Home Alone did well at the box office. Although most people see box office numbers declining, the hype and love for Home Alone has remained the same. Taking this as an opportunity, Etas Culture Publishing used his name and newfound fame to market the Resident Evil novel, which attracted many movie and fiction lovers.

At first, most readers who knew Ian were skeptical about how he would create a story based on the walking dead. In any case, they know that comedy movies are everyone's favorite genre, but action horror... O'no.

It's been two weeks since they started marketing. Even during the editing period, Actus Books had a huge banner in front of their publishing company with an amazing description of Resident Evil. They decided to start marketing the book early because the entire group of the marketing team believed it was a one-time opportunity for their publishing company.

On the first day, they hung banners and ran a marketing campaign on social media, and fans and loyal readers wanted to learn more about Resident Evil.

Fans of Home Alone are highly skeptical that this is not a good book they like, as they doubt Ian's ability to write a novel.

On the other hand, Stephen, who works in editorial publishing, has been doing a great job. He didn't want to change anything, except for a few small grammatical errors. He spent a month re-editing Resident Evil. Under normal circumstances, a busy editor like him would take more than two months to complete the editorial personality of the entire story.

"I became one of the first big fans of your work when I first started editing, do you have any plans for your next book?" One time they were discussing things, and Stevens asked Ian.

"I have a plan, yes. But I'm not going to start writing anytime soon, probably after my next film or during that time. But, thank you so much" he smiled sincerely.

The next day, Ian was invited to Etas Culture Publishing to review the book covers made by their lead graphic designer. 37-year-old Troy Bailey, he was asked to make the best cover of his life. This was the request they made when they met Stephen, and it was the first time in his career at Aitas Culture Publishing.

"This is the plot of Resident Evil, and I want you to focus more on making this. Believe me, it's going to be a huge IP, and the cover should be more appealing. You can do what you're good at, but be sure to grab the attention of your target audience, and it should be the best cover you've ever made.

He said categorically, making sure he didn't disappoint the author. In addition to that, he trusts his employees and his employees are never disappointed with any of the work he does. After a few sleepless nights, Troy made three covers that he was happy with.

"Take a look at this and this, and suggestions are always welcome." He smiled and pointed to the computer screen. "It looks better on paper, trust me," he added.

Of the two covers, the one on the left caught Ian's eye for the first time. Red, blue, and black fit the theme of survival horror and adventure. The writing matches the background picture, which is a woman with a gun. It's fantastic, Ian didn't make any adjustments when he checked the cover for the first time.

"This," Ian pointed to the one to the left.

"I knew it! Since you chose it, I have a surprise. Troy announced as he held the laptop screen to himself. He clicked on something here and there with the mouse, revealing his third design, which he kept exclusive to himself, to show the author if his taste matched that of Troy.

"It's perfect, I like it." Ian blurted out as soon as he saw the cover.


Just after that, as mentioned earlier, Itas Culture Publishing's massive two-week marketing conference came to an end, and the public waiting for Ian's next move was ready for its grand unveiling.

Many media outlets and social networking sites that are keen on new director's activities are paying special attention to the exposure of new books.

"Ian Renner's Resident Evil, a survival thriller novel with an adventurous twist."

"The young director is in the spotlight with his new novel Resident Evil."

"Ian Renner will reveal the truth about Resident Evil tomorrow!"

The headlines of several daily newspapers and gossip magazines occupied the topic with great interest. Ian lent a copy of the first edition to Mason, and he heard a compliment.


"Hey, Hollywood fans! Today's hottest news has been revealed, and new director Ian Renner's thriller, adventure, and survival horror novel "Resident Evil" has won the 7th place on the New York bestseller list! That's great! "Really! Then let's start commenting..." Ian smiled slightly, reading the comments one by one. It is one of those updated sharing channels that attracts a limited number of information-hungry fans.

It's only been three days, and the number 7 on the list is already good, Ian thought to himself.

"Resident Evil" was released a few days ago, and Ian's social media pages on his phone were constantly talking about how the young director created a literary masterpiece.

["Resident Evil", Ian Renner's latest literary masterpiece, is ranked fourth on the New York bestseller list. To everyone's surprise, Hollywood star Ian Renner, who has directed children's comedy Christmas movies, wrote "Resident Evil" brilliantly, and the plot of survival horror is survived.

The storyline is about a capable team sent to the powerful secret underground base "Hive" under the umbrella company, which is locked down by the artificial intelligence "Red Queen" it manages after its 5000 employees become victims of nerve gas. They came to the secret entrance. The couple who lived underground had amnesia due to poison gas. The Red Queen's defense quickly kills half of the team, and then the prodigy Chadka Puran outwits it. They then discover that the staff has been turned into cannibalistic walking corpses, and the experimental Cerberus has completely merged into a bloody hell. The auto-destruct program is activated within two hours to prevent the outside world from being infected by the T-virus.

With this plot, the author from time to time attracts thousands of people with horror and thriller plot twists.

Speaking of its success, Resident Evil managed to sell nearly twelve thousand copies on the first day, making it an immortal masterpiece. Undoubtedly, it also deserves many awards, including Best Horror Novel, Most Original, and BookBrowze.

It would be great if author Ian Renner agreed to be interviewed to talk about his future goals, a lot of people are waiting as soon as possible, but if not, it's clear that Hollywood fans will tear down his house.

It was revealed that due to high demand, the copyright has been sold to countries such as Sweden, the Netherlands, Spain, France, Italy, Canada and the United Kingdom. In addition, they are arranging to sell more rights in the coming days. I really want to know what Ian Renner's reaction has been to this whole success. He proved that his success would not be just because of his 'luck', as many predicted. -

Jose Alvin, MRS article. Jose

Alvin is a very popular article writer who sounds friendly in the newspapers but is a nightmare for any novice writer. Middle-aged Jose Alvin made it to the top by her own efforts, and her articles are popular at home and abroad. Last year, she also won an award for completing her 15,000th book review.

That's why Ian smiled after reading the article.

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