Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 72: Deceiving the Three Sakura Sisters

In fact, the elf eggs in the cultivation room of Hualan Gym are arranged in a regular manner, and you can find them if you observe carefully.

The Nakamori family said that they let Nakamori Jianyang find it on his own, and no matter which one he picked, it was Nakamori Jianyang's luck.

But the elf eggs here actually have the worst qualifications in yellow.

There are not many green qualifications, but there are also quite a few.

Just look at the placement and you will know where the green qualifications are placed.

Not to mention, there are now three radars guiding them.

"Follow Sakura and the others, and you can directly find the green-qualified elf eggs!" Taichi said with a smile.

Compared to Nakamori Jianyang, the three Sakura sisters are direct descendants and the daughters of the gym leader. When they came to choose the initial elves, they must have received certain hints. It was even made clear that these three would take over the position of gym trainers.

If it follows normal procedures, it will develop like this.

But no one knows that none of these three are qualified as trainers, and in the end, the younger sister Xiaoxia will be the successor.

Here we have to talk about a few ways to become a gym trainer.

First, the easiest and the hardest.

It’s inheritance!

Just like Xiaoxia, her parents are gym leaders. When her parents retire and Xiaoxia's strength reaches the standard, she can succeed her parents and become the gym leader.

Second, alliance delegation!

Some gyms are directly under the alliance, or have lost their heirs. At this time, the alliance will appoint someone to take over.

Third, open bidding.

In some places, gyms die every year, and the alliance will put out quotas and open bidding for those who are interested in building gyms to compete! Those who meet the criteria can build a new gym at the designated place!

Finally, there is another way, that is, private gym and promotion!

Taichi remembered that there was a place in the anime with two private gyms. In order to be promoted to the Alliance Gym, the two gyms fought fiercely.

There was also an Inspector Joey who went over to investigate, and finally the two gyms merged and were promoted to the Alliance Gym!

These are the four channels to become a gym leader.

Taichi only knew a little bit about him, but he had no intention of becoming a gym leader.

too tired!

When Taiyi and others approached, Sakura smiled and said: "It seems that you have noticed it, Uncle Jianyang. This is where the gym's green-qualified elf eggs are stored. Uncle Jianyang can choose one here!"

Nakamori Jianyang smiled and waved his hand: "It's not me, it's my nephew Taichi Amuro!"

Speaking, Nakamori Jianyang pointed at Taiyi.

Cherry showed a smile and said to Taichi: "This is Researcher Amuro? He is really young and promising!"

Well, if this sentence is said by an older person, it is to support the younger generation and it is also the demeanor of an elder.

You are a ten-year-old girl, but you look a few months younger than me.

Doesn't it seem too strange to talk like this?

Acorus pushed Sakura and said, "Sister, you are younger than others!"

Mudan also said: "I'll just say, let's just get to know Researcher Amuro directly. It's so embarrassing to do this!"

Well, the three girls were chattering and having some fun.

Taiyi didn't care, waved his hand and said: "We are all relatives, so there is no need for this. You can just call me Taiyi. However, I also have some research on elf eggs. I wonder if you want me to give you some advice?"

The alliance's technology is still very advanced, and even if it's just an elf egg, it can do a lot of tests.

But this kind of test can only detect the qualifications of the elf born from the elf egg.

In specific aspects, there is no way to detect it.

At this time, a powerful breeder is needed to judge based on experience.

When it comes to elf eggs, there is also special training, such as the cultivation of characteristics and attributes.

These are all targeted!

Cherry was surprised, she thought Taiyi just had some research on the aptitudes of elves!

Mudan said: "Today's Elf Daily published a partial paper by Taiyi, which released the latest research on elf food. The paper mentioned that ordinary vegetables can be used with tree fruits to make food. Ordinary vegetables can stimulate The power of the tree fruit makes it easier for elves to absorb it, reducing the trainer’s cost of cultivating elves.”

It seems that Mudan is still very concerned about the trainer's information.

But in the anime, why can’t these three sisters be seen at all?

Is it to train Xiaoxia, or are their trainers' qualifications really too poor?

Acorus smiled and said: "It seems that Taiyi, you are really good at nurturing! Then, I'll leave it to you!"

Three beautiful girls bending down together is also a good scenery.

Taiyi smiled and pointed at the elf eggs in front of him and said: "Celestia Gym is famous for its water elves, and it is very good at cultivating water elves. These elf eggs are made of horned goldfish, starfish, ducks, mosquito tadpoles, and agate. There are the most jellyfish, small sea lions and carp kings. Among them, the horned goldfish is purely water type. After the starfish evolves, it has the super power type. Although the Gotha duck evolved from the duck, it is a pure water type elf, but it also has super powers. The quality of the tadpole allows you to learn superpower moves. After the mosquito tadpole evolves, it has fighting attributes. The agate jellyfish itself has poison attributes, and after the little sea lion evolves, it also has ice attributes. Of course, it is difficult for Magikarp to evolve, but once it evolves, the violent Carp dragon has the flying attribute! It depends on what elf you want to use as your initial elf!"

In fact, there is another evolutionary path for mosquito-repellent tadpoles, that is, mosquito-repellent tadpoles are pure water-attributed spirits.

But no one has discovered this way of evolution yet.

Taiyi is also planning to write a paper in the future!

In the elf world, the status of elf doctors is very high.

Taiyi naturally hopes that his position will be stable. If he can be as important as Dr. Oak, he believes that even if he encounters difficulties, the alliance will protect him to the death.

Sakura looked at Taichi in surprise: "You know so much!"

Acorus asked: "But, Taiyi, can you identify which elf these elf eggs belong to?"

Mudan also looked at Taiyi, as did her aunts and others.

Taiyi smiled and said: "It's a joke. If I can't even recognize this, I'd be embarrassed to be an elf researcher."

In fact, it was completely cheating by relying on the Book of Heaven.

How many spirits did Taiyi come into contact with?

Some common ones can also be recognized.

But to say that he knows all the elf eggs is definitely bragging.

Next, Taiyi pointed out the identities of the elf eggs in front of him one by one, and also talked about some possible characteristics of these elf eggs. There are also rough qualifications, and at the same time Taiyi also started to fool the three sisters with the theory he proposed.

"According to my estimation, even the seven-color qualifications of the rainbow can be further subdivided. For example, although the elf egg of this little sea lion still has green qualifications, it is also very rich in green qualifications. As long as it is cultivated properly, it may be In the process of cultivation, or during evolution, the qualifications may be improved. By then, this elf will probably become a white sea lion with cyan qualifications! This is very possible!"

Taiyi acted so confident that everyone was confused.

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