty color, and there were jagged rocks in front of us.

Mizorogi stood behind Sakuda Kei. It was this man who kidnapped her to this strange and gloomy space, but the purpose was still unknown - this was the so-called 'land of the end'.

Suddenly, the vortex in the sky trembled, and countless tentacles were retracted at this moment.

The silver-white giant passed through the barrier of the 'phase space', emerged from the vortex above the horizon, and landed on the filthy sea.

"Look, that's Ji Ya."

Mizorogi stepped forward and watched Nexus introduce Sakuda Kei.

Nexus also discovered the two people on the ground. He looked at Sakuda Kei's slender figure with bright eyes, but Kutula launched a sneak attack at this moment.


A tentacle lashed out, and Nexus waved it away.

Ji Yazhun's thoughts were recalled by Kutula's sneak attack. The silver-white giant ran and rushed towards the ugly beast with terrible deformity.

He jumped on both feet, curled up and turned around in the air, and then stepped on Kutula's back.

This operation made the eyes of the Kamen Riders waiting in front of the video screen light up, and they all memorized this special jumping and kicking technique in their hearts.


Nexus landed cleanly, and Kutula roared angrily.

To be fair, Kutula's appearance is uglier than Grugram...the tentacles of an octopus, the body of a jellyfish, and the tentacles of a coral, it looks like a collection of aquatic products.

In other words, a man who is possessed by an evil spirit is still alone. After more than ten years, he may think that he fainted when he saw Kutula, right?

However, the ugly appearance is a foil.

For some reason, the audience felt a more terrifying sense of oppression in Kutula than in Glugram.

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