Middle age: leisurely life in the entertainment industry

Chapter 29 A New Year’s letter to book friends

First of all, I wish you all a happy new year and may all your wishes come true!

Thank you all for reading this book, even though it is just a seedling now.

Last year (2022), in the first half of the year, I finished the book "Getting Rich Started in 1978" and began to conceive of a new book. Although "Getting Rich" was finished in a bit of a hurry and was suspected of being unfinished, I just didn't want to write it anymore and really wanted to start a new book, but I didn't expect that I would publish two books at once.

The first book, "Returning to the Old Times of the 1990s", was written with 200,000 words. I had been thinking about this book for a long time. I wanted to start writing it before writing "Getting Rich Begins in 1978". However, at the suggestion of the editor, I wrote "Getting Rich" first. "that book.

However, the first draft of "Old Times" was rejected for internal submission. The editor's reason was: the writing was too social, not light-hearted enough, and this type of book is not popular in the market now.

I admit that the editor is right, but I really want to write it like this.

The 1990s was originally a time when good and bad people were mixed, and reckless heroes coexisted. I really wanted to write about that feeling.

After several draft revisions, the book was released, and the editor was right. The first round of recommendations did not pass the PK test, and there were no recommendations after that.

So I chose eunuch.

Thinking about it now, I really regret it. I should continue writing. After all, there are still some readers who encourage me.

I’m older, so I’m embarrassed to say it here, (laughs). Some of the things in the book are things I have experienced or seen and heard that I really want to write about.

It's a pity that it will be impossible to write a similar book after The Eunuch.

The next book is a sci-fi book about cyberspace called "Group Crossing Cyberspace: We Have a Chat Group". I can’t say that I’m following the trend. I’m very interested in science fiction. My first book was about science fiction (that was a long, long time ago, haha.) I’m also very interested in subjects like cyberpunk.

However, it turned out that I was not the material to write science fiction. Finally, at the suggestion of my editor, I returned to the urban themes I was more familiar with, this time writing about entertainment.

I discussed and revised it over and over with the editor for nearly ten drafts before finally sending it out. Here I would like to thank the editor Shui Mo. I am not a master, not even a minor master. I am just a fool, but he still patiently helped me revise the manuscript and put forward many good opinions and suggestions.

I have never written entertainment novels before. This is the first time. I wanted to write something different, so I gave up the usual student youth and started writing about middle-aged people and their daily lives.

The book has already published more than 60,000 words. Some people have given encouragement and praised it, but of course there have been more criticisms. The most important thing is to complain about why the company did not grant the copyright and the protagonist did not resign and go it alone. I will explain it here. (It was later revised. Except for the first song, which has no copyright, the rest are copyrighted.)

The protagonist turns out to be a star who travels to the ordinary world, and his life is not tight, so he takes money and other things lightly, and values ​​family and friendship more.

Wu Lan gave the original Yu Dongqing a lot of help, so the current Yu Dongqing is grateful. After all, according to the setting in the article, Yu Dongqing in the two time and space had the same experiences when he was in college, including friends and relatives, but they developed differently after graduation.

Therefore, Yu Dongqing didn't say much about copyright at first, it was just an idea of ​​repaying a favor. Of course, I will definitely resign and go it alone in the near future. This has been explained repeatedly in the article.

This is my idea. Maybe some readers don't buy it, but the setting is like this and there is no way to change it. I just hope that if you don't like this, you can skip it and read the rest.

In a word, this book will definitely be completed. Even if the results are not ideal, I would be sorry for Shui Mo's patient guidance.

Of course I will try my best to write it well.

That’s all for writing here. I wish all book friends a happy and good luck in 2023!

Outside the forest

The evening of January 14, 2023

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