[Shi Ji: No.Roger reminded me in a private message just now that if I say it here, many people will be able to participate in answering this question, which will virtually increase competitiveness.inappropriate! 】

[Rocks D Jibek: You can do it! ! ! 】

[Rocks D. Jibek: Does anyone else know which vice-admirals will participate in this Navy Demon-Slaying Order? Please tell them here and let everyone guess together. 】

[Warring States: The entire navy is listening to the order. As long as it involves the information related to the question, no one is allowed to disclose any information without my permission! 】

[Rocks D Jibek: Warring States Period, you bastard! ! 】

[Rocks D. Jibek: The navy is all bastards. If any pirate knows this, please tell me!Whitebeard, Lingling, Kaido, you guys haven’t come out yet! 】

Rocks wanted to be resurrected, but now he didn't even know the options for this question, which made him very angry.

However, no one qualified to answer the question is a fool.

Being able to reduce one competitor means that the chance of winning the grand prize increases!

Only a fool would publish the information they know on a public screen.

[Charlotte Bray: Mom has just finished eating the delicious cake and is sleeping. 】

[X Drake: Governor Kaido is hungover and has no time to pay attention to you. 】

[Rocks Djibek: These two idiots! 】

[Edward Newgate: Gu la la la la~, is your focus wrong?Take a good look at this question. Isn’t it interesting? 】

[Marco: Who was the navy that ordered the bombardment of civilians?Haha, directly bombarding civilians, is this a righteous navy? 】

[Bista: Justice is just a slogan they use to fool children.On the surface, they look like decent people, but in fact they do a lot of messy things? 】

[Warring States: Shut up!Is this so-called miraculous video space true?Maybe it's just the ability of a certain Devil Fruit user! 】

[Monkey D Dragon: I say you are shameless, but you really don’t have any shame at all!The video just now showed clearly that the civilians in O'Hara were blown to pieces. Is it still fake? 】

[Warring States: I have already said that those are criminals who violated the orders of the world government, and they deserve to die!If they were innocent civilians, our navy would never fire on them! 】

"There are still 10 seconds left in the countdown to ask and answer questions!"

"Please hurry up and answer the questions."

[Warring States: **(The respondent has chosen to set the answer to be visible only to himself)]

[Sakaski: **(The respondent has chosen to set the answer to be visible only to himself)]

[Gol D. Roger: **(The respondent has chosen to set the answer to be visible only to himself)]

[Shi Ji: **(The respondent has chosen to set the answer to be visible only to himself)]

[Edward Newgate: **(The respondent has chosen to set the answer to be visible only to himself)]


[Rocks D Jiback: You bastards! ! ! 】

[Wang Zhi: Yes, they are just like animals!Shiji, that piece of shit, I sent him a private message, but he didn’t reply to me! 】

[Shiji: Are you crazy?I can only send one private message a day. I sent a private message to Roger. I’ll take the lead and send you a private message! 】

[Wang Zhi:...]

[Gion: Lieutenant General Gion (answer). 】

"Countdown: 3!"

"Countdown: 2!"

[Rocks D Jiback: My answer is also Lieutenant General Gion! 】

[Wang Zhi: Lieutenant General Gion (answer)! 】

[Bundiwald: Lieutenant General Gion (answer)! 】

[San Juan Hungry Wolf: Lieutenant General Gion (answer)! 】


Seeing that a navy suddenly answered him as the answer, many people quickly copied the answer.

"Countdown: 0!"

"The time for question 1 is over, and the answer will appear in the next video."

[Rocks Djibek: Haha! !Was Lieutenant General Gion excited for a moment?I forgot to encrypt it.God helps me! ! !Roger, Shiji, you two bastards, wait for me. When I come back to life, I will kill all your descendants as soon as possible! 】

[Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha! ! ! 】

[Gol D. Roger: Haha! 】

[Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~]

[Rocks Djibek: What are you bastards laughing at? 】

[Shiji: My old captain, the five lieutenant generals who participated in O'Hara's Demon-Slaying Order were Akainu, Aokiji, Stoloberg, Flying Squirrel and Huoshaoshan. Why do you think we are laughing?Jie hahahaha! ! ! 】

[Rocks Djibek: What! ! ? 】

[Wang Zhi: Blanch!be cheated! 】

[Bunchwald: The navy is really a beast! ].

