One Piece: Marinfando, the Max-Level Blacksmith

Chapter 81 The existence and independent space of weapon spirits

Ice Nightmare

The ice coffin took shape in an instant, and Iron Hammer stared at the ice in front of him.

There are countless blade fragments mixed in the ice, which are fragments of the Ice Nightmare Han Sword. Relying on the ice crystal stone and the empowered ability, this ice coffin is as hard as iron and is difficult to melt.

Just when the ice coffin was about to fall into the water, the hammer moved. He directly lifted the ice coffin and returned it to the warship deck.

Tie Hammer stroked the surface of the ice coffin with his trembling hands, his heart filled with reluctance.

Suddenly, a raised ice surface attracted Tie Hammer's attention.

It was a very obvious ice crystal wrapped around a blade fragment, and the fragment was in the shape of a rhombus.

Iron Hammer used his strength to take it off and held it firmly in his hand, his face becoming more solemn for a moment.

Within Kuowa, Iron Hammer-san, your sword can actually freeze Walder into a popsicle. This power is so terrifying.

Brother Monkey walked to Iron Hammer with a shocked look on his face, and couldn't help but sigh when he looked at the ice coffin in front of him.

That's right. I didn't expect World Destroyer Wald to end up like this.

The same sighing voice sounded, and then two strong men appeared in front of the ice coffin one after another.

It was Garp and Sengoku who had just fought with Wald.

Warring States had already released the fruit's ability, and was naked from the waist up, looking intently at the frozen Wald.

Garp is also extremely rare in showing seriousness.

My Ice Nightmare is made from the fusion of cryolite. It has the power of freezing itself. Wald used Momo Fruit to amplify it and also amplify the power of ice.

When it breaks, the ice element explodes. Only with the help of the sword can I freeze it.

Everyone nodded.

In this battle, the Wald Pirates were completely wiped out. From the captain to the crew, everyone was captured. You did a great job, Hammer!

Marshal Kong will make the final decision after your contribution is returned to the headquarters, but you can rest assured that it will not be less.

Warring States patted Tie Hammer on the shoulder and expressed his unabashed admiration for Tie Hammer.

From the encounter in the windless zone, to the dragging to Garp's rescue, and finally to the frozen Wald, the hammer can be said to have exerted a lot of force.

But Hammer's current thoughts are not on credit or Wald at all.

He just wanted to know what the call from the Ice Nightmare was just now.

General Warring States, I'm a little tired. Let's go back to the ship to rest.

As for Wald, I hope he won't be sent to Impel Down and will sink into the sea on the spot.

After saying that, Iron Hammer walked towards his warship without looking back.

Hey, poor Iron Hammer-san, it's okay to have wounds all over his body, and the sword he forged is gone. If I were him, I would be depressed.

Brother Monkey's very sad voice sounded, causing both Warring States and Garp to tremble violently.

It's just that this guy's obscene voice is too uncomfortable, plus that desolate feeling, Emma, ​​it's a soul-stirring song.

Get out! Porusalino! I asked you to help, but what happened!

Eight feet of jade, right? Do you really think I didn't hear it???

Brother Monkey: Yabayi, this old man actually heard it.

After returning to his warship, Iron Hammer directly entered the lounge, locked the door, and issued an order not to allow anyone to disturb him.

Lance looked at Hammer's serious expression, and then looked at the only remaining scabbard on his waist, and understood that what Hammer needed now was private space.

Is the weapon soul really the weapon soul?

This world is a fantasy world after all. Ship elves can exist, but there is no reason why weapon souls can't exist.

Iron Hammer took out the remaining ice crystals and blade fragments in his hand, a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes.

As a blacksmith from China.

He has fallen asleep listening to the stories of various forging masters since he was a child. He knows the term weapon spirit very well and admires it very much.

Just like the legendary Zhanlu Sword.

This is a sword of benevolence and righteousness. It was made by the master swordsmith Ou Yezi. After it was cast, it was acquired by the King of Yue and later by the King of Wu. Legend has it that this sword is a sword that can distinguish kings, and only wise kings can get it.

This is the charm of Sword Spirit.

Not to mention the general Mo Xie who forged the sword with his own body, and even the sun, moon, stars, mountains, rivers and trees that made the Xuanyuan Sword.

He had always thought that these were legendary things, but today, Iron Hammer's heart was shaken.

The voice from the Ice Nightmare Hanjian told him that the weapon really could have a spirit!

Ice Nightmare, don't worry, I will definitely recreate you!

A large amount of cryolite and steel appeared instantly, and Iron Hammer began to select with a solemn expression.

The fragment of the ice nightmare was placed on the table by him, shining with an unusual blue light.



The familiar sound of blacksmithing sounded again.

Because of Bundy Wald's incident, Hammer's original plan to go to Punk Hassad had to be temporarily shelved, and the entire group returned to their home base of Malinfando.

What did you say? The hammer is still hammering?

Yes, Warring States General.

Isn't this nonsense! That bastard is still injured!

But, the situation is different this time. For some reason, I can't open the door to the lounge no matter how hard I push it.

At the port, Sengoku was furious when he heard that Hammer had been locking himself in the lounge to forge since the World War I.

Capturing Captain Lance was a slap in the face, and Lance was really stunned.

What a joke! I'll go there myself!

Sengoku threw Lance aside casually, walked onto Iron Hammer's warship and headed straight for the lounge with steps that he didn't recognize.

But the moment he stepped onto the deck of the warship, he felt a different feeling.



The sound of hammering was very rhythmic, and the entire space seemed to be enveloped by the sound waves generated by the hammering, making this battle-hardened general feel an inexplicable pressure.

Warring States's face became a little solemn, and he came to the door of the lounge under pressure.

Iron Hammer! We've arrived at Malinfando, you boy, come out quickly!

After saying that, he stretched out his hand to push the door open.


But the next second, Warring States was confused. Why couldn't this door be pushed?

Warring States, who did not believe in evil, used a little effort to push the door open again, but the result was still the same.

What is this?

In order to find out, Sengoku directly activated his knowledge and released his Haki into the room.

As a result, a scene that shocked him appeared.

In the lounge, the hammer was hitting the iron with a solemn expression, and an ice-blue long sword on the anvil was almost completed.

A piece of cryolite fragment placed on the table was emitting repeated blue light, and the blue light wrapped around the long sword bit by bit.

The hammer blow triggered by the blacksmith did not dissipate after falling, but turned into an unknown force flowing in the room.

Prolonged hammering leaves the entire room completely covered in hammering.

The whole room forms a unique space.

If someone forcibly enters after this, it will undoubtedly stimulate the resonance of all hammer blows to produce a terrifying attack.

For a moment, even Warring States was stunned.

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