Naruto's Eyes Emperor Izuna

Chapter 57 57 Fairy Island

Before Izuna arrived, he didn't expect that the Kingdom of Waves was founded earlier than the Kingdom of Fire.

This is a country that relies on the sea and eats the sea. The climate is humid all year round and is not an environment suitable for the growth of crops. In addition, communication with the outside world is not frequent, so it cannot become a territory that many ninjas compete for.

It can be considered a country regardless of whether it is big or small. I am afraid that after the establishment of the Fire Country and the arrival of the peaceful era, more and more people will cross the sea to live in the Fire Country.

At the dock of a small town in the Country of Waves, Senna found a group of boatmen and asked if they could take her to a small island in the north.

"You mean Fairy Island?"

One of them, a middle-aged boatman who was about forty-five years old, shirtless and exuding a fishy smell, said in surprise after listening to Quan Na's introduction to the destination.

"Fairy Island?"

Quan Nai frowned, feeling quite amused in her heart. The name was very vulgar, but when she touched it carefully, it was unexpectedly appropriate.

The boatman nodded, "That island was originally an isolated island with no name, but about fifty years ago, a group of strange people suddenly appeared on the island, occupied it, and called themselves Fairy Island."

Izuna has also read through the historical records of the ninja world. It was about fifty years ago, an era earlier than Uchiha Tajima and Senju Buddhama.

There is a group of races who are proficient in strange ninjutsu and have become the target of public criticism among the entire Warring States ninja clan.

Because once their weird ninjutsu goes out of control, their bodies will undergo drastic changes, their emotions will become extremely unstable, and they like bloodthirsty killings.

Such behavior caused a lot of trouble. What's more serious is that they also attacked ninjas from other clans.

As a result, this clan suffered the same fate as the Uzumaki clan in the future. They were attacked by other clans in the Warring States Period and eventually fled, but there is no exact record of where they went.

Now combined with the information obtained, Quan Nai can almost make a judgment.

As his thoughts drifted back, Quan Na asked the boatman: "I'm going to the fairy island you mentioned. Can you give me a ride?"

The boatman hesitated: "Well...the environment on their island is even worse than our country of Waves. We usually send vegetables, medicinal materials and other goods to trade with them, and we can sell them at a good price..."

"Tell the important point!"

Quan Na said impatiently.

The boatman had no choice but to say quickly: "The people on that island are very exclusive. We have been trading with them for many years, and we only completed the transaction at the dock. Last time, a boy was curious and wanted to sneak in and have a look. He was almost beaten to death. If we still bring Go with an outsider..."

When the boatman said this, his eyes couldn't help but glance around.

Quan Na was too lazy to continue talking nonsense with him, so she took out a gold nugget of about two taels from her arms and threw it to the other party, "Is this enough?"

When the boatman looked at the gold nugget, his eyes nearly popped out of his sockets. He was afraid that Izuna would regret it, so he nodded repeatedly, "No problem, no problem, we will set sail early tomorrow morning!"

Quan Nai turned around and planned to stay in a hotel by the dock. The boatman's voice came from behind, "Well, if you are caught, please don't accuse me. Those people have very weird tempers. I'm afraid... …”

Early the next morning, Izuna boarded the transport ship, with a crew of about ten people except himself.

The further north you go, the thicker the fog becomes, and even a ninja who uses chakra to cross the sea can easily lose his way.

No wonder it took so long for Uchiha Sasuke and the others to find any clues.

The shore of Fairy Island.

When the cargo ship arrived, three people in old gray cloth clothes had been waiting here for a long time.

They don't have Hinata's white eyes or Uchiha's black hair, the obvious features that are unique to their clan.

But one thing worth noting is that their bodies and bones are very strong.

If people like Izuna have Eastern faces, then these people have completely Eastern faces and Western bodies.

The bones are thick and strong, and the minimum height is over 1.85 meters, which gives people a very intimidating feeling.

Of course, it is only for ordinary people.

"The goods this time are 200 kilograms of lettuce, 180 kilograms of asparagus, 120 kilograms of skullcap, and..."

The boatman got off the boat and seemed to be communicating with these tall men with ease.

Those people didn't say a word, just listened to the boatman's words, and then took the goods from other boatmen and paid them in exchange.

Quan Nai, who was in a blind spot on the side of the ship, secretly watched all this and thought to herself: "I'd better keep a low profile this time."

He is not Madara. Whenever he meets someone, he just passes by.

His purpose is to obtain the method of using magic.

Rather than rushing all the way, it is a safer way to sneak into the island and look for ninjutsu scrolls or use Sharingan to control a knowledgeable person.

Thinking of this, a special three-pronged kunai flew out of the boat and passed over the coast.

At this time, the head of the Zhongwu clan, a yellow-haired man who was checking the order with the boatman, had his eyes slightly focused and subconsciously looked up into the sky.

When the two people behind them saw this, they couldn't help asking: "What's wrong?"

"What seemed to be there just now?"

The yellow-haired man stared up at the sky for a while, and after realizing that there was nothing there, he put his head down.

The boatman who checked the order with him felt chilled in his heart, vaguely guessing something.

On the outskirts of the village in the center of the island, Izuna put away the Flying Thunder God's three-pronged kunai and whispered to himself: "I can actually detect the Flying Thunder God. Is this the bonus effect of the magic? No, it should be said that their clan's You must have a special physique..."

That Huang Mao was actually able to detect the Flying Thunder God just now, which really surprised me.

You must know that in such a situation, unless you are a perception master like Senju Tobirama, you may not be able to detect it even at the Kage level.

The size of the village in front of me is roughly the same as that of the third-rate ninja clans of the Warring States Period, such as Fuma and Onikawa.

But when Izuna opened his Sharingan, he discovered that everyone in this village had a special chakra flowing in their bodies besides the ordinary ninja's own chakra.

"Is that senjutsu chakra?"

Izuna closed her eyes and thought about strategies.

Unlike Uchiha, who in addition to clan members also serve as farm workers and servants, everyone knows a certain level of ninjutsu and possesses senjutsu chakra.

And there are only a few hundred people there, so it’s very likely that everyone knows them.

As soon as you enter, the possibility of being recognized is extremely high.

"Then that's it..."

Quan Nai thought about it, and put the index and middle fingers of both hands together to form the cross mark of the shadow clone.


The next second, a shadow clone appeared, and immediately formed a seal, using the transformation technique to transform into the yellow-haired man who had just barely noticed the Flying Thunder God on the coast, and strode into the village.

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