Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 37 37, Your Father Guilliman

Chapter 37 37. Your father——Guilliman

Dukel's journey has exceeded many people's expectations.

Those beings hiding deep in the subspace were all wondering why the resurrected Primarch did not go to Terra as soon as possible.

This Primarch, who has long since been removed from the throne, should be eager to be recognized by the Empire and eager to meet the false emperor on the Golden Throne.

Why stop at the edge of this galaxy?

Some of the fallen Primarchs lowered their heads in silence after learning what Duker had done. Once upon a time, they had fought for the Empire and worked hard to protect the hope of mankind, but now they have become a source of harm to innocent people. An accomplice to the chaos.

Various thoughts echoed among the forces of chaos, but this did not last long.

They quickly adjusted their strategies in response to the actions of Primarch No. 2.

They firmly believed that Primarch Two would eventually be unable to escape this hunt.

The Crystal Maze, this is the domain of Tzeentch, and some of the great demons who weave their destiny are keenly aware of the changes in the future.

In some destiny fragments, the content presented is no longer clear.

This goes against the long-standing rules. The world is in constant rotation, and everything is destined to become the plaything of the gods.

These unknown changes should not have occurred.

Some Tzeentch demons looked at these changes and found them very interesting, and laughed strangely.

The variables that will appear in the future of these fragments are still slowly increasing, which will definitely make the Lord of Changes more happy.

Duker did not know this.

At this moment, he is still surrounded by people, calming the emotions of these survivors.

Perhaps it was the previous woman who dispelled everyone's fear of the Primarch.

Many people brought their children over. Some of these people were fathers and some mothers. These parents who protected their children in the turmoil,

At this moment, they all raised their children above their heads, hoping to obtain the blessing of the Son of God.

For these kids, Duker welcomes everyone.

The power of the soul is the purest power derived from human will.

These powers can not only protect these children and help them grow up safely, but can even stimulate their inner talent potential to a certain extent.

The cost of blessing is not worth mentioning to Dukel.

But it can plant seeds of hope.

Who can guarantee that today’s toddlers will not become the pillars that carry the hope of the entire world in the future.

I saw my blessed child, amidst the turmoil of the devil, the body that was shriveled and thin due to malnutrition gradually became plump and plump; the skin also took on a healthy color, and the frightened eyes became bright and lively.

These parents are even happier than themselves to be blessed.

Their eyes were full of confidence for the future, and they all shouted the name of Dukel.

I offer my utmost gratitude to this son of the Empire.

Efilar behind him witnessed all this happening. The nun who was once unwilling to comfort the wounded now felt the meaning of her battle from the joy of the people.

As a battle nun, she has received the most rigorous training since she was a child, enduring physical and mental training.

She has participated in countless wars and has the blood of countless demons on her hands.

But what is all this for?

To be loyal to the Emperor?

Yes, the Battle Sisters, as the ‘Emperor’s Daughters’, have been instilled with this concept since childhood and have been implementing it unswervingly.


Efilar's eyes flickered on the smiling faces of Dukel and the people.

Maybe there are others equally worthy of protection.

After comforting the survivors, Duker did not go to rest.

Instead, he went to meet the soldiers who had been rescued.

All of them suffered terrible trauma. Some of them fought against Chaos until the last moment, while others were captured by Chaos and endured unimaginable torture.

They were all resting tiredly, and some of the soldiers were suffering from severe post-traumatic stress disorder. The camp where they were placed was filled with a depressing atmosphere.

Around the camp, there were Astra Militarum troops guarding them vigilantly, or perhaps guarding them. After all, no one can guarantee that none of these Space Marines will become corrupt and want to attack the Primarch.

They could not be too careful about the safety of His Highness the Primarch.

When Duker arrived, he was even blocked by the political commissar of the Astra Militarum.

"Your Highness, we cannot guarantee their loyalty. Your kindness may put you in danger. The empire can no longer lose hope and cannot let you take risks."

Duker waved his hand to stop his words.

"We cannot treat our comrades like this, it will only make them more shaken in despair. Don't worry, Commissar, I am the Emperor's son. No one can defeat me, and I am never afraid of any danger."

The Commissar of the Astra Militarum looked at the fighting spirit surging in the primarch's bright eyes, and finally retreated, making way for the primarch.

Duker walked into the camp, still without speaking, and directly surged with spiritual power.

He is not good with words, but fortunately the power of the heart can soothe people's hearts.

"Your Highness." Suddenly, a space warrior raised his head and asked with a complicated look in his eyes,

"Your Highness, may our genetic father be as powerful as you and," the warrior thought carefully about his words, "can he be kind?"

This Space Marine was a veteran that Duker had saved on the battlefield. He had witnessed with his own eyes the unstoppable figure of the original body on the battlefield.

In his eyes, the champion demon who was too powerful to defeat was no different from a weak mortal under the hands of the primarch.

At the same time, the Space Marines have senses that are unimaginable to mortals, and they did not see what Duker had done in the survivor camp before.

But the cheers of the people were so real.

As a great demigod, he did not take any rest immediately after the war ended, but chose to comfort the surviving people and their defeated space warriors.

This was something they had never imagined before.

The legend of the Primarch has disappeared for thousands of years. These soldiers who have only become Space Marines in recent hundreds of years have rarely even heard of the Primarch's past.

Recently, they can feel from their own genes that their genetic father has also revived.

So they also want to know who their genetic father is.

Is it as great as the original body in front of me?

"Your genetic father" Dukel looked at their blue power armor and the logo on the power armor. It was obvious that these people were the descendants of Guilliman.

"Your father?"

Primarch Two was silent for a moment, thinking about his words.

In his impression, Guilliman was definitely not strong enough. Not to mention the current Dukel, even the No. 2 Primarch from ten thousand years ago was confident that he could defeat the opponent with one hand.

As for his personality, in the memory of Primarch No. 2, Guilliman had left a very stubborn impression on him, and he always seemed aggressive, with aristocratic pride lingering in his whole body.

To put it simply, he is like a stubborn stone, with a bad temper and a hard temper.

But are these words appropriate to say to children?

Obviously, it is inappropriate. If the truth is told, it will definitely leave a big shadow in the hearts of these children.

Hmm. After thinking for a moment, Duker said slowly,

"In the long, long past, I fought side by side with your father. He is my brother. I admire his courage very much."

——Referring to the fact that Guilliman is obviously not strong enough and prefers strategy, but he is always passionate and likes to challenge powerful enemies in single combat.

“His perseverance impressed me deeply”

——Referring to the fact that Guilliman was crawling all over the floor after being beaten by Angron, but he still spoke harshly, mocking and insulting Angron as he crawled.

"And he is easy-going and has a good rapport with women."

——After all, she is the only one among the Primarchs who has spread gossip about aliens, specifically the Thirteenth Princess (Bushi).

"I remember a battle a long time ago." Duker simply sat on the floor and told these poor children the story of their father.

"That battle took place in the Obscure Star Territory. Humanity at that time was still in its golden age."

Duker spoke slowly.

The Ultramarines widened their eyes and listened very carefully.

In the narration of Primarch No. 2, Primarch No. 13 is described as a brave, tenacious, easy-going and perfect son with many virtues.

This made Guilliman's image gradually three-dimensional in their hearts, and became taller and taller.

Make them feel extremely proud.

Duker looked around, and the eyes of these extreme warriors were shining brightly at this moment.

There has been a significant improvement in morale, so it seems that this white lie was completely worth it.

I just don't know how these poor children will feel after seeing Guilliman with their own eyes and discovering that it is actually a buyer's show and a seller's show.

Tsk. What a sin.

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