Chapter 06 Akainu: I would rather kill a hundred thousand by mistake than let one go!

As the countdown to the answer ended, a new picture appeared on the screen again.

O'Hara was in chaos, with burning artillery fire everywhere.

CP9 agents were yelling at the crowd to get to the West Coast asylum boats.

"There is a little girl who hasn't come up yet!"

"Don't let him get on the boat. He is also an archaeologist. If he is allowed to get on the boat, it will implicate all of us!"

"Don't worry about her, let's sail quickly. If we don't leave, we will be covered by artillery fire."

Above the deck of the asylum ship, many O'Hara refugees were anxiously urging the agents of the World Government to sail the ship.

On the simple pier, a thin little girl aged only 8 years old was turned away from the boat.

"Please, let me on board!"

The little girl cried with tears all over her face.

A few people expressed that they wanted the little girl to come on board, but in the end they could not overcome the "public opinion" of the vast majority of people.

But at this moment, a cannonball suddenly fell from the sky!

boom! !

The shell hit the deck, and the roaring flames immediately turned the deck into a sea of ​​​​fire, with human remains flying everywhere!

boom!boom!boom! ...

A series of shells densely covered the position of the refuge ship.

Soon, the refuge ship was reduced to ashes.

When the picture played to this point, the whole world was shocked!

[Ambrio Ivankov: First, lure all the innocent civilians onto the refuge ship, and then cover them all with artillery fire.The Navy is such a bastard! ! 】

[Gol D. Roger: Although the behavior of these people in refusing to let the little girl board the ship is despicable, they will not be punished like this. 】

[Marco: This is simply murder! 】

[Sengoku: What qualifications do you pirates and world criminals have to make irresponsible remarks on the righteous navy! ? 】

[Edward Newgate: You are right. When it comes to doing such unscrupulous things, we pirates are really not as good as your navy~]

[Charlotte Katakuri: You have already lost your dignity by attacking the weak. On top of that, you have to use deception to gather them together first. What a shame, Navy! 】

[Shi Ji: Although I kill people, I kill them openly.Your navy still uses conspiracy and tricks to deal with civilians?What the hell! 】

[Rocks D. Jiback: Haha, as long as they can please their masters, these wolfdogs in the navy can do anything. 】

[Neferutali Kobra: Navy, what a disappointment!I can understand more and more why our ancestors of the Kingdom of Alabasta refused to set foot on the Red Earth Continent.What a shame to be in such company! ! ! 】

As footage of Navy shells blasting the O'Hara refugee ship appeared on video, expressions of horror appeared on the faces of civilians around the world!

The Navy can bombard the civilians of O'Hara, so it can bombard them as well.

There is no bombardment on them now, just because they have not touched the red line of the navy and the world government for the time being.

If one day they accidentally and inexplicably touch the red line of the world government and the navy, then their fate will not be any better than that of civilians like O'Hara!

Many people want to question the navy and the world government, but their strength does not allow them to speak in the miracle video space.

I can only roar incompetently around the world~

Naval Headquarters, Marin Vando.

Everyone in the Navy has come to the square and watched the video in the sky.

"Who made this thing? How come there are even pictures of O'Hara's demon-slaying order operation?"

Warring States clenched his fists, blowing his beard and staring in anger.

After the O'Hara Demon Slaying Order, the World Government went out of its way to clean up the aftermath and completely wiped O'Hara off the map.

There are some things that can be done, but they must not be known!

But now, this matter is not only known to people, but also to people all over the world! ! !

If it is not handled properly, the Navy's credibility will be completely lost!

He Zhong made the wrinkles on her brows very deep. When she saw the scene in the sky, she said in a deep voice: "I'm afraid this is really not something that can be done by the Devil Fruit!"

Qingzhi also said: "It was impossible for anyone to record such a complete picture of O'Hara's demon-slaying order. It seems that the person who created this miraculous video space may really be beyond the scope of human beings."

"Marshal, the top priority is to clear the name of the Navy from killing innocent people indiscriminately."

Lieutenant General He reminded.

Warring States looked gloomy and began to organize his words.

However, other marines spoke before him.

[Zefa: The massacre of civilians is a shame for the navy!This matter must be investigated and the people of the world must be given an explanation! 】

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