
The kettle fell to the ground.

The strange scene behind them made the soldiers slowly turn around and look up. After seeing the soldiers whose bodies were pierced by bamboo, they all raised their heads in horror.

They saw it.

The monster, with a body nearly seven meters high, was camouflaged in the dense bamboo forest on the northern edge of Skull Island.

What just penetrated the soldier's body was this long limb!

This is a monster named 'Long-Legged She-Monster'.

The monster has eight long sharp knives at the end of its long limbs, and the tips of the knives are highly poisonous.

When it is completely still, its long limbs are completely hidden under the cover of the bamboo forest, turning the entire bamboo forest into a fatal trap in an instant.

The prey is stabbed into the ground defenseless and unable to move.

The long legs suck prey dry like straws


The long-legged female monster pulled out its spiked and long-sword legs from the soldier's corpse, and then started to attack the other soldiers.

"Get out of the way!"

"Damn, watch out!"

The soldiers fled in panic.

"Watch your head!"

"On the tree!"

Bang bang bang bullets began to shoot towards the top of the head crazily. The long-legged female monster that was hit launched an attack even more crazily. More tentacle-like tongues grabbed the soldiers' bodies, lifted them up, and brought them to their mouths. Ready to bite him to death


"Stop shooting! Cut off its legs with a knife!"

As the order was given, these soldiers were rolling on the ground in an instant, looking for the monster's long legs and cutting them off.

Then, after the hostages were rescued, they concentrated their firepower and shot at the head of the long-legged female monster. After all, this monster was still made of flesh and blood and could not resist the intensive bullet fire.

After a lot of disgusting slime fell, the long-legged mother monster finally fell to the ground and became the most miserable person killed by humans on Skull Island. monster.

But despite this, three soldiers were killed in the short battle. There are currently 20 human survivors on Skull Island.......

Holy tiger.

Known as the most elegant supernatural creature on Skull Island, when members of the expedition team saw the sacred tiger for the first time, they all mistaken it for an illusion. in the forest.

Its skin is covered with zigzag leaves that shine brightly in the wind blowing from the mountains.

When observing the sacred tiger at close range, the members of the expedition team will experience many physiological phenomena, such as dizziness, excitement, and even hearing the heartbeat of the sacred tiger as if they are right next to their ears.

The primitive tribesmen on the island were in awe of the sacred tiger and named it"His Highness in the Wind." expedition at this time.

As early as a few hours ago, when we crossed the forest, we encountered an ambush from the original tribe residents of the island among the ruins of ancient buildings. Fortunately, one of these original residents was a helicopter crashed on Skull Island during the war. warrior.

After 28 years and 11 months, this veteran finally waited for the arrival of another group of humans.

Overjoyed, he quickly led the expedition members to explain, and vented all the emotions he had accumulated over the past 28 years.

He tried many times to escape from Skull Island, but all failed!

Ironically, no matter what he did, he could not escape from the island, but a group of outsiders found him.

But very lucky.

This group of humans has found a temporary shelter, and compared to the other group of Colonel Packard, they have a certain degree of life protection.......


In the streams of canyons and lakes, King Kong waded through the lakes, stared at the surroundings, and slowly came to the vicinity.

The decisive battle is tomorrow.

After Godzilla noticed that King Kong had consumed a certain amount of physical strength after a battle, and was partially injured by a cannonball.

For the sake of fairness, Luo Chen gave King Kong handsome boy a night's rest.

Decisive battle tomorrow. will determine the true identity of the Monster King of Skull Island.

Boom, crash!

The lake water stirred up waves as King Kong moved around, and the lake water rippled across the mountains and valleys.

It was like waking up some kind of sleeping monster at the bottom of the lake.

King Kong slowly squatted down, dipped his huge palm into the lake water, then held it up to his mouth. then.

King Kong also seemed to have discovered the movement at the bottom of the lake, and then took advantage of the monster to attack it before launching an attack. The huge black palm suddenly grabbed the monster's thick and long arms and legs.


As the lake water surged like a stormy wave, a huge swamp giant squid was caught by King Kong.

There was a scream.

The swamp giant squid made a harsh cry, and at the same time, it suddenly wrapped its many tentacles, arms and legs around King Kong's body. Around the arms, neck and chest, there is a swamp giant squid that is not inferior to King Kong in size. Its noose-like arms and legs are trying to strangle King Kong here.

This creature hiding in the lake is a giant North Pacific octopus (North Sea). A close relative of the giant monster), but with many evolutions and mutations.

It has the biological functions of both squid and octopus. When threatened, it will emit thick black ink balls, but this ink has a high temperature like a furnace fire. In this way, the Swamp Giant Squid sprayed the hot black ink ball on King Kong's face. King Kong roared when he felt the intense burning pain, then opened his mouth and bit one of the Swamp Giant Squid's arms and legs, and suddenly tore it off.!

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