Zhao Shi had dinner and had nothing to do, so he strolled out to the drying yard in the village, many people gathered and talked, looked around, but he didn't see Zhao Dahai or Zhong Cuihua.

Zhao Shi was a little worried that Zhao Dahai was going to be unsteady when he was not around, so he thought about going to Zhao Dahai's house, stood at the gate of the yard, called Zhao Dahai, and the door opened after a while.

"Where's the sea?"

"Are you sleeping?"

Zhao Shi was a little surprised when he saw that it was Zhong Cuihua who opened the door.

"I was anxious to repair the fishing boat. After dinner, I took the gas lantern and went to the forest again."

"Tell this kid not to work so hard, he won't listen at all."

Zhong Cuihua shook her head.

Zhao Shi didn't expect that Zhao Dahai was still working after working all day, so he decided to go and have a look.

Zhao Shi walked to the edge of the forest, and vaguely heard the sound of hammers coming from inside. He walked a few steps quickly, and saw a very bright gas lamp. There were beads of sweat dripping down his bare arms.


"Second Grandpa."

"Why are you here?"

Zhao Dahai was concentrating on playing numbness when a dark shadow appeared in front of his eyes. He was startled. When he looked up, he saw that it was Zhao Shi.

Zhao Shi carefully looked at the hemped boat seams for a while. They were smooth and strong, and the work was done very beautifully. He turned around and went home without saying anything.

Zhao Dahai smiled and continued to massage. He had done a good job. Zhao Shicai didn't say a word or slapped him directly on the back of the head.

Late at night.

Zhao Dahai saw that it was getting late and decided to go back to sleep and come back early tomorrow morning.

Zhao Dahai untied the rope and covered the entire fishing boat with waterproof plastic sheeting. The sides were packed with sand to prevent it from being blown open by sudden strong winds at night.

Zhao Dahai packed up his tools, put them in a bag, and carried them through the woods. He had just stepped on the soft sandy beach when he heard a rustling sound. He ran forward and almost disappeared in the blink of an eye into the dark place where the light could not reach.

Zhao Dahai was overjoyed. These are crabs. I don’t know their real names. They are called Shama in the village. They are different from ordinary crabs that mainly live in the sea. The holes of these crabs are dug on the beach that cannot be submerged by sea water. It can be one or two meters deep. It hides in the hole during the day to avoid natural enemies and sunlight, and crawls out at night to eat the dead small fish and shrimps on the beach.

Another difference between sand horses and ordinary crabs is that they run very fast. They can run three to five meters in a blink of an eye when running on the beach, just like a thousand-mile horse, which is another origin of its name.

Zhao Dahai knew that there were sand horses on the beach in front of the village, and he came here to dig and play when he was young, but he didn't expect that there were so many of them, and they were so big that the ones that ran away just now were as big as half a fist.

Can Shama be eaten? Not only edible but very delicious.

Zhao Dahai rubbed his stomach. He had worked all night and it was physical work. Now it was getting late, and he didn't want to worry about it. When he thought about it, his stomach was growling with hunger, and his saliva flowed out.


"There is a way to heaven. If you don't go to hell, there is no way. You will come here instead!"

"Don't blame me for being rude, I can only ask you to make some contribution to me!"

Zhao Dahai put down the bag in his hand, went to the edge of the woods, broke off a two-meter-long branch that was as thick as a finger, stroked off all the leaves, and waved it a few times to make a whoosh sound. It's definitely a bloody trace.

Zhao Dahai walked back to the beach lightly, turned down the brightness of the gas lamp, and there was only a ball of yellow light the size of a fist. He stood motionless. At first, the surrounding area was very quiet, but after a few minutes, there was a rustling sound. Ringing and getting louder and louder.

Zhao Dahai was not in a hurry and waited for another seven or eight minutes, just waiting for the surroundings to be filled with noise.

"The oil pan is waiting for you!"

Zhao Dahai took a deep breath, kicked his feet hard on the beach and rushed forward, ran two or three steps, bent down, and swept the branch in his hand against the beach, sweeping while running. , Fifty or sixty meters before stopping.

Zhao Dahai was panting heavily. He was a little tired from running at high speed just now. He rested for a while and walked back to the place where the gas lamp was placed. Unexpectedly, one sand horse "lying" on the beach one after another.

Shama runs very fast on the beach, and it is very difficult for people to catch up with two legs. Even if they do catch up, it takes a lot of effort, and they have to get down tired when they can't catch a few.

There are two easiest and most effective ways. One is to take a branch and wait for the sand horses to let go of their vigilance, and rush forward in the dark. The long branch sweeps past the sand, directly sweeping off the sand horse's claws, and lying straight on the beach without running. Another way is to dig a hole and put a bucket into the hole, fill up the surrounding area, put some rotten fish and rotten shrimps as bait, and the sand horse will fall into it to find something to eat and can't get out, and it will catch turtles in the urn.

Zhao Dahai took a bag and picked it up as he walked. Shama was really big and there were a lot of them. He picked up all the bags, big and small, and they weighed about four or five catties.

Zhao Dahai's mouth watered when he thought of the smell of Shama. He picked up the bag with the tools and walked quickly to his home.

When Zhao Dahai returned home, he put away the bag of tools, and walked into the kitchen with Shama. Seeing Zhong Cuihua washing rice, he must have been thinking about cooking something for himself when he came back from work.


"This Shama is really big!"

Zhong Cuihua pulled up a stool and sat next to the stove, stuffed a handful of hay, lit it, set up branches, and the fire started.


"No one eats this stuff."

"Isn't it strange that you are not tall?"

Zhao Dahai cleaned Shama quickly while talking. All the claws were chopped off with a knife, the cover was opened, and the gills and stomach were removed. The meat was very plump and red.

Shama is indeed edible and tastes really good, but very few people eat it.

Few people eat in places like fishing villages. Normally, children catch and play.

It will definitely grow very big over time.

Zhao Dahai washed the Shama, put it in a bamboo basket and drained it. The big iron pan was already heated with oil, and the Shama fell down with a "sizzling" sound, and a puff of green smoke and water vapor rushed up, and immediately smelled the unique umami smell of seafood.

Zhao Dahai quickly stir-fried a few times with a spatula, put the washed rice into the mix and stir-fried for another two minutes, put water on high heat and boiled vigorously for about ten minutes, then lifted the lid of the pot, put the sliced ​​ginger down, Added some salt and oil, took a big pot and brought it to the main room, turned around and went back to the kitchen to get the bowls, chopsticks and spoons, put a bowl for grandma Zhong Cuihua, took a bowl by herself and ate it without worrying about boiling it. The porridge with hard rice is springy, the thick rice soup is mixed with yellow and orange crab paste, and the fried samosas have a burnt aroma, which makes you sweat profusely. There is nothing in this world that is more satisfying than living a busy life and having a full meal after being exhausted.

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