Since TT Thompson is not high, Wang Feng directly asked Bennett to play center and go to the opposite position with TT.

Jokic moved to the power forward position, and Banjani went to play small forward.

However, Banjani's style of play is not inconsistent with the small forward.

"Hey, did they change you to a soft ass to protect me?"

Last season, TT Thompson and Bennett were teammates.

The two of them have been in a competitive relationship, and it is clear that Bennett is the loser.

TT Thompson just killed all sides on the inside, and now his mentality is extremely inflated.

Thompson has not yet received a contract of 80 million at this time, nor has he gotten along with Kardashian, and he is in a very fierce state.

Bennett's eyes flashed with a hint of warmth, but he didn't speak.

He knew that Thompson had always been jealous that he was the top pick, and that Thompson himself was only the fourth pick.


Thompson, with an assist from Vitesse, flew again and dunked.

"Soft egg, only a garbage coach like Wang Feng would want you, haha!"

After Thompson finished dunking Bennett, he felt that it was not enough, and mocked again.

Bennett, who had been hesitating to fundraise, was stunned for a moment.

It was as if something had been touched inside.

The scene seems to go back to the Timberwolves, all the players are gone, and he is practicing in solitude.

"Bennett. "

"Do you want to play for the Knicks? "

These words are like an outstretched hand in the dark.

Next, Wang Feng sent away his rotation teammates to trade him.

Even if the first performance was still so bad, Wang Feng did not give up on him.

"Say it again. "

Bennett's voice was terrifyingly low.

"Hehe, garbage players under the garbage coach, it doesn't matter if I say it ten times. "

TT smiled and said defiantly.

Bennett stopped talking, and TT thought the soft egg was scared, and sneered and went back to defense.

Nate Robinson saw the scene next to him and shook his head.

On the edge of the alliance, there are always hardships that he can't say, and he has personal experience of this.

At 1.75 meters, he has been looked down upon by people since he entered the alliance.

It's just a blink of an eye, he is already thirty years old, and he has already experienced the warmth and coldness of the world.

"In a moment, can you give me a ball?"

Nate Robinson, who was dribbling to the frontcourt, heard Bennett's words behind him.

There are all substitutes on the field, and the old qualifications are only Banjani, and it stands to reason that Valjani should be given the first shot.

However, he has been in the league for so many years, and he is not afraid of a banyani.

"Okay. "

Nate Robinson nodded and did not refuse Bennett's request.

As soon as Nate Robinson dribbled to the half, Bennett aggressively came to block it.

This made Wang Feng stunned, he didn't let him participate in the attack.

But Nate Robinson gave Bennett the ball back.

TT has been waiting for a long time.

Although TT is only 2.08 meters tall, he has excellent physical qualities, and even later in the finals, he can be the starting center.

There is no problem with a general breakout dunk in defense.

But the problem is that TT's defense relies on excellent physical fitness, but Bennett is better than him in terms of pure physical fitness.

Otherwise, the Cavaliers would not have used the top pick to pick Bennett when they clearly had TT.

At this point, Bennett had already rushed up.

Jump, dunk.

TT also vacated, ready to directly press Bennett's soft egg.

The two confronted each other in the air.


TT was pinned down by Bennett in the air.


Bennett slammed the slam off.

The referee's whistle blows.


Bennett roared in the sky.

He finally played out the talent that Wang Feng had activated for him.

"Huo Huo, is this parallel trade champion crazy? "

"Oh my God, who was talking just now, the three newcomers selected by Wang Feng still have one parallel product left. "

"Barkley, Barkley said!"

There were fans close to the commentary booth, shouting loudly.

Barkley was blinded, and although he confirmed that Bennett was a parallel import, it was Reggie Miller who was the first to say this.

Barkley turned his head to look at Reggie Miller.

I found that this old boy was looking at the sky, pretending to be stupid.

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