Rebirth 99 to become a car giant

Chapter 819 Another world record, a large project worth 20 billion yuan

Daystar Technology has done a lot of reception work in recent years.

Whether entrepreneurs from around the world come to visit or relevant departments from China come to inspect, the company has a mature response process in place.

This time when the European Space Agency comes, it can naturally handle it easily.

After completing the previous greetings and explaining the content of the company's introduction materials step by step, the formal communication began.

At this time, there will not be many people talking on both sides.

Of course, when it comes to bargaining, the two big guys, Cao Yang and Werner, will definitely not intervene. Instead, the people below will be asked to go to the conference room next to them to have a good communication.

As for the boss, he must be talking about some high-level things.

"Werner, we can go to the site later to visit the production process of Venus 9 and MAX from beginning to end."

"To put it bluntly, our rocket production factory is definitely the most advanced in the world."

"The rocket factories in most countries rely on skilled workers to produce various parts manually, and the production efficiency is relatively low."

"But our factory maximizes the use of various automation equipment, and many of the equipment are specially customized by Nanshan Equipment, the world's top equipment manufacturer."

"Higher automated production equipment ensures the quality of our rocket parts and makes its parts more versatile."

"This is crucial for the production of reusable rockets."

"It can be said that to produce recyclable rockets, or to continuously increase the number of recyclable rockets, improving the automation rate is essential."

"Traditional rocket factories, even with the full set of drawings and data of our Venus 9, are unable to produce rockets of the same level as ours."

When it's time to brag, never be polite.

This is very important when dealing with European and American companies.

If you are too humble, people will seriously think that your company's technology and quality are not good enough.

Daystar Technology already has such a glorious history, no matter how powerful it is, everyone will only think that it is really powerful.

"Venus Technology has a high degree of automation, and the production cost of rockets can definitely be very low."

"The efforts in this area are really worth learning from all of us."

Werner is also very good.

Didn’t you, Cao Yang, brag that your rocket factory has a high level of automated production that even traditional rocket companies can’t match?

Then I'll start talking to you about the cost in a subtle way.

Now that you admit that your costs are not very high, you will be embarrassed to quote too high when the time comes, right?

After all, Werner brought the team here today to discuss cooperation in rocket launches.

The Starlink satellite system built by the European Space Agency, even if it only covers the European market, requires at least several thousand satellites to meet the requirements.

If we want to further expand part of the market, we will easily need more than 10,000 satellites.

The demand for so many satellites involves more than 100 rocket launches.

Even if the cost is reduced by 1 million euros each time, that is still a very considerable amount.

"Theoretically, the higher the degree of automation, the lower the cost will definitely be."

“However, since our automated production equipment is all customized, the cost is relatively high.”

"So the initial production cost is still relatively high. Only when the quantity reaches a certain level can it be slowly reduced."

"After all, the main purpose of increasing automation is not to reduce costs, but to improve the quality and versatility of parts."

Cao Yang is not stupid and will definitely not fall into Werner's trap.

You talk to me about cost, and I'll talk to you about quality.

Anyway, no matter which statement it is, it makes sense.

The two of them communicated back and forth for nearly an hour. Joseph and Zhao Siyu, who left the large conference room midway to discuss additional prices, had almost negotiated a direction for the price of cooperation.

When the time comes for the big guys from both sides to make a final decision, the cooperation intention will almost be finalized.

Of course, if such a large-scale cooperation is involved, the European Space Agency will definitely take it back and report it properly.

"You guys are actually producing more than a dozen rockets at the same time?"

After inviting Werner and his team to taste Yangcheng's special delicacies in the private room of the dining hall at noon, they started to visit the site directly in the afternoon.

As soon as they entered the production workshop of Venus No. 9, Werner and others were filled with surprise.

As the director of the European Space Agency, he has visited all the major rocket and satellite production factories in Europe.

He is even familiar with the production process of rockets and satellites.

He has never seen more than a dozen rockets being produced at the same time in any factory.

That's really an exaggeration.

After all, for most countries, there are often only a dozen space launch missions a year.

Now in the workshop of Daystar Technology, there are more than a dozen rockets lying in one go.

According to this pace, their annual output must be more than the dozen or so they see now.

"Although our Venus 9 is recyclable, after each launch and recovery, a series of inspections are required to ensure that there are no problems with all aspects of performance before it can be launched again."

