"I sent Lucifer's script to a distribution company related to LeoTv," Ian said as they discussed the future of Reina.

"Hmm... It's good that I've heard that they don't accept direct requests, but only requests from distributors or aggregators who are already working with them or have some way of being connected

to," "yes, but don't worry, we'll be there soon." Who wouldn't want to work with Ian Renner now? Ian said with a smile.

OTT service providers negotiate with content creators for the right to display their content. What really happens is that they negotiate with some entities that already have the rights to the content, such as studios, paid cable channels, etc. LeoTv is currently the most popular OTT in the United States.

"Yes, Home Alone does make our job a lot easier, and I'm happy and proud of you every time I think about it," Mason said with a laugh.

Talking about emotions and sharing them is never normal for them, but in times like these, emotions speak for themselves to a good uncle like Mason.

"Haha, yes, and thank you, uncle, I'm waiting for a reply from the delivery company, but they have already made an appointment for me to meet tomorrow, I'll take a look." Ian said. "And... I'm thinking about building our own platform by next year

," "I think it's too early, Ian. The studio did a great job in the beginning. I don't want to mess things up, and I don't want to take any regrettable risks," Mason candidly expressed his opinion.

"Yes, I see. But I think the studio itself should be strong first and then branch. I want to get a piece of the OTT space, and we're too late. Not only that, but if we want Raina to get the publicity for it, OTT is the best way and the only way," Ian said.

"Yes, I see, Ian." Mason said.

"Yes, but it's just a plan. I want to focus on creating stories and great franchises at the moment. But I'm going to think more about OTT, that's one of my goals and objectives," Ian said with a laugh.

Ian's plans are much broader than anyone in the Hollywood market could imagine. With his memory bank, he is thinking about revealing in his world any film or TV series that could shake up the world of Hollywood. As mentioned many times, the image of genius he thinks will not build on its own unless he shows the world the gems he has.

Having said that, the market for TV dramas is a big market that he can't ignore. His memory bank provided him with so many resources that he couldn't help but try something huge. But in particular, Ian doesn't want any other studio to take advantage of something he's perfectly capable of exploiting.

It's only a matter of time, Ian has too many plans.


Zero Media Culture Inc. is a big studio that basically ranks in the top four in Hollywood. They are a well-known studio that started from scratch, climbed all the way to the top of the industry, and struggled in numerous industries. But they've been through so much trouble and they're doing pretty well now, which is why they're leading the way in the industry.

"Who do you think might be challenging in these films?" The bearded man asked curiously.

The studio's marketing team is always very concerned about who the competitors are this season and why. At the moment they are talking about "killers" and "my clues".

The Killer is a science fiction novel produced by a studio that is not well-known. A studio that is neither high nor low in the industry.

"The killer probably can't shoot accurately, their set is too sci-fi, last time it was a comedy, the actors acted well, and they made a little money. Uh-huh, what? Will we consider "my leads"? The man sitting across from the tall man asked.

"My clues... It's hard to say because the studio has put out a lot of high school comedies. I don't know what the directors think, or maybe they just wanted to give it a name," the blonde continued.

They all laughed. As directors, if they are able, their main goal is to explore new genres, which will bring excitement to both them and their fans. But as they develop, the director will not survive after making two more high school comedies.

"Let's talk about ours, shall we? 13th Street, "

A horror movie, ready to be released on the same day as La La Land." The tall man said.

The film they are talking about will be released in April. The sci-fi movie "Hitman," the high school comedy "My Clue," the horror film "Thirteenth Street," and Ian's La La Land are all movies that divert their attention.

"Think about it, our movie was released on the same day as La La Land in April, right?" The tall man asked, and everyone nodded. "Should we postpone it a bit?" He asked further as everyone started looking at each other and started thinking.

"Why?!" The old man, who had been silent, stood up with a loud bang and looked him straight in the eyes.

William was a bit of an impatient man at his age. He was the director who worked with them and was one of the founding members of Zero Media Culture, Inc., which is now trying to make it to the top by outperforming all other competitors. William is now in his 40s but still works harder than ever.

After seeing that his marketing team was not so confident in the upcoming movie, his blood boiled with jealousy, followed by a hint of insecurity.

"Why do you even think '13th Street' won't work? It can, and it will! I'm 120% sure and confident in the film I've made, and I don't see any reason why you guys shouldn't do it" I mean, you guys saw firsthand how our last movie showed! He said angrily, looking at them all the time, expecting an answer.

Since this wasn't the first time he had been carried away by anger, they weren't even the slightest surprised.

"It's not that we're not confident, have you heard of director Ian Renner?" The tall man asked, holding the paper in his hand.

"Yes, little director, I know very well who made "La La Land", so what?" William asked.

His previous hit "Home Alone" came out of nowhere and became a huge hit. It's been many years since anyone has been able to create such a big change in the history of Hollywood. We get it, and we're confident in your work, William. It's just, the postponement date is in our favor in a way, you know. The blonde explained it word by word.

"Yes, I understand, but we can't postpone the date," William shook his head in denial.

"All day, even the attention that preceded it, would go to Reina. There is no doubt about it. La La Land is more motivated than we are in the industry, and it's not because our movies are bad. It's because of who the director is, in fact, I think it's quite skeptical. The short man sitting across from the tall man said as he wrote something on the paper in front of him.

There's nothing strange about it, but it's not normal either. The whole crew knew that he was obsessed with writing, so from the beginning he talked less and wrote more. There are more reasons why he is just an assistant and his qualifications are above the rooftop.

"We can't postpone the release date, the media will think we're affected by this situation, and I can't let that happen." William walked out of the room without saying anything.

He was purely jealous of how well the conversation went. He has been in the industry for so long, and he has never seen such a potential young director. He waited until the conversation during the meeting came out, but his jealousy was more than the peak. However, he did not change his mind, nor did he show a hint of fear.

Walking out of the office, he received a Whatsapp text message, which he immediately opened.

From: Assistant, Joseph

interviews the Los Angeles Herald next

week, Thursday, March 20

at 8 a.m.

@今天, 9:28


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