
IAM websites are known to be the main ones for reviewing every new movie. IAM is a thing that saves money for the common people, letting them know if the movie is garbage or not, and IAM is also a website that brings so many good movies closer to the common people and makes them fall in love.

Out of all the comments, Ian, who has been browsing online sites and comments, found a comment that he liked and pressed "like" along with 5000 other people.

This modern-day version of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream starring an all-star cast and all the wrong people fall in love, gives viewers a deep insight into the various complexities of love.

My first exposure to Scarlett's talent was in a superhero movie called Batman Prequel. I could never have predicted that she would continue to be on the big screen. But she has grace, and the film showcases her wide range of emotional expressions.

Michael Rick is an outspoken, courageous eighth-grader who is delightful. Steven Carell's character will really touch your heartstrings, especially in the very poignant scene where he is standing in his own backyard watching his wife call him and ask him for instructions on how to turn on the water heater, and he can see just an excuse to call him.

With clever dialogue and plenty of dry humor, it's the way to have a fun and light-hearted evening. Highly recommended. You won't be disappointed!5/5 stars.

News of the release of the Avatar trailer is everywhere.

"People are very curious about Avatar. I mean, more than half of the reviews are based on how amazing and good-looking the trailer is. I wouldn't be surprised if Avatar hits a million at the box office in one day. Like, that's how good this movie is. "Nick is talking to Reelin.

Their office is the closest among the others.

"Ian is very smart. The focus has been on crazy stupid love. Then, this attracted more attention. I was really surprised and shocked by these comments," Reelin said, while scrolling down her tablet, which had many comments about the release of the film.

"yes, look at this!"

||The final trailer... But I think this movie couldn't be better. And, it looks fantastic. I can't wait for its release. Ian Renner (Ian Renner) is a very much needed guy in the Hollywood industry because of how much he has done for the industry. And the trailer looks so fresh, and as a film editor, I can't wait to taste the whole movie myself. Really looking forward to it.

"It's not the first time in the industry, you know. Like, there have already been a lot of comments from directors, actors... Ah, the name is getting better and better. However, Avatar... I knew it was going to be special.

"Yes, the movie is fresh. It's like cartoons do exist, but animated films... The technology that we use, it's a very fresh idea. Things are getting better all the time—" Niko said, palms resting on his cheeks. "—can you give me two cups of coffee? plain and chilled. "

Right away," replied the woman on the other end of the intercom.

"Isn't Ian dating? I mean, he's successful in every way. Are there any signs or hints that he is having any affairs?" asked Raelin, looking at Nicol.

"Are you interested?" asked Nick with a smile on his face.

"What? no," she said with a smile. "I'm just curious. Like, he's already succeeded—

" "That's the thing," Nick quickly interrupted her. "He's been successful. Yes. But, according to him, there is more to be done. Have you noticed how original and fresh his ideas are?"

"I've always been grateful to them. "

Exactly. This is just the beginning. He has a lot of plans for this studio, as well as his own career. Being in a relationship can be distracting, and I'm not saying Ian is goal-oriented, but until his career reaches where he wants to go, it's likely that he won't settle down. "

That explains a lot... Then I won't have a chance," Lei Lin wiped away fake tears.

They laughed together, interrupted by their coffee.

"Here you go, here you go. The staff member who brought the coffee said with a smile.

"Thank you, thank

you" "Anyway, what do you think of the script that Ian gave me this morning? He was going to find another director to shoot it, but we can talk about it, right?" Nicol said as he took a sip of his coffee.


"No, dude, I don't like romance and anything like that. But a lot of fans are concerned about the fact that Ian's new movie trailer appears in the film's end credits. Moreover, that movie was a collaboration with Goofy. "

Hmph, what are you talking about?!" the guy in the black coat looked confused.

