"Who is Darkseid?" Bruce stepped down from the shelf and wiped his hands with a rag next to him.

"A powerful life from an alien." Diana raised her chin behind Bruce, "Your new toy?" "

Prototype army transport aircraft." Bruce threw the rag onto the table.

"Someone I know would love to open it." Diana took a deep breath.

"Wayne Technology's best aerospace talent can't let it fly." Bruce shrugged.

"Can you then?" Diana stared into Bruce's eyes.

"I have no choice." Bruce sighed, "I need longer range and bigger cargo holds, and I think an attack is coming."

"It's already here." Lin Feng stretched out his hand and simulated an image, "As far as we know, they come from another universe and have been to Earth once a long time ago.

"A huge fleet appeared in the sky to destroy all forces that dared to resist, and Darkseid, whom we just mentioned, is their leader."

"Darkseid is one of the newly born gods of the universe, in the last war, the gods of Earth and the forces from the universe united to repel them, and this time, they are back."

"They have a special weapon called the mother box." The light and shadow in Lin Feng's hand changed, becoming the appearance of the mother box, "There are three mother boxes, once the three mother boxes are synchronized to form a trinity, the entire planet will be covered with fire."

"The mother box will destroy all life, and the survivors will become Darkseid's puppets, the Apocalypse Demon, who appear to be alive, but have lost most of their ability to think, and have become weapons of war that only follow orders, which are the things you encountered before."

"At the last moment, the Trinity of the mother box was destroyed by Zeus, and Darkseid fled wounded, but the three mother boxes remained."

"Then how dare they come back?" Bruce frowned.

"The reason is simple, first, the gods of the earth have disappeared, and second, the current guardian of the earth is dead." Lin Feng stretched out two fingers.

"Earth's current guardian?" Bruce looked up, "You mean, Superman?

"That's right, immediately after Superman died, the mother box began to agitate and began to call their master, because they knew that the guardians of this planet were no longer a threat." Lin Feng shrugged.

"Then let them see that Clark is not the only guardian of this world." Bruce stood up, "We also have a team. "

He's from Atlantean?" Diana pointed to Arthur on the screen.

"I don't know, this was shot in the deep sea, if nothing else, it should be." Bruce shrugged.

"This is the third, and he disappeared for a thirtieth of a second, which is a frame in the monitor." Bruce pointed to the screen.

"Center City, Barry Allen." Diana read the name in her mouth, "You guys go to him, I'll go find the fourth, cyborg, Victor. Stone.

"I probably have a few people I can find." Lin Feng smacked his lips, "I might slow down a little because those people are not on Earth.

"No problem, then do your job." Bruce nodded and left the Batcave.

Central City.

"Barry Allen, I'm Bruce Wayne." The lights came on and Bruce sat in a chair in the center of the room, looking at Barry.

"You say that seems to explain why a stranger broke into my house and sat in my second favorite chair without turning on the light." Barry looked confused.

"Explain this." Bruce took out a screenshot of the surveillance video.

"This guy looks exactly like me, but it's definitely not me." Barry quibbled.

"I know you have special abilities, but I don't know what." Bruce looked at the Flash suit on the shelf and thought thoughtfully.

"My specialties include viola playing, web design, I'm also good at sign language, gorilla sign language..." Barry still pretended to be confused.

"Silicone quartz sand material, wear-resistant and heat-resistant." Bruce looked back at Barry.

"I'm a figure skater." Barry made a lame excuse.

"This is a material used to avoid burning when the spacecraft returns to the atmosphere."

"Figure skating is highly competitive." Barry was already talking nonsense, "Listen, man, no matter who you are, no matter who you're looking for, that person isn't me."

"Yes?" Bruce smacked his lips, pulled a bat dart from the inside of his shirt, turned sharply, and shot the dart at Barry.


"Are you Batman?" Barry looked at Bruce with a bat dart.

"So you're fast." Bruce smiled.

"It feels so ordinary." Barry pouted and began to organize the language, wanting to describe his abilities.

"I'm building a team and looking for people with special abilities." Bruce walked up to Barry, "I believe an enemy is coming..."

Barry interrupted Bruce directly.

"Really?" Bruce was stunned, "It's that simple?

"yes." Barry organized the language, "I need friends.

"That's great." Bruce smiled.

"Can I keep this?" Barry raised the dart in his hand.

"Of course." Bruce raised an eyebrow, "Let's go, you can tell me about your specific abilities."

"That's right, it's like a layer of three-dimensional reality, which can manipulate time and space, I call it divine speed." Barry followed Bruce with a box of pizza, "This thing burns a lot of my energy, so I'm a black hole for snacks."

"How many people are on this team?" Barry walked to the car door.

"Four, plus you." Bruce opened the car door.

"Four?" Barry was stunned for a moment, "Fight against what? "

I'll tell you when I get on the plane." Bruce got into the car.

"What are your superpowers?" Barry got into the car and glanced at Bruce.

"I have money." Bruce closed the door, pressed the start button behind the steering wheel, and the various buttons in the car flashed, slowly started, and after waiting for the straight car to pass, he drove onto the road.

"Even if you have money, you have to turn around and go straight." Lin Feng in the air put away the camera, turned into a cloud of blue smoke, and disappeared into the air.

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