[Jesus Bu: When it comes to showing off, Kizaru is pretty good at it! 】

[Morgans: I have to say, the general’s appearance is really cool! 】


Regarding this video, everyone has the same idea~

Madhu, you can really pretend! !

I really want to go up and give him a face!

[Rocks Djibek: Bastard! ! ——, what is this called Bon Norton, you bastard, you must be really sick! !Why don't you get off the warship and step on the cannonballs! ! 】

When the correct answer was announced, Rocks' inner defenses instantly broke...

I originally thought that my good luck had arrived, but soon I was going to be unstoppable. With the resurrection crystal, the king came to the world! ! !


His fantasy only lasted for more than ten seconds before it was directly shattered by this ruthless reality! !

[Rocks Djibek: Ah!ah!ah! ! ——】

[Rocks D Jibek: Boil Nima! ! !I'll blanch your whole family! ! ! 】

[Shiji: Is the old captain crazy? 】

[Wang Zhi: I think it’s possible~]

[Kaido: Crazy is good~ Crazy is good! 】

[Edward Newgate: Lift away, lift away~].

Chapter 41 Demolition Captain Kizaru

"Moshi moxi~~"

"Strange~~Why no one responded?"

Kizaru spoke while holding a black telephone bug.

"This guy Zhan Momomaru didn't answer my call. He must be lazy again~"

Kizaru muttered to himself and shook his head.

[Porusalino: That’s strange. Zhan Momomaru’s execution has always been punctual. Why didn’t he answer the phone? 】

Even Kizaru himself, seeing this scene now, still wondered why Zhanfumaru didn't answer his call.

[Zhan Momomaru: Mr. Kizaru, I didn’t answer the phone?Take a good look, what you are holding in the video is a black phone bug! ! ! 】

Zhan Momowan can't bear to be lying down for no reason~

[Crane: Black phone bug..., that's for eavesdropping~]

[Porusalino: Huh?Did you get the wrong one~】

[Silbarz Raeli: Pfft~]

[Gol D. Roger: Hahaha!I've just been resurrected. Does Kizaru want to laugh me to death again?His heart can be punished, his heart can be punished! ! 】

[Ben Beckman: This is really..., the force that was so powerful just now was broken in an instant! ! ! 】

[Cavendish: Sure enough, other people's handsomeness is fleeting, but only my handsomeness is eternal! 】

[Charlotte Katakuri: Can a general make such a stupid mistake...]

[Sakaski: The whole thing is a retard! ! 】

In the screen~

After Kizaru's phone bug failed to connect, he put the phone bug away.

The pirates nearby shot at him in panic.

The bullet passed through Kizaru's body.

Kizaru appeared in front of these pirates in a flash.

These pirates were so frightened that they opened their mouths and their eyes widened! ! !

However, Kizaru asked with a smile: "I want to ask something... I want to find a man named Zhan Momomaru. Oh, by the way, he is my subordinate. Have you seen him?"

"Ah!! Ah!"

These pirates were so frightened that they couldn't answer Kizaru's words, so they turned around and ran away.

I saw Kizaru lifting his head slightly~

call out! ! ——

The laser beam in the shape of a shoe sole shoots out instantly! !

boom! ! !

Flames that were seven or eight meters high exploded, killing all the pirates who had just escaped and the surrounding trees.


I saw the main trunk of the mangrove tree on the 27th island of the Shampoo Islands suddenly exploded and collapsed!

"Really, I'm just asking about someone, why are you running away~"

After wiping out so many pirates and the main mangrove trunk of an island at once, Kizaru seemed to have just made an insignificant disappearance, and he didn't even have any trouble breathing.

[Don Quixote Doflamingo: Good fellow, all the pirates who saw him landing on the Chambord Islands on cannonballs were wiped out. No wonder no one else knows the answer to the question just now~]

[Kaido: Why didn't he answer in a hurry? It turns out that he is the only one who knows the answer. 】

[Charlotte Lingling: What a cunning guy! ! ! 】

[Rocks Djibek: Ah!ah!ah!You beast!I can't forgive you! ! 】

[Shi Ji: The old captain is getting more and more crazy~]

[Warring States Period: It turns out that the trunk of the mangrove tree on Island No. 27 of the Shampoo Islands was broken like this!In your previous report, you said it was broken by pirates!]

[Porusalino: Ahem, maybe I remembered it wrong. 】

In the screen~

Kizaru appeared in front of the pirate supernova Hawkins.

"Speed ​​is power..., Balky Hawkins, have you ever tasted being kicked at the speed of light?"

The moment he spoke, Huang Yuan's heel had already appeared on Hawkins' head.


Hawkins suddenly rushed into the distant building at the speed of light, flames shot into the sky and exploded! !

[Shi Ji: This guy is from the demolition team, right? 】

[Gol D. Roger: It’s true! !The first attack destroyed the main island of Island No. 27, and the second attack destroyed a bunch of buildings. It was amazing! 】

In the video, Kizaru is in the same frame as the pirate Supernova Urgi again.

Urki wanted to run away, but Kizaru didn't know when he appeared behind him.

"Didn't I say that? I'm here, you don't have to run away."

call out! ! ——

Kizaru's heels instantly appeared on Urki's waist.

boom! ! ——

The video screen zooms out to give a panoramic view~~~

Everyone saw Urki's tall body smash into the huge building next to it, and then penetrated instantly!

boom boom boom boom...

One after another, buildings were smashed and collapsed by Urki's huge body~~

[Marco: Is this a fight or a house demolition? 】

[Bista: Not only did he demolish the house, he also destroyed the trunk of the mangrove tree on the island.Speaking of which, he is directly demolishing the island. 】

[Lakjo: The demolition team is here! 】

Not to mention that the pirates couldn't stand it anymore, even the navy marshal Sengoku frowned.

"This guy Porusalino!!! What are you doing for food!"

In the Admiral's office, Sengoku was very unhappy.

If Kizaru were in front of him now, he would definitely scold him in front of him!

In video~

"The appearance of subduing demons!!——"

Just as Kizaru sent Urki away with one kick, Hawkins behind him suddenly turned into a huge scarecrow.

It looks very scary and wields strange spikes in its hands.

[Charlotte Lingling: Wasn’t this guy kicked to death by Kizaru just now?Why did it appear again? 】

[Crane: He said that people with Scarecrow Fruit abilities can use Devil Fruit abilities to make others become their substitutes.Kizaru's kick just now would kill at least several of his substitutes. 】

[Ben Beckman: Devil Fruits are really weird. 】

When everyone was commenting on this devil fruit, Kizaru in the video looked up at the giant scarecrow above him.

"These guys with a net worth of over [-] million are all like monsters. It's really scary~"

With a faint look of vulgarity on his face, Kizaru said that he was scared.

He stretched out two fingers and thrust them in front of the scarecrow's eyes. The shining light immediately blinded the scarecrow.

Then the arm moved down at will, and two laser beams penetrated the scarecrow's chest at the speed of light.

[Shi Ji: This fucking...way of speaking is so awesome! 】

"Hai Ming Scratch!!——"

Sonic attack, Sound Fruit ability user Apu appears!

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