The interaction between the members of the Heart Network became active again.

Dukel silently peeked at the screen, looking at the lively atmosphere, and couldn't help but feel relaxed.

Just then, a comment caught his attention.

"Great, the advanced spiritual training technology has finally been updated. I have reached the third level of subconscious mind. I was still worried about how to obtain the subsequent skills."

"The progress of practice is so fast? My learning ability is a bit poor. I am only at the second level now. It seems that it is necessary to change to a super brain first."

"I am only at the second level. With the help of super brain, my subsequent practice should be much smoother."

Ultra-brain assistance allows members of the Heart Network to temporarily use the computing power of the Heart Network to enhance their learning abilities when practicing.

This will help them speed up their practice.


"Good guy, you can practice so fast?"

Duker usually doesn't look through the memories of Heart Network members. He doesn't have the time, nor the interest.

I really didn’t expect that the spiritual cultivation method had just been put on the shelves for a few days, but all these imperial soldiers had generally practiced to the second level of their subconscious mind?

But it’s right to think about it.

Living in a world like Warhammer, with fragile hearts and wills, it would be very difficult to stay alive, let alone join an interstellar war group.

Duker had to admit at this time that he underestimated the abilities of these imperial warriors.

That being the case

"Then I will derive a heart network feedback module. Part of the spiritual energy obtained by all heart network members' practice will be fed back to me through the heart network."

"As for the feedback value, let's set it at one percent."

One percent seems very small, and it is difficult for these heart network members to detect this weak change even during their practice.

But considering the huge number of members of the Heart Network, the accumulated feedback energy is very considerable.

Duker uses the computing power of the Heart Network to calculate the feedback module.

Soon, the results were obtained.

Duker was pleasantly surprised. He didn't expect that the feedback module could be established so smoothly.

But he quickly suppressed his joy.

As the heart network expanded, he felt that it still lacked a transaction module.

If the trading space can be successfully constructed so that members of the Heart Network can transfer items across spaces at will, then the role that the Heart Network can play will definitely not be limited to the current one.

But at this stage we can only think about it.

Duker tried to deduce it and found that if you want to transport items across space, you can't get around the subspace.

A structure similar to the subspace network channel must be established first.

This is no longer a problem that computing power can solve.

We must first carve out a safe territory in subspace.

Otherwise, who knows what strange things might get mixed up during the transmission process.

Under the Emperor's Golden Throne, there are enough demons entrenched in the Webway to form an army of demons.


At this time, there was a knock on the door of the room.

Efilar walked in.

Perhaps it was the work of comforting the wounded these past few days that diluted her murderous aura on the battlefield.

This white-haired, silver-armored nun exuded an aura of holiness and nobility all over her body.

His steps were firm, and his face showed an unfading devotion to the Emperor.

"The work of comforting the wounded is basically completed. Is there anything else I need to do?"

When facing Dukel, Efilar's tone was as pious as ever. The great nun completely regarded the original body in front of her as the true spokesperson of the emperor.

She firmly believed that Duker was sent by the Emperor to save humanity and save the Empire.

"Did you encounter any obstacles in the comfort process?"

"No, everything went well."

Hearing her answer, Duker just nodded noncommittally.

"Then come with me for a walk now, and tell me about the state religion."

Duker looked at the nun in front of him and said.

Efilar's appearance is indeed very good-looking, and this image is friendly enough when facing the people, but as a battle nun, it is indeed a bit difficult for her to perform a comfort mission.

"It is an honor, Emperor's Son."

Faced with Dukel's request, Efilar had no reason to refuse.

She felt extremely honored to be able to follow the Primarch.

At this moment, her body was trembling slightly with excitement.

When Duker walked out of the National Religion Temple, he heard countless huge machines making trembling roars.

This world that was devastated by the Chaos invasion is now healing its scars at an extremely fast speed.

As the Second Holy Land, the world has been entirely dedicated to the worship of the Emperor, with cathedrals and bell towers a mile high, and streets lined with thousands of statues of Imperial saints.

Everyone's faces on the street were filled with vitality. The survivors of the war and the resurrection of the holy Primarch were both joyous events worth celebrating.

Duker stood on a small airship, overlooking everything here, and discussed matters about the state religion with Efilar from time to time.

Suddenly, a scream came from the alleys of the city.

Duker frowned slightly, and then looked in the direction of the sound.

In the alley, a little girl in ragged clothes was seen being knocked to the ground by some gangsters.

One of them had taken out a dagger and seemed to want to kill her.

A trace of surprise flashed in Duker's eyes.

It wasn't the atrocity that surprised him.

But he was surprised that this little girl actually possessed considerable psychic talent.

Although one has psychic talent, one can become a psychic and control various magical abilities.

But for the psyker himself, this is never a good thing.

The Empire has a very harsh attitude towards psykers, and regularly conducts psychic tests on every world.

Those with weak psychic talents will be trained and then serve the Imperial Legion or become canned members of the Legion.

Those with strong talents will most likely be killed directly or become Star Torch fuel.

The fundamental reason why such a situation occurs is the instability of the psykers themselves.

Every time psychic powers are used, the psyker is inevitably corroded by the warp, which results in almost all high-level psykers becoming lunatics.

The little girl below.

His psychic talent is very impressive in Duker's eyes. Once it gets out of control, it will cause considerable disaster.

Because she is still too young, she may not even realize this.

Duker turned over and jumped off the airship with his tall body.

With a bang, two deep footprints appeared on the ground.

A height of several thousand meters was nothing to the original body.

With just a slight wave of his hand, the gangsters holding knives were sent flying more than ten meters away, their lives and deaths unknown.

This was the result of controlling his strength. If Dukel used a little force, these mortals would be exploded into pieces.

"Your Highness the Primarch?"

Several gangsters vomited blood and knelt on the ground, not daring to move at all.

They were just mortals with relatively strong bodies. They never imagined that one day the original body would fall from the sky and give them a slap in the face.

"Son of the great Emperor, this little girl is a heretic!"

"She is the daughter of the devil and does not deserve sympathy."

The gangsters knelt on the ground and spoke with trembling voices.

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