"This inspection and testing cycle takes about a month."

"Sometimes if individual engines or parts need to be replaced, the cycle may be longer."

"In order to meet our launch needs, we naturally need to have more rockets at the same time."

Cao Yang explained briefly.

It's okay if you don't explain it, but it will be even more sour once Werner explains it.

When did China’s aerospace industry become so much stronger than Europe’s?

This is hard to accept.

"I heard that you are still building a huge sea launch ship. By then, rockets can be launched from the existing sea launch platform as well as from the newly built sea launch ship?"

Before Werner came to Daystar Technology, he must have had some understanding of Daystar's situation.

Daystar's work style is very different from that of Aerospace Technology.

All kinds of information that traditional astronauts think needs to be kept secret, Daystar openly announces it to the public on its official WeChat account.

For example, for the new sea launch ship that is being commissioned to be built by Wenchong Shipyard, some photos will be posted directly on the official WeChat account every now and then.

"Yes, by then we will have two launch bases at sea, and launches will also be available at the Northwest Launch Site and the Qiongzhou Launch Site."

"If necessary, in extreme cases, we can launch several times a week."

"If the European Space Agency has higher launch frequency requirements in the future, there is no need to worry about the launch capabilities of Venus Technology."

Invisibly, Cao Yang showed off the strength of Daystar Technology again.

This kind of rocket launch capability of more than 100 times a year is currently owned by Venus Technology.

For traditional astronauts, it is definitely a very impactful number.

Sure enough, after Werner heard this, he was silent for a while before continuing: "Like tomorrow's rocket launch, is it Venus's routine launch plan or is it a launch to better show everyone the strength of Venus Woolen cloth?"

This time, in order to let the people of the European Space Agency fully experience the strength of Venus Technology, Cao Yang arranged for a launch tomorrow off the coast of Yangcheng.

After all, no matter how many introductions you make, it is better to go through the entire process in person.

"There was originally a launch mission in the near future, and it just so happened that you came to visit this time. We have slightly adjusted the launch schedule so that everyone can have a more intuitive understanding of the performance of Venus 9."

This arrangement of Daystar Technology definitely made the European Space Agency team feel valued.

They have visited many factories, but none of them has launched rockets specifically for them.

Of course, Cao Yang also said that this is a fine-tuning within the scope of the plan.

Even so, Werner is more confident in this cooperation with Daystar Technology.

Because he has already felt that this time's cooperation is not only the European Space Agency's request for Venus Technology, but the other party is also very sincere and wants to carry out this epoch-making cooperation.

In the future, formal signing activities can even be held when leaders from China are visiting.

Of course, before leaving, we must hold an intention cooperation ceremony together to blow the wind.

"Cao, I believe that this cooperation between the two parties will be very historic and a win-win cooperation."

Werner adjusted his mood and continued to visit the production site of Venus 9 with Cao Yang.

Afterwards, Cao Yang took them to visit the more automated Starlink satellite factory nearby.

A total of more than 40,000 Starlink satellites will be launched. After subsequent integration with 5G communications, more Starlink satellites may need to be launched.

In this case, if we still produce satellites according to traditional methods, it will definitely not work.

Whether it is production efficiency or production cost, it cannot meet the requirements.

"Welner, our satellite factory is the satellite factory with the largest production capacity in the world. The maximum production capacity is that it can produce 10,000 satellites a year."

As soon as he entered the workshop, Cao Yang placed a large satellite for Werner.

The annual production capacity is 10,000 satellites.

In the past many years of history, mankind has not launched more than 10,000 satellites in total, right?

The approach of Daystar Technology is really shocking!

"Ten thousand a year?"

Although Werner knew that Cao Yang was definitely right, he still couldn't help but ask a question.

At this moment, he began to be inclined to hand over the European Space Agency's Starlink satellites to Venus Technology.

This kind of production efficiency is definitely not comparable to the satellite factories in France.

Cao Yang didn't need any introduction, he could feel the cost advantage brought by this scale of production.

Not to mention that Venus also has its own unique advantages in key parts and materials of satellites.

"Yes, our production capacity can reach 10,000 units a year. We can even further expand production capacity if necessary."

"If the European Space Agency is interested, we can also discuss satellite foundry business in the future."

