It is the only hotel in Nepal with a presidential suite outside Kamal Taj.

Tiwan and Wanda slept in each other's arms, recovering their previously exhausted energy.

This should have been an extremely pleasant time. until.......

"boom! boom! boom!"


A series of intense knocks on the door instantly woke Detiwan and Wanda up.

Wanda fumbled to turn on the bedside lamp, and Tiwan had already stood up with three clicks in a row.

"You continue to sleep. Tiwan covered Wanda with a quilt:"It's from SHIELD. If you come to me so late, something must have happened. You've been staying in Kama Taj for the past few days.""

"oh oh."Wanda stood up and hugged Tiwan:"Then I go back to sleep, and you can feel more at ease."

"OK, I'll take you back."

With that said,

Tiwan hugged Wanda and flashed her body, and sent her back to the dormitory in Kama Taj, and then walked towards the door.

Opening the door, there were three men in sunglasses and suits standing in the middle of the night. , when he saw the door open, he immediately took a step back and bowed his head respectfully.

"Mr. Chen, I took the liberty of disturbing you in the middle of the night, but Chief Colson insisted that we do so."One of the agents put a satellite phone on the ground.

When Tivan took the phone, he heard an explosive news

"Tivan, there was a riot in a research institute. Director Fury, Agent Barton, and Dr. Eric were all buried underneath. I hope you can come and take a look. Maybe they can be saved."Colson rarely sounded anxious.

For a template agent, getting emotional is a taboo.

This shows how urgent the situation is now.

Tiwan raised his eyebrows. He never expected that Fury didn't escape. He was Is it buried underground?

He couldn't help but think about whether he should use a resurrection item to resurrect this stewed egg.

While thinking, his breath perception also covered the United States, and then he teleported to Ketu near Detroit. around erson

"what's the situation. Tivan threw the satellite phone to Coulson:"Fury was buried alive?""

"That's it, Director Fury started a new plan to extract the energy of the Cosmic Cube to create energy weapons......"

Coulson briefly told the whole story.

At this time, it was no longer a question of whether to keep it secret, but that Tiwan must be persuaded to go thousands of meters underground to determine the situation of Fury and the others before making follow-up arrangements.

Otherwise, now that there is no leader, S.H.I.E.L.D. will not be able to function at all!

After listening to Coulson's story,

Tiwan nodded, thinking that there was an accident somewhere and that Fury couldn't escape and was buried alive.

As for Barton, he was probably mentally controlled by Loki.

He used his breath perception to scan the area underground, but the aftermath of the explosion of space energy covered that area, causing a huge deviation in his perception.

"I'll go down and have a look."

Tivan opened the Kaleidoscope Divine Power, sneaked into the ground and headed for the underground space pointed by Coulson.

When he arrived at the location, he was surprised to find that not to mention Fury, it was other agents, researchers, and even most of the people All the scientific research equipment disappeared without a trace. Was it evaporated in the space energy explosion?

Does the space gem have the function of part-time cremation?......

The surrounding energy reaction told him that there was no high temperature reaction.

How did those"corpses" and equipment vaporize?

Tivan strangely developed his breath perception, covering the United States Search Barton, Loki's breath, and the Flying Thunder God technique.

It turned out not to be.

It continues to expand, covering the world bit by bit.

Until, in the underground system of Sakura Country, the locations of Barton and Loki were discovered, and there was still a lot of Qi active around them. The reaction of the space gem was also here, and Eric was busy nearby.


Tiwan suddenly noticed that there was a person who was even more angry than Loki! who is this?

With this amount of anger, he would absolutely torture that weakling Loki, and the Mind Stone is actually in this person’s hand?


Tiwan suddenly made a nasal noise in surprise. He actually sensed Nick Fury's anger!

Why was the braised egg there?

In confusion, the superstar who was far away in the underground passage of Sakura Kingdom also discovered Tiwan's unscrupulous scanning. The psychic scepter in his hand flashed a yellow light, opening a psychic barrier to block all nearby perceptions.

"Loki, take us to another place immediately."The super star ordered:"We have been discovered."

"It must be Tivan."Fu Rui, who has a black face and yellow eyes, said:"He has an ability that seems to be able to locate targets globally."

"Damn it! Loki scolded:"Why didn't you tell me earlier?""

"You didn't ask. Fury said without changing his expression.

Loki glanced at Fury coldly, walked quickly to the Cosmic Rubik's Cube and pressed it on it, urging the space energy to spread out into a blue cloud that encompassed all nearby people and equipment..At the same time,

Tiwan also used the Flying Thunder God technique to appear outside the edge of the super star's mental barrier, but Loki's group space teleportation had been activated!

Tiwan realized this and immediately summoned the world ghost to activate time pause. But it was still slow for a moment and was shrunk by the blue cloud, leaving only half of Barton's body frozen in place by time.

"What a miscalculation, Loki can actually control the space gem group teleportation?"

"Not surprisingly, Odin has held the Cosmic Cube for quite some time, and Loki may have played with it when he was a child."

"In Avengers 4, he used the Rubik's Cube to escape."

While summarizing,

Tiwan walked up to Barton and tried to pull him out of the blue cloud that was teleporting through space.

As a result, he was torn off with a strong force

, but his left foot and half of his face that were swallowed by the blue cloud were lost.......


Momo took out a fairy bean, wrapped it in metal and put it into Loki's stomach.

Time is suspended, released!

Lan Yun shrank completely and disappeared with Loki and the others.

You don't need to search to know that the strong person who can block his perception will definitely not give him another chance to catch him.

And his only clue now, Barton, groaned, became unstable on one leg and fell to the ground. Before falling to the ground, the fairy beans worked to make up for the missing body. Barton rolled forward and stood facing Tiwan, and drew an arrow. Bow to Tivan's heart

"Do you think this stuff will work for me? Tiwan complained:"You still use metal arrows.""

Barton remained silent. He stubbornly loosened the bow string and fired the arrow. He drew the arrow from the quiver behind his back and continued to prepare for shooting.

Tiwan rolled his eyes, not even bothering to use the magnetic field to control it. He unfolded the arrow at super speed and flew past. He rushed straight towards Barton, who had just cocked his bow and drew an arrow, condensed a golden mallet in his hand, and hit him hard on the head with a golden mallet.


Barton was knocked backwards by the golden mallet and hit the wall of the underground sewer. His whole body was embedded in it and could not slide down.

In order to wake this guy up, Tiwan also used a lot of strength.

Anyway , With the treatment of the golden mallet, I am not afraid of crushing this guy to death.

Without thinking,

Barton shook his head and jumped off the wall, but his eyes were still yellow, and he had to draw his bow again.

"Huh? Tiwan asked strangely:"Can't you wake me up?" Is the attack not heavy enough?"

Obviously Natasha gave this guy a few hard blows, and he got out of mind control!

It must be that the strength is not strong enough!

Tiwan walked towards Barton with a golden mallet and a ruthless expression on his face.

Don't blame me for being too harsh, brother It’s for your own good!

I’ll fight!

I’ll fight!

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