"Don't tell me you nagged me about being a lovesick puppy without reading the comments,

" "What else can I say-

" "It doesn't even matter. Many people say that Goofy's VFX team did a great job with this film. The trailer says a lot. As far as I know, Goofy's VFX team is one of the best in the world. I mean, every Goofy sausage that has ever been released has a lot to do with VFX and computer effects. "

With your analytical skills, huh?"

both of them are in the analytics department of a company. The occasional break they get is rare. Even while they were going on, the first thing that the "guys" who knew about the trailer wanted to discuss was the new craze that was shining on the heads of Hollywood fans.

"Honestly, it's pretty simple. And, I really hope it's worth the time. It's not like we have the whole weekend off. My cousin kept talking about trailers. "

Alright, man... Let's go to the movies on the weekends. The

other just nodded.

He is a big fan of the movie, mainly because of how the movie escapes the harsh reality.

His job is not easy, all he has to do is spend time analyzing and processing data.

What else can help someone like this but a good movie and popcorn?

Savannah Theatre, Santa Monica, CA.

"It's a bumpy road, by the way," Tracy said on the big screen in front of the audience.


as they joke and argue about the taste of the ice cream, the camera pulls back.

On the sidelines, Robbie leaves his friends behind and watches them enjoy each other's company.

He smiled.

The camera fades out.



"That's great!" another yawned.


"Man, put your hands down, the show isn't over yet!" a man from behind the row shouted at the man.


_ an intense movie plays on the screen _

every pair of eyes turn to the screen. Some are dumbfounded, some are expectant.

"Jack Sully?"

a gruff voice came from the speaker, and the man on the screen opened his eyes.

"I want to talk to you about starting over in a new world," a handsome man in a wheelchair is making his way through the crowd as the phrase is spoken in the background.

"We're making a difference. A

man in a suit is talking.

“...... I told myself I could pass any test..."The

whole story begins to unravel through its exciting scenes. Scenes that Ian thought would attract attention began to play in small clips.

The music is intense and makes the heart beat faster.

“...... You shouldn't be here!" This is Zoe's character.


!" "Man...!" "Look at that...!"

people whispered.

"Goosebumps for God's sake!" the

name from Ian Rainer

Ian appears in a mysterious blue, amplified outside of focus.

"Home Alone

", "Batman: The Mystery of the Movie",

"La La Land"

many people are holding their hands. It's intense. When aliens, fighting, guns, running, roaring... The whole audience stopped when the scene of the wait appeared on the screen in a flash.

"They sent us a message!They can take whatever they want!" the voice narration echoed but was clear.

"We'll send them a message!"

"This... It's all ours!"

the music grew louder and louder.

Finally, Jack's avatar jumped up to one of the dragons, and the dragon carried him away with a loud bang.

The music of "Avatar"


Writer and Director: Ian Rena

Partner: Goofy July


The Avatar movie

screen went black and the lights in the theater went out.

Everyone is in the same place as before, but their minds are "literally" blown away.

This is the first time that a director has introduced one film through the release of another.

Some are already waiting for it, while others are just blown away by it. A nice shock.


People applauded, and some had already started recording a trailer for the end of the movie.

"I can't believe it! Wow!


"Dude... Aliens!OMG!"


Goofy's company, the CEO's office.

"I can't believe this works so well!" Jeff Sanson was talking to his assistant.

The assistant just nodded.

Jeff got up from where he was and walked around the office. The box office numbers for "Crazy Stupid Love" are at their peak.

The public's evaluation of the Avatar trailer has been excellent.

"Sixty-nine, thirty-three... In the top five movies at the box office, the director said that he wanted to have a few words with you tomorrow, do you want to make an appointment?"

Although the directors are different, VFX Group B plays a big role in the film.

However, it's right after the two locations where Crazy Stupid Love is located. But the real deal is when the thriller takes over "Crazy Stupid Love" considering that Goofy is already planning to buy additional screenings for the film.

"Ah, of course. Do it—" he said, looking into the library standing in his office.

He was thinking. "Ian Renner... This is something I should have expected a long time ago. He muttered to himself.

"Watching the man's debut, his thoughts are very..."

