Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 99 Ball Escape Bird and Mirror Space (First order requested 8/20)

Chapter 99: Ball Escape Bird and Mirror Space (First order requested: 820)

Deep in the Forbidden Forest, there is a green velvet grassland.

Lockhart and Hagrid stood far away in the green grass, holding a magic telescope in their hands and looking around.

"Hagrid, do you think the Ball Dodger will come today?"

Hagrid turned his head, lowered his head and said to Lockhart: "It should come. At this time, it is the time for the ball escape bird to eat."

"The green velvet grass in this area is the freshest and the largest."

"Generally speaking, it is definitely the best choice for ball escape birds."

"I saw it here before."

In response, Lockhart nodded silently and continued to pick up the telescope and look at the green grass.

Although it is a bit boring, I still have some patience.

After waiting for a while, suddenly

Through the telescope, Lockhart saw a bird-like creature emitting blue light appearing on the emerald green lawn.

Carefully adjust the focal length of the telescope, and it is the ball that escapes the bird.

The ball escaping bird came into view. Most of its hair was dark blue and fluffy. A pair of small sapphire-like eyes instantly raised its appearance to a new level.

Looks so cute.

At this time, Hagrid next to him also noticed.

He was about to move forward and try to make friends with the ball escape bird based on his affinity.

Lockhart quickly grabbed Hagrid and shook his head slightly to signal him not to act.

We can't let Hagrid take action this time.

He didn't forget that Hagrid ran away when he saw him last time when he was talking about the ethereal ball.

If he ran away again this time, then he would have been waiting in vain for most of the day.

Besides, he had done a lot of preparations in advance for this capture.

Looking at the ball escape bird that was devouring the grass, he took out his wand and silently activated the magic items placed in advance on the green velvet grassland.

In less than a second, a transparent ripple instantly covered the entire green velvet grassland.

In an instant, the ethereal beast seemed to feel something.

I just waved my wings and prepared to teleport away, but found that the scene had not changed at all.

It seems that his ability has failed.

"Gu Gu."

Losing its best ability, the Ball Escape Bird screamed in fear and kept waving its wings, floating in mid-air.

Then he followed his instinct and quickly flew towards the depths of the green velvet grassland.

His instinct told him that it was safer there.

Hagrid saw the ball escaper flying away into the distance.

He lowered his head a little lonely, and he still wanted to be friends with Qiu Dunniao.

But the other party is too sensitive and flies away when he finds the slightest thing wrong.


The moment Hagrid lowered his head, he saw Lockhart making a strange gesture with his hands, and his whole body was exuding strong magic waves.

Suddenly there was some expectation.

He remembered that Lockhart promised him that if he really caught the ball escape bird, not only would he not hurt the opponent, but he would also let him take care of the ball escape bird.

Click, click, click!

Before he could think deeply, he suddenly seemed to hear the sound of a mirror breaking.

In an instant, Lockhart's figure disappeared, and at the same time, the Ball Escaper also disappeared.

This made Hagrid a little confused.

Mirror space, green grass.

Lockhart looked at the mirror space constructed by his magic power and nodded with satisfaction.

Dealing with magical creatures like this one who have keen intuition.

The best way is to limit their scope of activities.

If Spider-Man Peter hadn't had time to react, he might have turned the entire Boson Hospital into a closed place.

But this time, he was prepared in advance.

First, magic items are used to limit the space movement ability of the ball escape bird, and then a large amount of magic power is consumed to build a closed mirror space.

In this way, I believe that the ball escape bird will not be able to escape at all.

In fact, Lockhart looked at the ball evader flying in the sky in front of him with a bright smile on his face.


At this moment, the ball escape bird looked at the familiar and unfamiliar environment around it, and felt the faint unfamiliar and strange atmosphere exuding all around.

It screamed in panic, and flew upwards at the same time, as if the higher it flew, the more secure it would be.


Soon, the Ball Escaper flew to the top of the mirror space and made a slight collision.

This made it even more panicked, and it quickly flew towards the distant woods.

Seeing this, Lockhart didn't make any move, he just watched the scene silently.

The mirror space constructed in Harry Potter is different from the mirror space in the Marvel world.

In the mirror space of the Marvel world, because of the existence of the mirror dimension, it only consumes a small amount of magic power and can be arbitrarily constructed and distorted with the help of the power of the dimension.

Although the mirror space in the Harry Potter world can also rely on the power of space, it consumes a lot of energy and magic power.

And every time you control the mirror space, you have to pay a lot of magic power.

However, fortunately, the current mirror space itself is a closed space, and there will no longer be scenes like the Marvel world where Peter runs around.

After a while, Lockhart began to walk slowly towards the direction where the ball escaper escaped.

Lockhart felt a little pity as he watched the ball escapers flying around and fleeing in panic.

If it were the Marvel world, in such a closed space, it would be easy to capture it by just constantly shrinking it.

However, it doesn't matter, he has already thought of some means.

With his thoughts turning, Lockhart began to collect his thoughts, and at the same time, he pointed his wand at himself.

"Animal Friendly!"

"All things communicate!"

"Natural scent!"

"Lockhart's Shine!"


A series of auxiliary spells of light blue light rose from the tip of the wand, covering Lockhart himself.

At this moment, the ball escape bird also began to turn its head to look at Lockhart at this moment.

In its feeling, the creature that exuded a dangerous aura suddenly changed its aura.

"Gu Gu."

After a gentle sniff, I felt that the other person's body was emitting a pleasant smell, a bit like my favorite green velvet grass, or the smell of the forest.

Moreover, intuition tells it that it seems that the other party has no ill intentions.

Despite this, watching the opponent slowly walking towards him, the ever-cautious Ball Escape Bird still flew back.

Keep Lockhart at arm's length.

Seeing this, Lockhart was not surprised.

Based on his previous experience with unicorns, he understood very well that magical animals like this are very intuitive.

All are extremely sensitive.

The unicorn had sensed his slightest thought before and even avoided his touch.

As for the ball escape bird, although he restrained himself from having any thoughts about catching it.

But the survival pattern formed over a long period of time still makes him very sensitive to himself.



Lockhart imitated the sound of the ball escaper from his mouth, integrating his own meaning into the sound and conveying it to the other party.

This is naturally the latest spell developed by Lockhart based on the rune - communication.

You can convey your emotions, including some thoughts, to the other party through sounds, contact, etc.


"Gu Gu."

Hart heard the somewhat confused voice of the Ball Escape Bird. After sensing the general meaning, he continued to reply.

"The price of my departure is magic green velvet grass. Freedom"

Afterwards, Lockhart communicated with Qiu Dunniao intermittently.

At the same time, the distance between one person and one beast slowly began to close.

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