Hobert Jeffrey clearly realized that he had entered a dream again. Not far away, there was a crooked old castle that was almost covered by vegetation, and an ancient town that was beautiful but abandoned.

Strangely, there are sun, clouds and stars on the ground in the distance.

There is a large forest in the sky, and huge trees are like stalactites in a cave, hanging upside down in the sky.

Between the sky and the ground, there are also vertical mountains and a huge bell tower, as if someone has hung these scenery on a huge wall.

Everything in front of me is as if the world is in a box.

In the past month, Hobert has often appeared in this dream, but this dream is so clear that he remembers everything he saw in the dream clearly after waking up.

There was no one here... No, it couldn't be said that there was no one. Hobert looked back and saw that the blurry figure was indeed not far behind him.

Every time Hobert encountered this figure in his dreams, because he was too blurry, he couldn't see his appearance clearly. He could only see that he was opening his mouth, as if he was shouting something.

Sometimes you can hear his screams in your dreams, sometimes you can't.

If you can't hear it, you're really thankful, because his screams will make Hobert's whole brain seem to boil, and at the same time, a surging sense of madness seems to be pouring out of his body.

At this time, Hobert would wake up from his dream and try to fight against the madness in his body.

Hobert once guessed that the figure might be a resident here? And tried to communicate effectively with the other party, but all attempts to communicate failed without exception.

So when Hobert saw the figure, he could only choose to run away quickly.

The figure floated faster than Hobert's running speed, and soon caught up with him. Hobert smiled bitterly, but the other party's roar still penetrated his eardrums.

The pain in his brain reappeared again. Just when Hobert gritted his teeth and prepared for the moment of waking up, he actually understood the other party's scream:

""A country of disorder"..."A country of disorder"..."

The other party has been shouting "a country of disorder"?

The memory that had been buried in the depths of Hobert's mind was awakened, and the "State of Disorder" was one of the "Essences".

Hobert looked at everything around him in astonishment. Is this a "country of disorder"? Shouldn't it be in the Western Continent?


Hobert woke up from his dream and sat up from the bed suddenly. A red moon hung in the night sky outside the window. He could hear the chirping of insects and the sound of the breeze blowing through the leaves. It was a peaceful night no matter what.

Panting heavily, Hobert found that he had broken out in a cold sweat. Then he realized that he seemed to have lost a very important memory. In his dream, he seemed to have understood where the dream world was, but why he couldn't remember it.

This is not the first time I have felt like this. Hobert traveled to this world a month ago.

Before he traveled through time, he was an ordinary working dog in China. He liked to read novels when he had time, so after traveling through time, he soon discovered that this was the world of "The Lord of Mysteries".

The kingdom he lives in is called Loen, the city he lives in is the capital Backlund, and the current king is George III.

Of course, what's more important is that after Hobert traveled through time, he discovered that he had some characteristics of an extraordinary person. For example, his eloquence seemed to be much better, and his family and friends became easier to persuade.

But the strange thing is that Hobert inherited almost all the memories from the original owner, but the original owner had never taken magic potions, nor had he been exposed to items with obvious extraordinary properties.

Ever since Hobert came through time travel, he would have a dream with that weird scene every two or three days, and now he almost has the same dream once a day.

This incident has always troubled Hobert. He really couldn't figure out where his sudden extraordinary characteristics came from.

This is the first strange thing after time travel, and the second strange thing is Hobert's amnesia.

He has read "Lord of Mysteries" several times and is very familiar with the plots of the first few volumes, but he only has a vague idea of ​​the plots of the later volumes.

Hobert probably realizes that the lack of these memories is a kind of protection for himself. He also probably remembers that if his level is too low, some occult knowledge will be contaminated as long as he knows it.

But what he couldn't understand was why he lost these memories?

These thoughts after Hobert woke up were only fleeting, and then a severe headache swept over him, as if someone was using a knife to stir around in his mind.

At the same time, Hobert felt that there was a crazy giant beast inside his body that was about to tear his body apart and rush out.

This time the feeling of madness was more serious than any before. Hobert fell to the ground, shaking all over, wanting to scream crazily, wanting to smash everything in the room, wanting to kill everyone in the house. of everyone.

The remaining sanity stopped Hobert's crazy thoughts. He worked hard to suppress the pain and madness, and tried to pronounce as clearly and authentically as possible in the Hermetic language that the original owner learned from grammar school:

“O fool who does not belong to this age;

“You are the mysterious master on the gray mist;

“You are the yellow and black king of good luck.

“I pray for your help.

“I pray for your favor.

"I beg you to help me contain my endless madness."

This was the only way Hobert could think of to solve the problem. Although he guessed that his adoptive father was an Extraordinary, the other party had never shown the abilities of an Extraordinary, nor had he revealed any knowledge about mysticism, so Huobert Bert didn't dare to reveal his state.

Compared with his adoptive father, Hobert is more willing to trust Klein, who is also a time traveler. At least he knows that this "Fool" is compassionate and kind-hearted.

The current date is early July 1349. Hobert probably remembers that Klein should have traveled through time at this time, and had already started the Tarot Club in... I forgot where it was, but it was a magical gray mist.

This is not the first time he has recited the honorable name of "The Fool". He has not received a response before. Theoretically speaking, Mr. Ke should have already examined himself.

He hoped to attract Klein's attention this time. If he continued like this, he felt that he would really go crazy.

Hobert recited the honorable name of "The Fool" seven or eight times. His reason gradually failed to suppress the madness in his heart. Just when the madness in his body was about to completely get out of control, he suddenly felt as if he was being pulled by something. After passing through a layer of gray-white fog, we arrived at a magnificent hall.

The feeling of madness disappeared instantly, and Hobert breathed a long sigh of relief.

At this time, Hobert was sitting at an ancient and mottled bronze long table. At the end of the bronze long table, there was a mysterious and powerful confused figure sitting.

Hobert thought to himself: "King Boss," you finally took action.

Many book friends saw this and felt that it was a bit abnormal for Klein to pull a stranger. After all, Klein was always a very cautious person.

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