For the production of products such as mobile phones and computers, Cao Yang directly handed them over to BYD for OEM and did not produce much himself.

But he has always demanded that high-tech products such as semiconductors and satellites be produced by himself.

We are even willing to do OEM work for other companies.

Enterprises in the Nanshan Group do not have their own factories, but they have to build their own factories according to the situation.

“We’ll talk about this later!”

Werner quickly weighed the pros and cons in his mind, but he felt that signing the intention contract for the rocket launch was enough this time.

The satellite foundry business can be discussed later.

Anyway, I'm not that anxious.

After spending an afternoon visiting two factories, we naturally chose a famous local Cantonese restaurant in Yangcheng to entertain the European Space Agency team in the evening.

However, since we were going out to sea to watch the rocket launch tomorrow, everyone was relatively restrained when drinking.

As for the rocket launch the next day, Venus Technology was familiar with it and there was no pressure.

Even in order to let Werner and others feel the charm of Venus 9 more deeply, Cao Yang also arranged for a few more drones to take photos of the rocket takeoff at close range.

The entire process was carried out according to plan, and the launch was completed without any accidents or problems.

This naturally strengthened the cooperation between Werner and others with Daystar Technology.

That afternoon, after returning from the sea, Werner signed a rocket launch intention contract with Venus Technology on behalf of the European Space Agency.

The European Space Agency plans to commission Venus Technology to launch Venus 9 100 times in the next three years to transport their Starlink satellites.

As for the price, it is basically at the level that Cao Yang and Zhao Siyu communicated beforehand.

Different gradients have different prices.

The final intended launch contract is worth up to 20 billion yuan.

This is definitely a huge amount. China's aerospace industry has never signed such a large contract with any country.

Even the 100 launch cooperation surpasses any previous cooperation between countries in the world.

It can be said that the European Space Agency and Daystar Technology have created another world record!

For such an important matter, Venus Technology must seize the opportunity to publicize it well.

As for whether he would be intercepted after the publicity became too popular, he was not worried at all.

So far, only the Space Exploration Technology Company has successfully developed the recyclable Falcon 9. Now it is busy with its own Starlink project and has no energy to develop Starlink for the European Space Agency in a short period of time.

Even if Masco wanted to grab orders, they couldn't offer a more competitive price.

Masco would definitely not be willing to do something like losing money to make a profit.

"Mr. Cao, congratulations to you. This is too powerful. It actually took down the European Space Agency."

Qian Junfeng called Cao Yang as soon as he saw it on Weibo.

Although his mood is a bit complicated, congratulations still need to be congratulated.

To a certain extent, Venus Technology has brought glory to China's aerospace industry.

Although the 20 billion rocket launch cooperation is only an intentional cooperation agreement, it is also binding to a certain extent.

Not surprisingly, it will definitely be implemented in the end.

According to Qian Junfeng's understanding of the profit margin of the rocket launch industry, Venus Technology can earn at least 10 billion in profit, or even more.

As a result, Venus Technology's financial pressure will be much less.

Although their own Starlink cannot make profits so quickly, with the profits from previous financing and current new orders, the financial pressure in the next two years will definitely decrease significantly.

"It's good luck this time. Europe also wants to have its own Starlink satellite system, but it doesn't have enough strength."

"So the opportunity comes to us at Daystar Technology."

If you are confident in front of the European Space Agency, you must be more humble when it comes to aerospace technology.

There is no need to be proud of yourself.

"If you combine Starlink with 5G communications, Europe will naturally not dare to hand over 5G to outside companies."

"Otherwise, although Starlink is very good, I guess everyone's enthusiasm is not that high."

Qian Junfeng immediately pointed out the reason why Venus was able to obtain an order from the European Space Agency for the Starlink satellite launch mission this time.

This analysis really hits the nail on the head and gets to the crux of the problem.

The combination of 5G communications and Starlink, no matter whether it can be perfectly realized in the end, the sense of crisis it brings to everyone is too strong.

This is an important reason why Daystar Technology was able to obtain the order this time.

"That's true. The importance of the communications industry is too high. If Europe does not develop its own Starlink, it will most likely have to rely on the Space Exploration Technology Company's Starlink in the future."

"This is certainly not a situation that many member states want to see."

Cao Yang thought for a while and felt that the situation was really the same as Qian Junfeng said.

