Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 41 41, the meaning of numbers

The Dukel Expeditionary Corps achieved great victories in many worlds in the Southern Lys system. This exciting news was spread throughout the human empire through astropaths.

Countless human beings in despair ignited the fire of hope in their hearts after receiving the news.

The great Primarch has resurrected, and his expeditionary legion is liberating the people of the Empire in darkness. The salvation of mankind will surely come.

Once despair is opened, it is no longer despair.

The little sparks of hope will one day set off a prairie fire. Bring a little human shock to the gods and aliens.

Far away at the edge of the extreme galaxy, Guilliman, who was fighting against the forces of Chaos, also received this message through the Astropath.

His spirit, which had been weakened after days of hard fighting, was revived at this moment. This brought back memories of his past, recalling events that happened thousands of years ago.

——My second brother is really good at bringing fighting spirit to people who are in despair.

Guilliman thought this, and a smile appeared unconsciously on his usually somewhat rigid face.

Today, every human world in the galaxy is enduring the ravages of heretics and aliens.

The slaughter of the green-skinned army, the devouring of the Tyranids, the harvesting of the Necron, and the plundering of the Tau Empire.

Hundreds of billions of cultists and chaos psykers are bewitching the minds of the people and setting off a wave of rebellion.

In this war that spreads across the galaxy, no one can stay out of it.

A huge shadow hangs over the hearts of every human being. The empire, a behemoth that has stood firm for thousands of years, is also in danger of overthrowing, and is on the verge of collapse to the most dangerous situation.

Despair and fear grew in the hearts of everyone, even Guilliman, the majestic demigod primarch.

Under such circumstances, the news of the great victory in the Southern Lys Galaxy came at the right time, allowing people on the edge of the abyss to see hope.


As a source of hope, Dukel himself did not rest for too long.

He only stayed on Nanlith for a few days, using the computing power of the Heart Network to update several technologies; and waited for the Ultramarines to recover from their injuries.

He decided to join the battlefield again.

Another important reason is that the Expeditionary Legion Think Tank deployed a large number of guards around Dukel.

This was the unanimous decision of the expedition think tanks. Due to the rules, even though Duker was the supreme commander of this expedition, he had no right to refuse.

This is also the result of his deliberate delegation of power.

Dukel was not a grudge, and had no interest in working overtime to deal with various government orders.

Mortals have mortal things to do. Don't bother me with those complicated government orders!

I am His Highness the Primarch and not His Highness the Resentful One, so how can I be a nanny every day?

If he had time to deal with government affairs, he might as well use the computing power of the Heart Network to study several more technologies to enhance the overall strength of mankind.

In order to let himself relax, after Efilar joined the Heart Network and was promoted to a living saint.

The task of peeking into the heart network was entrusted to her.

She will only report important things to herself.

Duker still likes to do research, and calculating various technologies can be regarded as his second favorite hobby.

As for my number one hobby.

Of course, chop chop chop!

The feeling of fighting on the battlefield fascinated him.

As for whether Khorne will target him because of this, or even seduce himself into a Khorne believer?

What a joke, the ones who lose are the followers of Khorne!

He positioned himself as a living symbol of the expeditionary corps, rather than a grievance who was busy with government affairs every day.

Therefore, he had intentionally delegated power very early on, and only issued orders that could not be refused on crucial government orders.

With his own great power and inner network, he is not worried that these mortals will cause trouble.

Even in the establishment of the reserve force of the Second Army, he had almost no participation.

This also led to the organization of the Second Army becoming very strange. I don’t know what happened.

Second Corps Reserve, the number of each squad is 22 people.

The think tanks once again left 222 teams for Dukel as guards to stay by his side.

Calculated in this way, there are nearly 5,000 Second Legion soldiers left by his side!

These warriors are all selected from the Heart Network, and the quotas are determined by Dukel himself. Each one is based on a space warrior or a battle nun, and also controls the life magnetic field·50,000 horses, and spiritual training technology· The third level of fetal breath. and other single-body enhancement technologies are equipped with the latest power armor and weapon systems.

Such a huge combat power, which can have a decisive effect on any battlefield, is wasted around him in vain.

The most important thing is that if you delegate power to them and let them do whatever they want, how can they produce so many 2?

Do you look like a 2?

Or is it because he is Primarch No. 2?

When Duker thought about this, he felt helpless to complain.

However, in this world, numerical symbols do have a strong mysterious quality and symbolic meaning, so he did not force any changes.

Even in Duker's previous life, the number 2 on Earth had a different color.

Just when Duker was thinking wildly.

Efilar sent him a message,

"Your Highness Dukel, an unknown plague was discovered on Na Lai Star. On the way to escort the virus samples, seventeen Heart Network teams rescued an Astral Legion. During the collective evacuation, they were encircled and suppressed by the Nurgle Demon Legion. Request support."

"Nurgle Legion?"

Dukel seemed to be in deep thought, but his heart was already agitated.

"Efilar, how long do we need to prepare before setting off again?"

"One hour, Your Highness."

Efilar responded.

"Okay, then set off for Nalai Star and issue a rescue mission to the nearby team. As long as we hold on for an hour, the Fire of the Soul will arrive soon."

"I will obey your will."


An hour later, the Fire of the Soul sailed in the warp.

The huge mind matrix resisted the raging warp storm. With Dukel, the expedition fleet did not have to worry about getting lost in the warp storm.

At this time, he stood on the bridge, looking through the mind force field, looking at the bizarre warp.

The sight penetrated the layers of fog in the sea of ​​souls until it was blocked by the domain of the four gods.

In the warp, the domain of the gods is so powerful.

But one day, he will also establish his own domain in the warp.

In a sense, the warp is his real home.

His essence is always hidden in the depths of the subspace. Even if a starship unfortunately loses its way, as long as he prays to Dukel, he will feel it and point out the direction for the starship.

As the heart network expands day by day.

Dukel can already vaguely sense the embryonic form of his domain.

As more and more people worship and believe in him, his power is growing at an immeasurable speed.

I believe that this almost imperceptible embryonic form will not be far from expanding into a real domain.

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