One Piece: Marinfando, the Max-Level Blacksmith

Chapter 99 The Welcome Ceremony of the Warring States Period

Old Man Kong! Are you okay?

A sturdy figure rushed into the battlefield boldly, it was Garp.

Old Man Kong supported his body with the Ice Blue Sword, and he did not let go of the sword hilt even though it was eroded by the freezing air.

He stared straight at the frozen Ryder, not daring to relax for a moment.

Seeing Garp arrive, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Garp, don't worry about me, go see Ryder and arrest him.

If I can capture a legendary pirate on this last voyage, it will definitely boost the momentum of my navy!

When he mentioned the navy, old man Kong's eyes lit up with several rays of light.

Garp nodded after hearing this, strode directly on the ice and walked towards Ryder, using his domineering power to the extreme to feel Ryder's aura.

Upon discovering that Ryder had fallen into a coma due to being frozen, Garp also had a flash of surprise in his eyes.

This was the Red Earl Baloric Redfield, who was defeated at the hands of the Admiral.

Old Man Kong, he's unconscious.

Okay! Send him to the ship with the ice cubes! Then return to Malinfando as soon as possible, and ask the Warring States side to contact Morgans! Oh yes, there is also Hammer, let him return to Malinfando, and put aside the affairs of the world for now Well, I can win this time, thanks to the hammer!

Marine Headquarters, Marine Fando, Admiral's Office.

Polo Polo

Hey! I'm Sengoku!

What? Really! Okay! I'll contact you right away!

Hahahaha! Marshal Kong! Well done!!

Warring States hung up the phone ruthlessly. The insect queen looked up to the sky and roared, and the deafening laughter resounded throughout the building.

East China Sea, Liulizhu Island

What? Go back to Marinefando? No, old man Sengoku, aren't you just kidding me?

No matter what, I still have to patrol the four seas. I just finished walking around the East China Sea and I will go to the West Sea soon!

Huh? What do you mean by Old Man Kong? Then neither do I! I will patrol the world and then go back and be promoted to lieutenant general!

What? Red Earl? Just catch him. It's all thanks to Old Man Kong. What does it have to do with me?

Okay, okay, why don't I go back! Then let's make an agreement, I will patrol two less sea areas when I go back!

make a deal!


After hanging up the phone, Tie Hammer showed a smile on his face and said to himself:

Red Earl, old man Kong, you have shown your face this time.

It's just a pity that Lieutenant General Garp missed one less thing, hehehehe.

Then, Iron Hammer came to the deck, saw that the hull was being repaired immediately, and shouted:

Lance, Shirley! Get ready to return to Marineland!

After saying that, he ran back to the forging room quickly and left all the remaining matters to Lance.

Lance: I’m really convinced! These gangsters!

A few days later, Marine Headquarters-Marinvando.

This steel fortress is full of solemnity and majesty, and invisible pressure spreads across the entire island.

At the port, all generals at all levels, led by the Warring States General and the Chief of General Staff, Lieutenant General He, were standing ready.

Suddenly a warship appeared on the distant sea.

It's coming! Everyone, get ready!

Warring States gave an order, and all the generals tensed up instantly, looking straight at the warships in the distance.

But as the warship got closer and closer to the port, everyone found that this warship seemed a little different?

The silver-white hull and even the sails are silver-white.

Well, take a break, this is not Marshal Kong's ship, this is Major General Hammer's ship!

Warring States was extremely speechless, but he couldn't get angry. After all, all the admirals were there and he had to save his face.

As the Warhammer slowly sailed into the port, hammering sounds spread like bells in the port.



Everyone's lips twitched when they heard this voice.

Warring States was even more angry that the corners of his eyes were twitching.

The sound of hammering finally disappeared, followed by a Chinese quintessence sentence.

Damn it! What a huge battle!

Old man from the Warring States Period, are you raising your troops to welcome me?

How can our hammer stand this?

Iron Hammer stood on the deck and looked at the honor guard of officers below, his face glowing red.

It would have been better if the face of the old man from the Warring States Period hadn't turned completely dark!

Get off! Then move your ship to me! Otherwise, you don't have to go back to Marineventor in the future!

Seeing the golden light starting to glow on Seng Guo's body, Iron Hammer did not dare to neglect, and quickly stopped his smile and ordered Lance to move away.

Lance shook his head helplessly, then sighed heavily.

It is really the superior who causes trouble and his subordinates suffer.

I have no choice but to walk on the path I chose with tears in my eyes.

Looking at Xue Li again, she was already one step ahead of everyone and ran to Zhu Yuan's side, where two young girls were whispering.

Iron Hammer put on a serious face and stood on the side of the Warring States General.

It was Sengoku who forced him to his side.

No need to think about it, this matter must have something to do with him again.

In the end, Lance took it all on his own.

Wait until the Warhammer moves away.

Everyone began to look forward to it again, and they waited for a quarter of an hour.

Iron Hammer was really bored standing there, his mind was filled with drawings of the iron he had not finished hammering and various props.

Hey, old man from the Warring States period, how long do you have to wait?

What responded to him was Seng Guo's eyes full of murderous intent, which frightened Tie Hammer into silence.

After waiting for another quarter of an hour, suddenly the Gate of Justice opened far away on the sea level.


Warring States eyes lit up and he shouted lowly. Everyone understood that this was the return of Marshal Kong.

Sure enough, when a somewhat damaged warship sailed into the port, everyone held their breath.

Until the warship docked at the port, the walking ladder was put down.

A very strong old man, covered in gauze but full of energy, walked down slowly.

Everyone's faces were filled with admiration, and even Hammer felt a hint of respect in his heart.

Hahahaha, Warring States, what are you doing? I'm going to have such a big fight when I come back!

Ha ha ha ha!

Although he was talking, the joy on Old Kong's face could be seen. This operation of Warring States obviously made Old Kong very happy.

Congratulations on your triumph!

Triumph! Triumph!

The shouts of the leader of the Warring States Period instantly resounded throughout the port, and even the seabirds in the sky were frightened by the shouts and flew around in all directions.

As Old Man Kong walked off the warship, behind him were Garp and a group of soldiers who had done nothing.

The soldiers had stern faces and serious expressions, and they guarded a red figure slowly walking down.

It was the Red Earl who was defeated by Old Man Kong.

Hehehe, Konglaogui, your navy still likes to be extravagant.

The calm tone was full of sarcasm, but as the Red Earl spoke, the military formation below was silent for an instant, and everyone's eyes were focused on this great pirate who roamed the sea.

If your defeated general dares to scream, be careful and I'll freeze you again!

Old Man Kong couldn't help but put his hand on the ice green sword at his waist.

This scene made the Red Earl narrow his eyes slightly, and also focused on the sword.

He did not lose to Old Man Kong, but he lost to this sword, the famous sword Bingqing, which Old Man Kong called the Navy's Dinghai Shenzhen.

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