"The polar bears also wanted to build their own Starlink before. You have already taken care of the European Space Agency. If you can take care of the polar bears as well, that would be great."

Qian Junfeng stood talking without pain in his back, and directly proposed another thing that looked very tempting.

However, Cao Yang knew that Polar Bear most likely did not have that much money to develop Starlink. Even if it did, the scale would be much lower.

Of course, there is no need to argue with Qian Junfeng about this.

If someone offers to help you find a solution, you have to accept the favor.

"United Rocket and Aerospace Corporation has been in close communication with Daystar Technology during this period on cooperation in engines and engine management systems."

"Looking at what they mean, it seems that they are preparing to redevelop their own recyclable rocket based on the Venus 9."

"Until they encounter difficulties, it is estimated that they will not easily give up the idea of ​​launching Starlink satellites."

The situation with polar bears is more complicated.

Their business cooperation with people is sometimes quite special.

So far, I haven't heard of any country's agency asking them to help launch rockets.

So Cao Yang felt that there was no need to take the initiative to find others in the short term.

When you encounter difficulties, people will take the initiative to come to you.

At that point, the initiative lies with Venus Technology.

After all, trading on poles is not a good deal.

Qian Junfeng also understood this situation and knew that what Cao Yang said made sense.

"Mr. Cao, Daystar Technology's own Starlink needs to launch a large number of rockets to meet the needs of satellite layout. Now it is preparing to receive a large order from the European Space Agency. Can you handle it?"

"Do you need help from Aerospace Technology?"

A large order of 20 billion and a record number of launches.

All this makes Qian Junfeng a little jealous, and he hopes that Aerospace Technology can participate.

Even if you don't earn a penny, it will be good to have more content when you report your results to your superiors.

"It's definitely needed."

Regardless of whether he really needed it or not, Cao Yang said he wanted it first.

"In the future, we will have higher demand for the use of the Qiongzhou Launch Site and the Northwest Launch Site, and we will often have to trouble the Aerospace Science and Technology to help coordinate the site and other work."

"In addition, some measurement and control work after the rocket launch also requires trouble from the aerospace technology."

This was not Cao Yang's first day dealing with Qian Junfeng, and he had a relatively thorough understanding of Qian Junfeng's thoughts.

The benefits belong to me. If you want some honor, there is no problem in giving it to you.

Anyway, no matter how high the participation of Aerospace Technology in this project is, everyone will give the final credit to Daystar Technology.

While Cao Yang was communicating with Qian Junfeng about the 20 billion launch order, NASA Director Griffin was also on the phone with Musko.

"Masco, can you disrupt the cooperation between the European Space Agency and Daystar Technology?"

Obviously, NASA absolutely does not want the European Space Agency and Daystar Technology to get together.

Isn’t it okay to leave a large order of 20 billion yuan to an American company?

Even if the price is a little more expensive, it doesn't matter, right?

"The price of 100 launch missions is only 20 billion yuan, which is equivalent to an average of about 30 million US dollars each time, and it may even be lower."

"This price is still very challenging for space exploration technology companies for the time being."

"Even if you do it reluctantly, you may not be able to make money."

"The most important thing is that if we accept orders from the European Space Agency at a low price, we will not be able to raise the price of future launches."

In front of Griffin, Masco told the truth without hiding much.

"The most critical thing is that our current recyclable Falcon 9 has just been successfully launched, and it will take some time to increase the rocket's production capacity."

"There is no way to provide the European Space Agency with such a high frequency of launch missions in a short time."

Although Musko also wants to intercept Hu, he knows that the current Space Exploration Technology Company really does not have the strength to intercept Hu.

If two years pass, the situation will be different.

But the other party obviously won't give them this time.

"This cooperation between the European Space Agency and Daystar Technology has a very bad impact."

"We must try our best to find ways to make it impossible for them to cooperate."

"If Starlink in Europe is launched soon, it will be very difficult for our Starlink to expand its business in Europe in the future."

No matter which angle you consider it, NASA does not want Europe and China to get too close in aerospace cooperation.

This doesn't do NASA any good!

"That's true, but in addition to normal business cooperation, we can also consider using other forces."

When Masco said this, Griffin immediately understood what he meant.

He will definitely do this as well.

He plans to make a special trip to the Pentagon Building tomorrow to make the seriousness of this matter clear.

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