"What are you afraid of? Two people can't sing?" Yu Dongqing laughed.

"There's nothing to be afraid of. It's just fun anyway!" Liu Yimin laughed and said, "Okay, I'll go over and talk about it."

Liu Yimin stood on the singing stage and sincerely explained to everyone that Zhang Yang and Du Hui were unable to make it tonight due to urgent matters, and expressed his apologies. He said that now he and Yu Dongqing will sing.

It was still the same old songs as last night, but the atmosphere was still very lively, and many customers knew that this was the last time their band would perform.

When will you sing again next time?

Yu Dongqing and the others don't know, after all, everyone has their own things to do.

So we continued singing until 11:30 in the evening, and the tavern was still full.

"Boss, sing another song!" someone shouted.

The two people on the stage looked at each other, and Liu Yimin had a wry smile on his face. He had already finished singing what was supposed to be sung.

"How about, Dongqing, sing the love song again?" Liu Yimin asked in a consulting tone.

"Why don't I sing a new song?" Yu Dongqing thought for a while and said.

"You have a new song?" Liu Yimin was surprised.

"Yeah, I wrote a random song."

"Today I bring you a new song "Young Jinshi".

After Yu Dongqing finished speaking, the lights in the bar began to dim. The prelude sounded, a melodious guitar sound.

Back to late spring in May

There are not many people in the market in the early morning

The child is singing in front of the door

The sun warms the stream

Catkins are blown by the strong wind

People under the shadow of trees want to sleep

The silent person becomes happy from now on

Take off the puppet of winter

Zhao Lei's "Young Jinshi"!

Ye Zi came to Sanlitun alone and walked in when he saw that this tavern was quite lively.

She fell out of love and broke up with her boyfriend of eight years.

The house, the job, and the endless quarrels about it all disappeared with the breakup, but she was still in a bad mood.

The pub was very lively today. There was a handsome middle-aged man singing, and everyone was applauding. The atmosphere was lively, and she felt an indescribable loneliness.

Until this long guitar sound sounded,

The middle-aged man who had just sang "Love Song 1980" very freely and freely suddenly sang this slightly melancholy song in a hoarse voice:

my melancholy white shirt

The first cigarette in the pocket of youth

I never dared to tell you when I was in love for the first time

Ye Zi suddenly felt that his memory began to tumble, thinking of those beautiful past, and the lights in the tavern intertwined together.

She remembered that the first time she saw him was downstairs in the dormitory. He was wearing a white shirt, clean and warm.

At that time, it was just like this lyrics,

Under clear blue sky

smiling face with head held high

Love is simple...

When did it start to get complicated?

They began to argue constantly about their studies, jobs, and later about houses and money.

Forgot those simple loves?

Ye Zi's eyes began to moisten.

She missed those innocent days, the boys in white shirts and the girls with bows.

She took out a photo from her pocket, an early photo of him.

All the photos of him had been torn apart by her in anger, except this one.

Although the lights were dim, she could still see the bright and childish smiling face in the sun.

She suddenly felt that she had not forgotten him, nor those innocent and youthful days.

So, she suddenly had the urge to try calling.

The call came through quickly, and a warm and familiar voice came.

"What are you doing?"

"I listened to people singing in Sanlitun."

"Is it almost over? Then I'll pick you up?"


The two exchanged a few words casually. After Ye Zi hung up the phone, he looked at the middle-aged man on the stage who was about to finish his performance. After paying, he turned and walked out.

She is no longer willful and doesn't want to keep the other party waiting too long.

Of course Yu Dongqing didn't know these things, and she didn't know that a song led to the reunion of a couple.

In fact, there is a period of innocence in everyone's heart.

The boy in the white shirt and the girl with a bow tie?

This song pushed the atmosphere in the pub to a climax. After Yu Dongqing finished singing, he walked to the bar to drink water, and Liu Yimin patted him on the shoulder.

"Is your little boy Wen Quxing possessed? You actually wrote this good song again? If you don't come back, it's God's fault!"

"Come on, I don't have that idea, I just want to have fun and have fun." Yu Dongqing smiled.

"Is the Midi Music Festival going to be held soon? Let's go there and relax!"

"Okay, no problem!"

"Midi Music Festival" is the first original music festival in China founded by BJ Midi Music School, the birthplace of China's underground rock bands. After twenty years of development, it has become one of the loudest brands in modern music.

Every year, dozens of well-known bands at home and abroad are invited to perform, and tens of thousands of enthusiastic music fans flock from all over the country. More than a hundred well-known media at home and abroad are paying attention to its developments and competing to report on it. According to the news, Midi is also called China’s “Woodstock”

As the music festival has developed over the years, it is no longer limited to rock music. Folk music and electronic music have also appeared in the music festival one after another.

At this time, fans who like rock and folk music from all over the country flock to the music festival to participate in this annual carnival.

Chengdu, Sichuan University campus.

Although it is already summer, there are also many students staying in school. Some are studying quietly to prepare for the postgraduate entrance exams, while others are using their summer work-study programs. Others simply want to play and don’t want to go home.

Chen Guoguo belongs to the last category of people.

"Mom, didn't I tell you earlier? We have a summer social practice activity, so I will be back for a few days."

"Don't worry, it's really okay. I'm already a sophomore this year, and I won't be a kid anymore when I'm going to be a junior."

"Yeah, okay, okay, okay, I'll call you every day. You should feel relieved now, right?"

In the dormitory, Chen Guoguo was lying on her bed and calling her mother.

The phone call lasted for half an hour. After finally comforting her mother, Chen Guoguo hung up the phone and let out a long sigh.

It's not easy being a good daughter.

She has been like this since she was a child. Her parents have been very strict with her. Even when she goes to college, she is required to call home every day.

This sometimes made her feel a sense of suffocation, and as she got older, this feeling became stronger and stronger.

She wanted to get away.

Chen Guoguo was thinking wildly when something suddenly occurred to her and she quickly grabbed her phone again.

Oh, it's four o'clock!

The train is at half past six in the evening!

More importantly, dye your hair!

Chen Guoguo immediately jumped out of bed, put on her shoes and rushed out of the dormitory. Forty minutes later, Chen Guoguo came out of the barber shop. Her short black hair turned into yellow hair, which looked weird.

But Chen Guoguo was very satisfied, this was the effect she wanted.

Sneaking back to school, I was only worried about meeting acquaintances on the road, but luckily the journey was smooth.

Back in the dormitory, Chen Guoguo hurriedly changed her clothes, took off her white dress and put on the T-shirt and denim shorts she just bought yesterday, and then looked in the mirror to admire it.

It turned out that the little lady was gone, and a girl with dyed yellow hair appeared in the mirror, wearing a large black crew neck shirt. The crew neck shirt even had a white skull printed on it.

Originally, Chen Guoguo was planning to put on a smoky make-up, but she couldn't muster the courage.

Yeah, that's good too.

Chen Guoguo looked at herself in the mirror and felt very satisfied.

Rebellious and crazy.

Carrying a small travel bag and a guitar on her back, Chen Guoguo went out and boarded the train heading north alone.

Her destination is the Zhangjiakou Midi Music Festival.

She's going crazy.

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