His assistant added the sentence.

"Well, original.

Jeff said and smiled at himself.

"Please come in, Scarlett. How's it going?" Ian asked to adjust his chair so that he could face Scarlett directly.

"I've been doing a great job, thank you. The box office numbers for the first forty-eight hours are quite high, so I can say it's a great achievement.

She smiled and applied Juno-style red lipstick.

Ian cleared his throat, noticing her tongue slipping over her lips.

"Well, so what I'm trying to say is... I have another role for you, the lead character of my next movie, and the script will be ready in a week or two,

" "I'm down.

She said right away. Ian frowned, because she answered so crisply, she didn't even think about what kind of character she would be.

But for her, Ian is someone she's been grateful for throughout her career. Judging by where she used to be – crying on the street for just two films because of failed auditions for B-list actresses.

Therefore, she has a lot of respect for him. However, this feeling came to her heart from time to time, and she couldn't let go of her thoughts about Ian.

"What if the story is not good? should you really read it and not rush?"

"You have proven to everyone in the industry that whatever you have in mind is worth executing in a movie, series or any type of entertainment resource. Because that's why I think you're so talented. And, I'll be honest, that's true of any film idea that comes to mind because even though I've said yes, all I'm getting in this industry is more and more career points. So, why not?"

"Even at first I was reluctant to sleep in front of this man, but now... I do not know. She thought to herself.

"I think you're one of the best people in the field," he began, looking at her carefully. "A generous, kind man, but also tough as a nail. If you want something, you grab it and get it, but you're not the murderer. I appreciate that. With a

smirk, Scarlett slowly put her hands on her chest and carefully unbuttoned the top of her neat classic shirt.

"That's my character, but what about my looks?" she sweared, a fine layer of sweat oozing from Ian's forehead.

"I don't think it's an appropriate topic at all," he dodged, making Scarlett grin and take a step closer.

Ian left the table in a chair and Scarlett stood in front of him, her ass touching the hardwood.

"Wouldn't it be more appropriate if I showed you more topics?" she asked seductively, turning on another button.

"You're definitely a classic, Scarlett," Ian said, staring at her as he realized what she wanted to do.

"Because I'm hooking up

?" "Is that what you're trying to do?" he teased.

"I guess I'm that obvious," she admitted, causing Ian to chuckle. "But does it work?"

"You don't know," Ian glanced at his crotch, and Scarlett gasped as her gaze immediately caught up with his.

There was no doubt about the bulge in his pants. "Are you sure

?" "yes, now, how about we do that classic thing?" Scarlett suggested, barely able to suppress the tingling excitement in her heart.

"Which one

?" "You know, the one where the boss and the employee made out at the table?"

In response, Ian finally left his seat and stood in front of her. Without further questions or games, his hand slipped into her hair and his lips occupied hers.

It was everything she could have imagined and more, the way his lips devoured her as she tried her best to respond synchronously, his tongue sneaking into her mouth, exploring it passionately.

"Oh, Scarlett," Ian said as soon as his lips left hers, but only kissed her again between words. "I wonder why did you wait so long

?" "Maybe it's because it's true

?" "So what about we do the classic stuff?"

"Oh yes.

Scarlett bit her lip and hurriedly unbuttoned her shirt before shrugging her shoulders.

Ian followed, taking off his shirt.

His pants were the next thing to be discarded, along with her skirt and then their boots.

As Scarlett reached behind her to untie her underwear, Ian grabbed her tightly.

"Allow me," he said, almost pleadingly.

Scarlett smiled knowingly and told him to do it. Ian was in no hurry, unbuttoning her underwear, slowly peeling the laces off her shoulders, then carefully throwing it away and hanging it on the back of the chair, as if enjoying every moment.

"You're so pretty, Scarlett," he declared, making her blush with pride, and Scarlett was grateful for the recognition.

"Hopefully no one breaks in," Ian joked.

"Hmm... Don't worry," she said with a chuckle.

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