Naruto: The villain template of me is regarded as the savior

Chapter 79 (First order required! Monthly pass!) It’s hard to master the strength to step over an an

The fortress named "Ankelbandian" is located in the underground center filled with strange runes.

"Lord Shennong, all supplies and sacrifices have been prepared!"

An air ninja knelt there on one knee and bowed his head respectfully: "We will arrive at the coastline of the Land of Fire. Captain Birdbird is arranging his team outside at the moment."


Shennong stood in front of a huge vertical instrument, staring at the special instrument like a tombstone, and said calmly: "It's done well."

No, he was not looking at the instrument.

Instead, the front of the instrument is wrapped in yellow colloid, and several colloid sticks around it like tentacles, supporting the "silkworm chrysalis" suspended in the air.

Gudong! Gudong!

The "silkworm chrysalis" is emitting a faint shimmer and beating regularly like a heart.

Through the transparent light yellow gel on the surface, you can vaguely see the strange creatures curled up inside.

It has a thick and soft dark body like a big snake, but its head is a white mask with the word "zero" written on it.

Bright lights shine down from above, illuminating every detail of the mask.

Those vermilion lips, narrow and upward eyes.

Just like the minister in a Noh drama, with exaggerated makeup on his face, he looks extremely weird and evil.

In the transparent gel tube, the black substance is flowing, breeding the monster in the cocoon.

It can even be clearly noticed that he is undergoing some kind of transformation.

It's just that due to insufficient energy provided, it is sleeping like a snake-like creature at the moment.

"This is Zero Tail·Void, what a powerful force!"

The Kong Ninja had raised his head, looking at the monster with only expectation and admiration in his eyes.

"Ho ho."

Shennong smiled without looking back, stared at Zero-Tail with fiery eyes, and said in a low voice: "With it, we will have power comparable to the tailed beasts, and we can use it to completely bury Konoha!"

With the unique aerial force in the ninja world and the Zero-Tail as the core energy source, it can destroy a mountain with just one strike.

There is also "Ankelbandian", the secret fortress of the Sky Ninja Village, a city that can fly in the air.

The small living space is no longer worthy of his inflated ambitions. This time, he will surely become famous in the ninja world and win a place!

Now that you have decided to do it, of course you must do it.

That's why he targeted Konoha, and the other shabby small countries were completely out of his consideration.

I don't like it.

"That's right." Shennong seemed to have thought of something, and turned to look at the Kong Ninja behind him, "Remember to collect more sacrifices along the way for backup..."

The moment the words fell, a huge explosion sounded.

boom! !

Even Shennong, who was deep in the underground center, could detect the violent shaking.

It was like a big hand grabbed the fortress and shook it crazily. An unparalleled force swept through the entire interior, making the empty ninja kneeling on the ground sway.

"what's the situation?!"

The empty nin pressed down on the ground and bent down to stabilize his body, and looked up at the only exit in surprise.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

Red and blue light illuminated the walls on both sides of the darkness, and the sound of alarm bells intertwined with a rapid music.

Shennong stood there calmly, and the shock did not shake him at all.

"Enemy attack alarm?" He frowned and looked at the air ninja, "What are you doing standing there, why don't you go and see what's going on?"

They were all going to the Fire Country, how could such an accident happen?

"...Yes, Lord Shennong!"

The Kong Ninja came back to his senses, lowered his head quickly, and promised: "Don't worry, there are all useful soldiers here. Even if it is an attack organized by the five major countries, we can stop it for a period of time!"


At the same time, dozens of air ninjas quickly rushed to the middle level of Ankelbandian, making the already quiet and narrow space suddenly crowded with people.

Looking around, almost every air ninja is holding a standard kunai gun in their hands. They load the gun, check the kunai ammunition, and move it up behind their backs.

The alarm meant that they were under attack. Knowing this, every Kong nin looked serious, but not timid.

Now they are extremely eager to fight and to gain the right to speak through fighting.

No matter who the enemy is, they are...


"don't want!!"

"No! Don't kill me!!"

"How is it possible?! What is this..."

Before these air ninjas could rush to a higher level, they suddenly heard sounds from above, a series of gunshots and shrill roars.

Noisy sounds came and went, but only for a short moment, it fell into strange silence again.

"What's going on?" A Kong Ninja blurted out with a shocked expression, "Where are the people above?"

The most basic defense deployment of the fortress is the first team at the highest level. The enemy is bound to come from top to bottom.

But it had only been a few minutes since the alarm sounded, and within a few minutes the enemy was killing them all the way down from above?

Just kidding.

It takes a few minutes to walk up the stairs!

In that inexplicable sense of panic, the air ninja at the front was the first to stop, and the air ninja behind him also stopped.

In the increasingly silent space, the sounds of heavy breathing overlapped.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

All the Kong Ninjas heard a dull sound.

It was obviously a heartbeat.

A heartbeat that is so powerful that it cannot be matched by any living thing!

The next moment, as the heartbeat gradually approached, a figure appeared in front of them under the illumination of incandescent lights in the distance.

It was a half-grown boy wearing a black robe.

But the moment they saw him, no one spoke, they just looked at him blankly.

Tick ​​tock…tick tock…tick tock…

The boy's right hand held a scarlet blade tightly. He had obviously used this knife to cut it down from the top. The blood dripping on the ground made their hair stand on end.

And he was dragging a somewhat weird "centipede" with his left hand, leaving a shocking dark red blood trail on the ground.

They should pull the trigger when they see the intruder and kill him when they are within perfect range!

But strangely enough, there was no gunshot.

These empty ninjas just stared at the "centipede" whose breathing was stagnant, and their fiery brains that were originally responding to the enemy have become blank.

Because, it is not a "centipede".

It was a pale and scarlet spine, and the connected head was held in his hand.

Bang! Bang bang...

He loosened his grip on the head, and the head hit the ground directly, making a dull and suppressed sound, which made the hearts of the air ninjas tremble.

"You screamed and rushed towards me as soon as we met. Can't you tell the difference between you and me?"

Yun Chuan stared at them with his faint blue eyes, and there was a coldness in his gentle voice, which sounded like mercury that corrodes minced meat.

No wonder these guys were maimed by Konoha, the world at the bottom of the well was all.

A misperception of power clouds their eyes.

"Although I understand, I'm starting to get annoyed."

He frowned and said softly: "It's difficult to master the strength of stepping over an ant without crushing it."

"One last time."

"If you don't want to die, just get out of the way."

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