The Rockets' starters are so powerful that they are even ranked No. 1 in the league.

But the substitute for the rocket is really a bit fishy.

Blake is a meat shield, Garcia is just a fringe role player, and Papani Nikolau is a rookie this year who hasn't played in his entire career.

Terry wasn't the jet anymore, and his footwork was much worse.

At this time, the most reliable person in the Rockets' bench camp is actually Jones, who is known as the little prince of abuse, this little prince of abuse is amazing.

When playing a weak team, the opponent has no reliable inside line, and scores 20+, 30+ points, which is as simple as cutting melons and vegetables, and those who don't know think it's All-Star inside data.

But as soon as the strong team was played, the Clippers scored two points, the Bulls scored two points against the iron-blooded defense, and the Warriors scored three ......points

The Knicks' defense, even as a starter, wasn't very good.

Jones, the little prince of abuse, looked like he was going to cut big data today, and McHale was a little relieved when he saw Jones's appearance.

Rocket round.

Terry took the ball, dribbled to the front court, looked at the layout, and thought about whether to play the ball by himself or tactically.

Who knew that as soon as it passed, Jones reached out to say hello, which was obviously asking for the ball.

Terry hesitated a little and glanced at the defenders of Jones who were Bargnani, who had played in the league for many years, and even how Banjani was defending.

A lob ball, which Terry hoists to Jones.

Jones sat down and went straight inside, Baniani's defense was really bad, and Jones's law of abuse was activated.

So Jones's law of abuse is: as long as the defense does not reach the league's average interior player, then no matter how well he plays, he will be abused.

In fact, Jones didn't have any basket carrying skills, he just chose to use his back to make it easier to chisel inside, and when his back was almost to the three-second zone, he directly turned over and made a layup.

The ball bounced twice on the basket and finally scored the ball.

McHale has a relieved smile on his face, having reused Terrence Jones since last season.

Before he reused Terrence Jones, Jones was a 12-year rookie who averaged 5.5 points and 3.4 rebounds per game in his rookie season.

After he reused Jones, Jones was able to average 12+7 per game last season, and started 71 of the 76 games Jones played last season.

It's only the rise of Motai Yunas this season, as well as Howard's interior guard, that Jones will serve as a substitute in this game, but most of them are still Jones' starters.

McHale is particularly fond of playing Jones, and like playing basketball, you give him more playing time by giving him more playing time.

After Jones scored the goal, McHale also felt a burst of joy.

At this time, Wang Feng was on the sidelines, called Xiao Si over, and whispered a few words.

After this action was discovered by McHale, he frowned, and to be honest, he was very disgusted with Wang Feng when he was tricked in the second quarter.

"What the hell is this despicable Celestial Empire going to do. "

Although McHale's entire career has not been brilliant, and his on-the-spot reaction has also been criticized, he has never been so routine.

This made McHale feel that he was being tricked by Wang Feng, which made McHale very angry.

The Rockets' bench lineup, to be honest, is actually okay defensively, with Blake as a meat shield on the inside and Garcia on the outside.

Although Terry is old, his defensive experience will not make him particularly disadvantaged.

But Wang Feng's set is the starting lineup, and in the past games, he has just won five consecutive victories, and the Rockets' bench lineup with barely passing defense can be blocked.

Xiao Si directly pressed Blake to a violent dunk, throughout Xiao Si's career, even if the state declined later, he was not afraid of Blake's meat shield inside.

Rocket ball possession.

The successful attack just now gave Jones a kind of self-confidence, and when he was about to get the ball, he found that his defender had become Xiaosi.

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