Tie Hammer, who had a bruised nose and face, rubbed the side of his face and said in a vague voice:

My fruit ability is to turn my whole body into a hammer, and every attack can cause hammer damage.

At the same time, if you are lucky, you can transform the object and give it certain abilities.

But this ability is uncontrollable, at least for now. I don't know how I added a rebound ability to the instrument.

Hiss...General Zefa, you struck too hard...it hurts to death.

The three-meter-tall man gasped in pain.

That look is as funny as you want it to be.

It really amused many senior navy officials.

Is it random... It seems that the fruit's ability is not developed deeply enough...

Ms. He pondered for a while and expressed her opinion. After all, among the high-level officials present, she and Sengoku were the only ones with Devil Fruit abilities, and her fruit was also a superhuman type, and the superhuman type was a cleansing fruit.

She is very aware of the development potential of superhuman fruits.

Take her Washing Fruit as an example. It is obviously a very ordinary fruit, but with her development, it can directly penetrate the soul and psychological level.

By washing the fruit, she can wash away all the sins in people's hearts.

This also makes her an object of fear in the hearts of countless pirates.

This is difficult to handle. Xiaohe, you also understand that none of us like devil fruits, let alone development. We can only look at him personally.

Oh, not counting the one that shines, hahahaha!

The careless Garp used his brain for the first time.

He was telling the truth, people of his generation despised devil fruits.

Asshole Garp! What do you mean!

It's boring. Whoever shines is the one talking about it.

Garp's words penetrated deeply into Sengoku's heart.

Sengoku, who was in the form of the Giant Buddha, the human fruit of the phantom beast species, rushed directly in front of Garp, grabbed him by the collar, and drooled all over him.

Garp was not afraid at all. The two of them just spit on me and I spit on you.

Marshal Kong looked helpless and could only raise his thick right hand and slam it on the table.


There was a sound and the table fell into pieces.

Upon seeing this, Garp and Sengoku quickly restrained themselves.

Okay, let's leave it like this for now. Put the instrument here first. Change another instrument and test again.

As for Hammer, you...

As soon as he heard that he was about to be dealt with, Iron Hammer instantly showed a hint of trembling. He was really frightened by Zefa.

I heard you want to be a blacksmith?

Although Iron Hammer was puzzled, he still nodded.

Okay, Zefa, you take him to the logistics department. We can't start training now anyway. Let him forge a hundred standard long swords for me first. It can be considered a punishment.

Yes, after being beaten and still having to work as a coolie, Tie Zhui was depressed.

Just like that, the hard-working Iron Hammer returned to his old profession on the first day of time travel.

Wait until Zefa and Hammer leave.

Marshal Kong and others quickly stood up.


Warring States locked the door, while Marshal Kong took off his shirt and came to the instrument.

Garp, are you really sure this thing can rebound damage?

Garp licked his nostrils and said, Old Man Kong, my son is still in the hospital.

Marshal Kong glanced at Warring States on the side.

Warring States nodded, rolled up his sleeves, and punched the instrument.

Oh, shit...

The next second, Seng Guo squatted on the ground with his arms folded.

The instrument shook and displayed a number: 3800

Pfft, hahahaha, Warring States, you might as well be Zefa, hahahaha.

Garp's taunting mode was turned on again, and his hilarious voice made Sengoku sound like he was pressing his face against the instrument to bounce back.

Wonderful ability to rebound with 100% strength. How on earth is this achieved?

Ms. He's eyes flashed, and she became even more curious about the hammer's abilities.

It's indeed amazing. Otherwise, why do you think I asked him to forge a long sword?

Marshal Kong sat down again with a proud look on his face.

His face was full of calculation.

Looking at it, Garp curled his lips in disdain, and then continued to laugh at Sengoku.



This is the logistics department. You bastard, make me a hundred long swords. These one hundred long swords are for the training camp. Do it well!

Zefa viciously threw the hammer into a factory.

This caused the soldiers who were working to look at each other in confusion, not understanding what was going on.

Where's Lisk? Tell him that Marshal Kong ordered this bastard to build a hundred standard long swords here and let him keep an eye on them.

After that, he turned around and was about to leave, but as soon as he took a step, he stopped again. I added something back.

Oh, this bastard's name is Hammer.

After saying that, he left without looking back.

Tie Hammer stood up helplessly and patted the dirt on his body.

The previous soldiers also found Major General Humanisk, the person in charge of the arsenal.

The person sent by General Zefa? Huo, this guy has a good body for blacksmithing.

As his name suggests, Major General Lisk is a very strong man. Although he is only two meters tall, the bulging muscles on his body are very scary.

Iron hammer, right? Since General Zefa asked you to make a hundred long swords, then go ahead and make them.

Who is that? Take him to the workbench.

An unknown naval soldier followed the major general's instructions and led the hammer to an idle workbench.

Hammer, right? This is your workbench. You look like you are a blacksmith too. I won't stay to teach you. You can just start by yourself.

After saying that, leave without missing a moment.

Tie Hammer looked at the workbench in front of him, his mind wandering a bit.

As a master blacksmith in his previous life, he is proficient in various forging techniques.

Whether it's free forging, die forging, ring rolling, or special forging, you can get it at your fingertips.

But that was in the previous life, and the tools were relatively complete.

Now on this workbench, there is only an anvil, a hammer, and an iron furnace.

It can be described as extremely shabby.

Looking at the materials again, although they are all processed jade steel, the material is very rough.

Tie Hammer was speechless for a moment.

I thought, let him make a standard long sword without even giving him a mold?

As he spoke, he thought about the appearance of the standard long sword from his memory.

This weapon intended for use in melee combat is generally 60 to 75 centimeters long, with a slightly curved blade that is 3 to 4 centimeters wide. In addition to the tip of about 10CM, open the double front

Now that I have thoughts in my mind, I don’t want to sharpen my hammer anymore and am ready to start working.

He first bumped the hammer used for hammering, and found that it was a little light, but he still held it in his hand. After all, it was better than nothing.

Then the heat treatment of the jade steel begins.

The iron furnace was lit and the jade steel was thrown in.

After burning it red, take it out and put it on the anvil to start beating and refining.





Asking for collection, asking for bookshelf, asking for likes, asking for everything! ! !

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