One Piece: Marinfando, the Max-Level Blacksmith

Chapter 87 Memory metal, trick Brother Monkey once!

Huo, is this Punk Hassad, known as the 'Treasure House of Creatures'?

“It’s impressive enough.

Tie Hammer's eyes lit up when he walked into the research base. The hall full of technology looked very grand.

Yes, this is the main scientific research base of Punk Hassad. Everyone, please, Dr. Bega Punk has been waiting in the weapons hall for a long time.

Edward's expression was very dull. He had seen enough of these things and was completely immune to them.

Iron Hammer's expression remained unchanged, with a smile still hanging on his face, but his mind was still racing at high speed.

Vegapunk, Warhead Island.

In his previous life, he blew up the furnace when he got excited because of this damn plot.

He felt sad when he mentioned this. Although his life was good now, he still felt angry.

Forget it, take care of what you have come, but this time you must find high-tech weapons from here, otherwise it will be in vain!

Having made up his mind, Iron Hammer even moved a little briskly.

Soon, under the guidance of Lieutenant General Edward, the three of them arrived at a very large room.

There are many weapons piled inside, of all kinds.

Tie Zhui and others were stunned for a while.

Submachine gun? little things.

Bazooka? A four-shot series?

Mortar? Can this thing really be put on a boat? ? ?

flamethrower? Well, this is similar to the one from Gaji.

Howitzer? I go? This thing is okay.

Am I inferior? What is that? Barrett? No, this caliber is bigger than Barrett!

All kinds of firearms have filled Hammer's eyes.

The hearts in his eyes were about to fly out.

The same is true for Lance. As a sniper on the ship, the gun is his life.

Calm down, these are just some eliminated products, don't take it too seriously.

Suddenly a very calm voice sounded from behind the three of them.

I saw a very tall man wearing black clothes and a protective mask 01 on his head.

Seeing him, Iron Hammer's heart moved.


Has the clone been developed at this time?

It seems that Vegapunk has been wary of the World Government from the beginning.

I am Dr. Bega Punk Shakya, and I am glad that you are here at Punk Hassad.

Shakya placed his gaze on the hammer and glanced up and down.

Are you Major General Hammer? I heard that your forging can give objects special properties?

I'm curious, is this given by your fruit power?

The hammer stabilized the mind.

Hello, Dr. Vegapunk, the grant you are talking about is indeed my fruit ability.

I built a lot of special props with it.

Having said that, Iron Hammer casually took out a long sword from the ring, which was the Sword Qi Long Sword.

The shield on Sakyamuni's head instantly lit up with two rays of light, and his voice was a little excited.

Is it a space prop? It seems that your ability is very powerful.

Even I have not made good progress in space research!

A hearty smile appeared on Tie Zhui's face after hearing this.

Big brother, even if you are a superhuman with brain-brain fruit ability, you have knowledge beyond anyone else.

But this is not something that science can understand. This is given to us by the system, and Scorpion Baba is the only one! I'm so envious!

The superhuman brain fruit allows a person with abilities to have unlimited brain capacity, and his brain can store an unlimited amount of information, but the more data he absorbs, the bigger his brain becomes. Bergabank's innate genius and unlimited brain database made his brain the largest brain in the world.

But the Sakya in front of him is actually just a clone created by Bega Punk.

Iron Hammer can also understand. After all, they are just ordinary navy, and there is no need for Vegapunk to come out to meet a major general.

Even if this major general has magical abilities, it's not enough.

Doctor is joking, you are the smartest person in this sea. I came here to seek some help from you.

Huh? Help? Tell me.

Shakya returned to his original calm demeanor, waiting for Iron Hammer to ask questions.

First of all, I want to get some weapons from you. Don't worry, I brought the Warring States General's orders.

Secondly, I want to see if you have any metal that can accommodate extreme attributes. I made a long sword with ice elements. An ordinary scabbard cannot coexist with it, even if it is made by a person with the natural frozen fruit ability. Ice can’t live with it either.”

Hearing this, Sakyamuni flashed two rays of light again.

A long sword of ice element? Is it forged with cryolite?

Yes, and the increase in my ability has increased the power of the ice element.

Well, it seems that it can only be done with that kind of metal.

“That kind of metal???”

A trace of doubt flashed in Tie Zhui's heart.

The weapons are all here. You can choose any firearms. They are just obsolete items anyway. Take them if you want.

As for the metal you mentioned, follow me yourself.

After saying that, Shakya turned around and walked towards the laboratory on the other side.

Hammer winked at Lance and Sherry.

The two of them made ok gestures to the hammer in a tacit understanding.

Take it all if you can! Never miss a bullet or a gun!

If you want to suppress the power of elements, the best metal is memory metal, but this metal is extremely rare.

Even here, I don't have much inventory.

Memory metal?

A man's figure suddenly flashed in Iron Hammer's mind, and that was none other than Vinsmoke Gaji.

Isn't this his cheap brother's specialty?

I heard that you have met Vinsmoke Gaji, so you should have some knowledge of memory metal, right?

I only met him because of the mission.

Without looking back, Shakya began to explain memory metal.

Memory metal is a very special substance. My research on it is currently at the preliminary stage, but it has fusion and recovery properties. Even if it is destroyed, it can be restored within a certain period of time.

The long sword you mentioned has the power of the ice element. If you use memory metal to make a scabbard, the scabbard should be able to perfectly accommodate the power of ice and not be destroyed.

memory metal

Iron Hammer actually knew this. Both Germa's battle suit and the Seraph that appeared later were made of memory metal.

I really gained a lot from this visit to Punk Hassad.

Even the early memory metal is very powerful, and this is metal

A glint flashed in Tie Hammer's eyes.

If it's a metal, it can be forged. As long as it can be forged, someone like Tie is sure to make it into a high-quality product!

Such a large piece of metal should be enough for you to make a scabbard. As for forging it, you are a blacksmith yourself, so you don't need my help, right?

Hammer was very happy to receive a large piece of metal, and casually asked a question that surprised even Begapunk.

“I wonder what the doctor’s thoughts are on later weapon development?”

It's still under consideration. Whether it's biological research or scientific research, in the end it's all about turning it into a weapon, right?

I don't know. Does the doctor know about laser rays?

I know about lasers, but it's difficult to turn lasers into weapons.

It's not difficult at all. I have very good research directions and experimental staff!

Iron Hammer showed a smirk, I'm sorry, Brother Monkey, you'd better take advantage of it earlier, so that Iron Man's warships can be flooded with laser weapons as soon as possible!

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